Buy GBE803 Information Technology homework help NMIT
Enterprise Information Communications Technology
Lecturers: Annette Garcia
Vicky Wood
Office: K207
K-Block, Alton Street, Nelson
School of Business and Computer Technology
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
Page 2 of 11 November 2014
Day Class Time Room
Wednesday 19th November 2014 Assessment 1 due 11:55pm via Turnitin
Thursday 11th December 2014 Assessment 2 due 11:55pm via Turnitin
Assessment 1 – 1,000 to 1,500 words or 2 to 3 pages plus appendices if needed
Assessment 2 – Maxim
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um of 20 pages plus bibliography and appendices
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
Page 3 of 11 November 2014
KEY INFORMATION............................................................................................................. 2
OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 4
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................... 4
ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES .................................................................................................. 5
ASSESSMENT GRADING ...................................................................................................... 7
TUTOR CONTACT ................................................................................................................ 7
LATE ASSIGNMENT POLICY ................................................................................................ 8
PLAGIARISM ....................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX 1 – Communications Plan Marking Schedule ................................................... 9
APPENDIX 2 – Funding Communications Strategy Marking Schedule............................. 10
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology is a level 8 New Zealand Qualifications
Authority (NZQA) course.
As specified in the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) level outcomes, a
graduate of a Postgraduate Diploma is able to:
ï‚· Show evidence of advanced knowledge about a specialist field of enquiry or
professional practice.
ï‚· Engage in rigorous intellectual analysis, criticism and problem solving.
The learning outcomes for GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology are:
1. Define and describe the different forms and types of communication, and
evaluate the various technological means by which communication is best
2. Understand the key elements of communication, and demonstrate how
technology may assist in removing the barriers to effective communication.
3. Define the importance of interpersonal and organisational communication in
business and entrepreneurial settings.
4. Critically evaluate a wide range of communication skills and technologies that
have a particular significance and applicability to new businesses and
5. Develop a high-level technology based communications strategy for a small to
medium business enterprise.
The assessments for this course are designed to assess your performance against both
the NZQA level outcomes and the course learning outcomes.
The assessment for GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology is comprised of two
assessments as follows:
1. Communications Plan (Weighting: 30%)
2. Venture Capital Funding Communications Strategy (Weighting: 70%)
To pass GBE803 you must:
1. Achieve a minimum of 50% or C- grade for this course.
2. Students must have attended for not less than 80% of the timetabled class hours in
this course, and other scheduled learning activities relating to the programme.
3. Students must have completed all scheduled course work requirements and
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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The assessment for GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology is comprised of two
pieces of work, to be completed following the workshops.
1. Communications Plan
11:55pm Wednesday 19th November 2014
Appendix 1 – Communications Plan Marking Schedule
1,000 to 1,500 words or 2 to 3 pages, plus appendices
Entrepreneurial businesses need be able to identify all the stakeholders involved with
the business and to manage communications with stakeholders to ensure information
needs are met.
You are required to academically research and discuss key communications planning
concepts and to apply them to a well-known New Zealand business. Suggested
companies are: Spark (ex-Telecom); Trade-Me; The Warehouse; Ezibuy; Hubbards or a
company of your choice.
The topics you will be expected to research, define, reference and apply include:
1. Identifying stakeholder communications requirements
2. Determining information to be communicated, including the strategies for
language, format, content and level of detail
3. Reasons why the information is communicated and how the communications fit
within the business strategies
4. Methods or technologies used to convey the information to the differing
stakeholder groups
5. Communication constraints the business has to work within
All sources must be correctly referenced. The NMIT Learning Support Centre can assist
you with correct references.
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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2. Venture Capital Funding Communications Strategy
Thursday 11th December 2014
Appendix 2 – Funding Communications Strategy Marking Schedule
Maximum of 20 pages, plus bibliography and appendices
Entrepreneurial businesses often have to seek venture capital funding. The processes
to gain such funding include developing an appropriate communications strategy and
presentation of information that meets the requirements of the funding agency.
You are to compile a communications strategy for gaining venture capital funding for
your business. To do so you will need to present a profile of your business and the
specific area or opportunity the funding would be used for. Your communications
strategy will need to cover how you will determine or develop the detailed information
needed, the communications requirements with the providers of the information, the
differing types of communications needed for the differing phases of the funding
process and designs for the technological communication methods.
You must include the following within your strategy;
ï‚· Communication Strategy Purpose
ï‚· Identifies the target funding supplier
ï‚· Specific strategies incorporating technology for each funding phase
ï‚· Mock-up of a printed document to support the main funding proposal meeting.
ï‚· Designs on paper for a web site that would support your entrepreneurial
business and your planned operations.
ï‚· How you will control and manage the communication
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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Course assessments are marked and given a percentage mark out of 100. Course
results are then converted from a percentage to a grade from A+ to E, using the
following grade equivalents table:
Grade Percentage Mark Range Pass/Fail
A+ 90-100% Pass grade
A 85-89% Pass grade
A- 80-84% Pass grade
B+ 75-79% Pass grade
B 70-74% Pass grade
B- 65-69% Pass grade
C+ 60-64% Pass grade
C 55-59% Pass grade
C- 50-54% Pass grade
D 40-49% Fail grade E 0-39%
Students must achieve a minimum of 50% or C- grade to be awarded a passing grade
for this course.
Students must have attended for not less than 80% of the timetabled class hours in this
course, and other scheduled learning activities relating to the programme.
Students must have completed all scheduled course work requirements and
The scheduled contact time for this course is during the workshop.
It is expected that students will remain in contact with the tutor following the
workshop as they undertake the assessment work. As the lecturers are both part-time
tutors they are best contacted via email.
Please see the front cover of this document for the contact details. The tutors are
available for meetings as well if an appointment is arranged.
