English Literature-Lorna Dee Cervantes-Chicano Poetry Analysis-QUESTIONS

    1) What historical events does the speaker reference in the poem?
    2) The speaker often refers to “they.” Who do you think “they” are? What in the poem lets you know this.
    3) What are some aspects of Chicano culture the speaker feels have been taken away? Use specifics from the poem?
    4) What is the speaker’s overall attitude at the end of the poem?
    5) What is the main type of figurative language the author uses? What is one example of this?
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Answer ( 1 )

  1. The following poem by Lorna Dee Cervantes talks about Chicano culture and how it was taken away from her people. Remember that Chicano people trace their heritage back to the native tribes of Mexico. As you read, think about what you have learned in history classes regarding how native peoples were treated during the colonization of the New World.

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