Key Topics
1- Write a note on Tax return and letter of advice with references to Havard.
Harpreet Kaur
From: Tax Consultants
Date: 30.01.19
Dear Harpreet,
This advisory letter conveys the difficulties arising from your tax issues. This letter notifies, $140,000 is your registered gross salary whereas $ 42,232 is the tax amount hidden. The registered total salary is treated as simple income according to sec 6-5, ITA Act 1997 (Woellner et al 2018). Your tax liabilities can be minimized by, appealing for tax discounts on the concealed tax, from the gross salary.
The details submitted by you also reveals your personal contribution from pension account. To assess your proper income, the pension account value will be treated as deductible amount. The details of profit from the BHP shares sales are also submitted. Since these shares were bought before 20thSeptember 1985 (Woellner et al 2018), they are treated as Pre-CGT assets, hence are exempted from assessment. The MYR shares sales earned losses, hence it will be carried forth until profits are earned from the shares sales.
With this letter you are appealed to retain equilibrium between expenses and income to boost financial situation and increase savings. You have reported of maintaining car for business purpose. You can appeal for 80% deduction on the expenses for car maintenance since they occurred while procuring the income which are being assessed.
Report of renting a property to your daughter has also been submitted. The rent imposed in this context will be general commercial rate since it is rented to relative.
We genuinely expect the advisory note will be helpful in solving your tax matters and awaiting prompt reply.
Thank you.
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Place Your OrderThe official papers dealing with earnings and resulting deduction procured from an individual’s job consists of gross salary and the pension account value of the concerned person. The main part of assessment is the gross earnings according to sec 6-5, ITAA. As per sec 44[1], ITAA1997 (Woellner et al 2018), the bonus enjoyed by the individual are considered as taxable income. As per sec 8-1, ITAA 1997, the consequent expenses are treated for deduction.
The BHP shares were purchased prior to 20th September 1985 and are treated as PRE-CGT assets, hence the profits earned from the sale of those shares will not be included in the tax assessment (Lobach 2018). The losses earned from MYR share sales can be used to maintain equilibrium with the profit gain.
When an individual rents his property to his relative, the charges applied should be general commercial rate (Lobach 2018). The expenditure resulting during this period are considered for deduction. Since the client rented the property to her daughter, general commercial charges should be applied.
The earnings from other sources consists of receipts of exigency compensation. The expenditure occurring due to donations and laundry purpose are subject to deduction (Lobach 2018). The assessment documents include both income and expenses.
Lobach, O., 2018. Principles of Law: Features in the Law of Taxation. NaUKMA Research Papers. Law, 1(0), pp.39-49.
Woellner, R., Barkoczy, S., Murphy, S., Evans, C. and Pinto, D., n.d. Australian Taxation Law 2018.