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The well-known human service organization (a not-for-profit organization) which has been taken is Save the Children Australia (SCA). This human service organization has been chosen because it works for the welfare and protection of children by providing education to them. This human service organization is working for the welfare of children for more than 90 years. The organization saves the lives of children from disasters and makes a change for the children and their families with the help of long-term developmental programs. The programs are held in 31 countries. The human service organization i.e. Save the Children Australia (SCA) has been taken for this report because being an individual, I wanted to see how the not-for-profit organization works for the welfare of the children across the nation and the globe as they are the future of the country. And particularly this human service organization works for making the better lives of children by educating them. It is very important to safeguard the children around the globe. And this is the major issue that leaves a great impact on people and adversely affects them. So, it is very important to alleviate this issue for the welfare of children and society. ("Save the Children Australia", 2016)
A teacher and the sociologist named Eglantyne Jebb founded the human service organization i.e. Save the Children in 1919. And was earlier known as International Save the Children Fund and the main objective of the organization was to provide food to the children who were starving in Australia. The objective became a controversy at that time. In the first year, the organization generated 400,000 pounds which are equal to the $20 million Australian dollars today. The founder had a very strong and clear vision towards the children’s rights. And she implemented five directives as to the fundamental rights of every single child. And she also lobbied the League of Nations until they embrace these rights in the year 1924. And later the United Nations declared the rights of the child in 1959. The first branch of this human service organization was opened in Melbourne to help with poverty relief for refugees who were affected by the war in Europe. And in the 50 years, many more branches were created for the welfare of children. In 1951 the main motive of this organization was to improve the health and education of children in Australia. The first Australian program included the implementation of the centers of welfare and pre-schools for the children. In 2004, the organization consolidating the state branches into a single organization of Nation and renamed it to Save the Children Australia (SCA). Based on history, the organization continues to expand and reach more children with the help of programs in Australia and other countries. ("Our history - Save the Children Australia", 2016)
SCA is an element of Save the Children International that focuses on children for their welfare globally. SCA was merged with Good Beginning Australia in 2015. GBA provides programs based on early childhood and practical parenting to ensure the best start of life for every single child. The programs are run by the organization in order to reinforce the communities at the local level. ("Our Story | Save the Children International", 2016)
Thus human service organization works in Australia because more than 17% of children comes below the poverty line in Australia. Whereas Australia has great wealth and a high standard of living but still many children find difficult to reach the potential because they don’t get proper education and health care facilities. The programs for parenting support are also offered by the organization in order to minimize the risk of child abuse and also protect the mother and child from the family or domestic violence.
Save the Children Australia encourages the people to apply as the volunteers for the various assignments ranging from short term to long term in the various areas like public policy, social media, marketing, etc. the volunteers are asked to give around 12-15 hours per week with the maximum of 39 hours to the organization. It also offers unpaid internships to the students during their semesters. The volunteers are supposed to work with an experienced member of the SCA. The people who are ready to work for a social cause and for the benefit of children without getting paid for it are eligible to join SCA as a volunteer. The application form is available on the website of the organization; they just have to fill it and attach their resumes with it. ("Useful child protection services - Save the Children Australia", 2016)
The range and scope of services of Save the Children Australia are very wide. As it works for the welfare of the children by providing them quality education and various health care facilities. In 2015, the organization saved more than 180 million children. This shows that the organization is expanding on a large scale and also providing a great range of services to the children for their benefit. The children are the main beneficiaries of this organization. The objective for 2030 is to make sure that every child gets the chance and opportunity to live in a protective and healthy life.
The national office of SCA is located in Melbourne. The 30 national organizations of SCA are working to provide programs in more than 120 countries across the world. The organizations work in order to campaign for the betterment of children. SCA has four offices of advocacy that works for the change in policy in order to benefit and protect children. ("Our Structure | Save the Children International", 2016)
Employees- The organization has more than 1000 staff members who work for the welfare of children. Around 30 of them are highly qualified, and 40 of them have experience in working for the welfare of society. Around 20 of them are not qualified. All of them come from different backgrounds and have different values and ethics, but they work in the organization together in order to raise the children.
