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1- Write a Report On Environmental Criminal Justice Environmental Criminal Justice (The Progressive Era, Criminal Justice 20thCentury, The War on Drugs) In approx 1500 Words With Reference To The Progressive Era, Criminal Justice 20thCentury, The War on Drugs.
1. The ‘Progressive era’ is essentially a time for social activism that has been the founding rock for the modern American legal, penal and juristic system. Here the matter of assessing the potential impact has been the most effective aspect that has shaped the structure of how America is today and why. The aspect of the Drug laws could be seen as a potential example where the primary aspects have been dealt with the primary principles that have been introduced during the Progressive Era. The practice and the usage of various drugs were mostly unregulated and thus the “Pure Food and Drug Act” of 1906, was the first of its kind on the American soil that has considered the usage of drugs under the leash of Federal Government policies and regulative bounds (Garland, 2017). One could clearly observe the regulative reflection that this act has imparted on the “Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act” of 1970, which was introduced by President Nixon during his Presidential tenure. The reflection could also be seen in the following “Anti-Drug Abuse Acts” in 1986 and 88. The factor then was again the prevention of the abuse of the drug and other similar ecstasy substances that has been going under the legal radar (Jones & Johnstone, 2011). The principles which both of the laws showcase are essentially the reflection of the principles that have been founded during the progressive period.
The aspect of substance legalization has been introduced in the “Pure Food and Drug Act” with the classification of certain drugs that had to be considered addictive or not depending on the nature of ingredients that are present in it. This rationale has manifested itself in the essential legalization of certain drugs as “Marijuana” in certain states of the US as Alabama, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Florida, Hawaii and Mississippi among others (Jones & Johnstone, 2011). The American Drug laws have struck a balance between mass needs and also the mishandling of the substance. Hence, the line of demarcation is bland and inseparable at times. This alludes to the fundamental problem that has been associated with complications regarding drug abuse time and time again in America (unityrehab.com, 2019).
In terms of lasting effect on the American instance, there has been a significant amount of discussion that revolves around the fair regulation of the substances. But the very foundation of the Sates dictates separate statutory authorities, scheduling bodies and substances act that control a separate region. This makes the regulation process more convoluted than it needs to be, but the process of assessing the right laws on the federal level creates a guideline for the states to follow in certain cases as is the fact with the Drug context (Taghogho Agarin, Andrea Trescot & Aniefiok Agarin, 2015). The criminal justice system now holds the aspects of Drug abuse apart from the statutory provisions made under the food regulations. This movement has showcased that the entire US penal system has gone significant transformation as the perception of drugs and the fair usage have been shaped by evolving cases encountered. The effects are liable to change the American criminal justice system in future too as it revolves around the matter of public health and interest.
2. The Drug regulations have been lined on criminal offences which showcase the attitude of the Government against the use and misuse of drugs. These have sparked alternative effects on the whole situation, as-
Increased enforcement: The formation of ‘Drug Enforcement Administration’ has testified to the fact that this imposition of the law requires force. There is a general sense of resistance from the various demographics who support the proliferation of drugs and their usage. If provisions are made on the “Anti-Drug Abuse Acts” now it would change the modern American legal face and would make it more lenient about the domestic drug policies.
General lack of awareness: There has been a general lack of awareness on the various usages of drugs and their impact on the demographic. These estimations require hard evidence to be collected which is a rarity in these scenarios. Excessive penalization could be seen as a potential cause for this occurring (livescience.com, 2019)
1. Police Professionalism is essentially a pillar of the greater Police integrity that is seen across the modern American legal implementation and surveillance process. Police professionalism alongside ‘Ethics', ‘Discretion’ has constituted the foundation of the modern American police guidelines. On the other end of the comprehensive spectrum, the diction of police ethics has been set in accordance with the relation the authorities share with the bigger community. The integrity and the professionalism keeps the authoritative power of the police officer is check and makes sure that the distribution of the law is just and upright for all the affiliated parties including the police and the commoners. It also speaks to the moral index of the officials and all the other matters affiliated to it (Jones & Johnstone, 2011).
Increased accountability: The department of police has always refrained from getting into direct accountability. The American instance is full of it but the effects are not limited to police department alone this fact could be seen also in other sectors as well, like FBI, Homeland Security and other authoritative sectors. But the practice of police professionalism and the standard guidelines makes these barriers go away and makes the person take responsibility for their own actions. The matter of physical damage to the offender is one such issue. The professional aspect has affected the whole model of the operation and that could be stipulated by the fact that in 2008, New York Police Department reported a sum of only 105 firearm discharges only in the suppressive or in defensive situations alone (Embrick, 2015). The number denotes the lowest case points in a whole decade. It also includes 49 discharges in regards to the adversarial conflicting situation and been in that situation only 12 subjects lost their lives and other 18 were gravely injured but survived the condition (Jones & Johnstone, 2011). The accounts have been vividly been reported by the means of visual and other surveillance means. What strikes most in this situation is the matter of accountability the NTPD infers upon itself and this could be seen as an example of the increased professionalism.
