GEOP8080-Sustainable Urban Regions-Detailed Information on Assessment


You are tasked with writing a project management plan that sets out how you would complete, monitor and evaluate a sustainability plan. This sustainability plan can focus on one or multiple aspects of sustainability (energy, transport, food, urban forests, household practices etc) and be applied to the scale of your choosing (local government, small business, state government, community group, university or non-government organisation). As part of this process you need to address the following elements:
o Draw on the academic literature to define the element(s) of sustainability you are addressing
o Highlight any key equity issues or elements that need to be considered in forming the strategy.
o Explain why a Sustainability Strategy is necessary
o Outline the aims and objectives of the Strategy
o Outline the intended outcomes of the Strategy
o Define the geographical area/business/organisation the Strategy applies to.
o Identify the stakeholders and who will be involved in implementing and
benefiting from the strategy
o Identify how you will ensure the people affected by the strategy are involved in its implementation
o Identify the critical tasks that will need to be done to assist in the implementation of the Strategy
o identify the likely risks effecting strategy completion (e.g. time,resourcing, information gaps, ethical issues, communication?)
o How will you address any potential equity/justice concerns?
o How will you develop strategies to manage these risks/concerns?
o How will you monitor the progress of the strategy against your plan?
o How will you evaluate whether the project outcomes have been achieved?

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Answer ( 1 )

  1. Environmental sustainability is about making responsible decisions on matters that affect the environment to slow down the depletion of natural resources, degradation of our surroundings and thus allow for long term life quality (Riggs, 2018). When left alone, natural environment has a remarkable ability to sustain its viability and care for itself but the speed of this rejuvenation cannot keep up with constant human interruptions and probing that ultimately compromises long term viability and the ability of future generations to enjoy the same natural resources. Environment sustainability is to maintain, preserve and care for the things that societies enjoy about nature.

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