Answers to all questions regarding the interpretation of the assessment requirements
will be distributed to all students via the course Moodle site.
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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A) All assignments must be handed in by the due date. An assignment handed in after
the due date will incur a penalty unless:
i) Your performance has been affected by factors beyond your control, such as
illness, injury, childbirth or bereavement; and
ii) The Course Co-ordinator has agreed to extend the time for completion of the
B) An assignment handed in after the due date, where an extension of time has not
been granted by the Course Co-ordinator, will incur a penalty of 20% of your total
marks for that assignment for EACH DAY that the office of the School of Applied
Business is open, after the due date.
Students should take care to avoid plagiarism
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the inclusion in your assignment of material copied or closely paraphrased
from someone else’s writings (including textbooks and assignments by other students)
without an explicit indication of the source of the material. It is considered to be
cheating. Although the School encourages discussion amongst students, students who
collaborate should be careful not to plagiarise.
Penalties for plagiarism
NMIT takes a serious view of plagiarism. Even when you are not intending to cheat, it is
clear that submitting someone else’s work or ideas is not evidence of your own
understanding of the material and cannot earn you marks. Penalties for plagiarism can
extend from a zero grade for the assignment plagiarised to imposing an overall
coursework grade of zero in the course concerned.
How to avoid plagiarism
The work and ideas of other people must be acknowledged in your Bibliography in APA
style. Information on this can be found in Emerson, L. (Ed.). (2009). Writing guidelines
for business students. (4th ed.). Southbank, Vic: Thomson Dunmore Press.
This service is designed to identify unreferenced work copied directly from another
source. You may be required to submit assignments or other summative assessments
electronically to facilitate this service.
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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APPENDIX 1 – Communications Plan Marking Schedule
Student Name: ID:
Topic Possible
Introduction 2 50 words
Background and context of the business 0 1 2
Stakeholder Communications Requirements 10 100 words
Identification of five major stakeholders or groups 0 1 2 3
Identification of stakeholder influence 0 1 2 Explain diagram if used
Basis for stakeholder relevance to selected business 0 1 2 3 4 5
Information to be Communicated to Stakeholders 15 300 words
Communication content for each stakeholder/group 0 1 2 3 4 5
Planned communications schedule 0 1
Sources of information content 0 1 2
Planned format and benefit of the format 0 1 2 3 4
Methods for verifying information accuracy 0 1 2 3
Information Reasons and Strategy for the Business 7 150 words
Objectives of the communication for the business 0 1 2 3
Estimated stakeholder need for the communications 0 1
Identification of main business strategies affected by the
0 1 2 3
Technology Strategies for Each Stakeholder or Group 10 200 words
Benefits of communication channels/methods to be used 0 1 2
Urgency, frequency and format of the information
communicated using each channel/method
0 1
Availability and accessibility of the technology to be used 0 1
Ease of use of each channel/method to be used 0 1
Business environmental factors affecting the choice of
technologies for communications
0 1 2 3
Security and confidentiality factors affecting the choice of
technologies for communications
0 1 2
Communications Constraints 3 50 words
Identification of communications constraints 0 1 2
Main strategy for controlling communications 0 1
Delivery 3
Spelling, grammar, presentation and readability 0 1 2 3
Total /50
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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APPENDIX 2 – Funding Communications Strategy Marking Schedule
Student Name: ID:
No. Requirements Marks
1 Cover page and table of contents
ï‚· Title, date prepared, author names and contact details
ï‚· Page numbers
2 Executive summary
ï‚· One page maximum
ï‚· Communication objectives
ï‚· Key advantages of the strategy
3 Introduction
ï‚· Highlights of what the strategy covers and its benefits for gaining funding
4 Communication Strategy Purpose
ï‚· Impact of communications success or failure on the funding process
ï‚· How the strategy ensures efficient and effective information flows
5 Communications Strategy
ï‚· Identifies the target funding supplier
ï‚· Obtaining funding involves multiple phases. For each funding phase define
strategies for:
o Identifying and obtaining the information required
o Ensuring relevance, accuracy and timeliness
o Choosing the communications methods needed
o Internal and external information distribution
o Security and confidentiality of the communications
o Incorporating technology
6 Communications Examples
Mock-ups of two communications examples are needed:
1. A printed document to support the main funding proposal meeting. This should
o Suitable content layouts to enable communication of large amounts of
information including graphical elements
o A high degree of consistency between pages and page sections
o A discussion on how this document would support a formal
presentation. This is an appendix to the example.
2. Designs on paper for a web site that would support your entrepreneurial
business and your planned operations. Assume that the audience of the
proposal document will access your website for supporting and/or background
material. Present:
o At least home, operations, about and contact pages
o A high degree of consistency between the pages and page sections
o Consistency of branding between the web pages and printed proposal
GBE803 Enterprise Information Technology November 2014 – Assessment Outline
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No. Requirements Marks
Both examples should include:
ï‚· Presentation of your business vision and strategies
ï‚· Overview of the specific area or opportunity the funding would be used for
ï‚· The presentation of this information should not be identical in each example.
Take advantage of the mediums.
7 Communications Control and Management
Outline of strategies for controlling and managing the internal and external
communications needed throughout the funding processes.
8 References and appendices
ï‚· Details all material that has been used in your analysis and development
ï‚· Any appendices referred to in your communications strategy
9 Style, Presentation & Referencing
ï‚· Effective Research
ï‚· Correct grammar and spelling
ï‚· Clear structure
ï‚· Consistency & Professionalism of presentation
ï‚· Consistency of in-text and end-of-text referencing
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Solution Preview - NMIT GBE803- Enterprise Information Communications Technology DATE – 20 November 2014 NAME – Amandeep Kaur Gill Introduction EziBuy limited is one of the leading companies in