Increased work relation: The increment in the factors of public relations there has been part of the new professionalism that the police authorities have showcased in recent times. Here the relation depends on the mutual trust and the integrity that most of the communities feel towards the increased work relation. Here the most comprehensible part of the relation is the sense of equality in terms of race, gender, religion and creed is the baseline. In 2008, Senator Barak Obama has promised a similar ethical factor in his election campaign. The facts and the promises could be seen in fullest effect as there has been a steady decrease of 12.67% in wrongful accusations especially in the black community (Moore et al. 2018). The number might serge depending on the Presidential candidate selection in future but then also the specification would be of the internal ethical biases rather than a professional one.
Comparative understanding: Both of these instances have showcased that the act of police professionalism has worked out for the benefit of the American law enforcement cores. Here the comprehension has to be seen in the light of the decreased number in the estimations that on the other accounts have been taken as granted. The level of communication is a decisive matter that is in play here. The first matter regarding accountability is an isolated example which can or cannot be seen on a national scale. But the latter factor speaks to the sense of accountability which is spread on a wider scale (cato.org, 2019).
The communication setup: The police profession as like any other profession requires good communication skill for the police officials as in some instance discharging the right words diffuses tension and the requirement to use lethal force, to begin with. The lack of training and conceptualization is the issue and thus the recommendation could be utilised.
Responsibility specifications: The officials are to be specified of their individual responsibilities. Here the level of responsibility refers to the social connection that has been specified in most of the instances. America being the home of 12% of the immigrants requires social understanding and boding like none other. Hence this recommendation is also justified (opensocietyfoundations.org, 2019)
2. Additional suggestions could be added in the matters of immediate urgency of guidelines that could be followed by the communities and the state departments in various countries. The combination of these issues is to the greatest in their sectors in creating trust and a sense of bonding that is uncommon.
The implementation of sensitivity programs could be seen as another factor that could help the communities and the officials gain more insight into these sections. The level of commitment is a necessary step that requires mutual trust.
After the global campaign on the war on Drugs America has confronted a number of consequences that has made the Government bodied question the very existence of the act and the unintended consequences that have been brought in its wake. The policies of Nixon have on the other hand fueled the curtailing opportunities in countries like Mexico, Latin America and Africa.
Corruption: The number of corrupted Government officials had used the opportunity to advance their personal gains. The complementation has been set as an independent part of the process that had demanded a level of communicative privileges (Fréchette, Zoratti, & Romano, 2015).
The proliferation of curtailing businesses: The war on drugs have made the curtailing business more potent as a drug, like any other product does not depend on the supply and demand ration that is applicable to other small scale business practices. Even if the main chemical ingredients been prohibited there could be no other option but to localize the production of the end product that would eventually increase the rate of the product and also affect price range for the end-users (Jones et al. 2015). The war on drugs has made the manufacturing of drugs a domestic business scale which was a consequence which could not have been predicted by anyone in the offset of the initiation.
The increased range of awareness that has been generated about the consumption and the use of the product has been the most effective mode of communication that no other Government initiative could have fulfilled.
The number of regulated curtails has also decreased due to the means of extreme prejudices that have been opted during the presidential term of Nixon. These processes have mostly discouraged the application of drug use for the benefit of society (dualdiagnosis.org, 2019)
International implications: The international implication have been seen is permanently on the light of the American context. America, as a nation has been trying to install democratic, polices in countries for many decades and that has affected the country on a negative effect. The War on Drugs could be seen as the reflection on that statement.
Strategy: The strategy would not be the violent extermination of the rackets or the drug facilitators but the preservation of the demographics that has been seen affected by the abuse issues. Similar instances have been seen in Switzerland where a mere controlling and monitoring has made the consumption drop 70% with positive effects (Jones & Johnstone, 2011). Switzerland took it upon themselves to make the changes and also made effective changed on the way drugs are distributed thus they has the support of its own demographic (samhsa.gov, 2019).
The process of systematic prohibition would make matters more strategic and would also help to locate the source of the complication even without the application of any violent means. The Government has to be more incorporative of these policies regarding Drug use and abuse as therein lies the stark demarcation.
Jones M., & Johnstone, P. (2011). History of Criminal Justice. (5th ed.) New York, NY. Routledge. pp. 303-315
Jones M., & Johnstone, P. (2011). History of Criminal Justice. (5th ed.) New York, NY. Routledge. Chapter 12
Jones M., & Johnstone, P. (2011). History of Criminal Justice. (5th ed.) New York, NY. Routledge. pp. 316-336
Jones M., & Johnstone, P. (2011). History of Criminal Justice. (5th ed.) New York, NY. Routledge pp.1–10
Jones M., & Johnstone, P. (2011). History of Criminal Justice. (5th ed.) New York, NY. Routledge, pp. 11–63
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Taghogho Agarin, M., Andrea Trescot, M., & Aniefiok Agarin, M. (2015). Reducing opioid analgesic deaths in America: what health providers can do. Pain physician, 18, E307-E322. Retrieved from: https://www.painphysicianjournal.com/current/pdf?article=MjMxNA%3D%3D&journal=88 [Retrieved on: 16th of October, 2019]
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