Experts- The experts of SCA are highly experienced specialists in handling issues like humanitarian emergencies, asylum seekers, refugees, etc.
Executive team- The executive team has all the qualified and experienced members who lead the employees in order to make a better life for the children.
Board- The members of the board are responsible for giving the direction to ensure that the SCA works to the best of its capability in order to make the better future of the children.
The age of the members is between 16 to 93 years. The members provide invaluable help and support to the organization for the betterment of children's life. In spite of different backgrounds and cultures, the volunteers work in unity for the future of children. These people contribute to the organization without any complaints and demands, and they are treated as a family by the management and by the colleagues.
The organization offers reward in order to retain the employees which offers a great change to the lives of children. The main motive of the organization is to provide fair wages and salaries to the employees. The board of members is responsible for designing the pay structure of the SCA. The committee of remuneration is formed in order to decide the pay for the employees and executives. The committee is held twice a year in order to evaluate the overall performance of the executives. The meeting is attended by chief operating officer, chief executive. HR and the advisor of reward.
The main motive of the organization is to provide fair wages in the sector of charity in order to retain the talented people. The pay policy is: ("Save The Children Employer Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale Australia", 2016)
The members of the staff are paid in the top 25 percent of the wages/salaries in the sector of charity. And the pay is not compared with the other sectors i.e. private and public.
The organization makes sure that the pay is given in order to reward the performance of the employees, and this helps them to remain in the organization.
The members of staff are paid a living wage by meeting the pay standards.
SCA designed the pay policy based on some practices which they have adopted:
Monitoring the latest trends of salary/wages of the sector of charity with the help of surveys. And the range of salary is adjusted annually in order to be in the upper quartile of the sector of charity.
The organization provides an increase in salary/wages to the best employees as compared to weak employees. There was an increase in salary from 0.51% to 3.52% in 2015.
The report of the salary of the organization is being spread as the ratio 4:1 of the dispersion of pay.
The recruitment of staff of SCA is done in the following ways:
Silk road recruiting- The applications are not received through the e-mails, the HR team has enabled the process of showing candidates to managers all over the network. This feature flags the candidate for the attention automatically, and this saves the task of leafing from the various resumes.
Silk road onboarding- This helps the managers to own the process of employee transition, and they get access to the information of employees without contacting the HR team. This helps the managers to know that the employees are up to date or note (Lynch and Buckner?Hayden, 2010). This implementation helps in saving the time as there is no need for scanning and printing the documents.
Volunteers not only help the children of the society, volunteering helps in developing good qualities at an individual level. As the volunteers get a chance to learn and develop the new skills. And this will help them to interact with new people and make new connections. Volunteers get to know about the other issues as well which are adversely affecting the society. The volunteer of Save, the Children Australia, are both skilled and unskilled, but the common thing in them is that they are always ready to work for the better life of children. And they don't get paid for it. The age of volunteers ranges from 16 to 84. And they are the best people as they work whole heartedly. And they don’t have a negative attitude like if they are not getting any pay then why they should work. They just work for the benefit of the children in order to provide them quality education and health facilities. Sometimes, the volunteers have to work in adverse conditions as well. As they have to go in slum areas in order to protect the children. And they themselves get injured sometimes, but they don't complaint and are very enthusiastic towards their work. Volunteers come from across the world in order to support their society and make a better place to live for others and themselves. ("Volunteer Opportunities - Save the Children Australia", 2016)
The Abbotts government budget has a great impact on the SCA’s budget in the both positive and negative way. The government has promised to provide packages for childcare, and this will help this human service organization in a positive way as they can raise their funds for the betterment of children. The benefits are provided to the parents for the children, and this will help the organization as well as they will get the equal contribution from the parents. For example, if the parents would work for 48 hours then they would get the benefit of 72 hours. And if they would work for 49 hours then they would get the benefit of 100 hours. This has been implemented for the benefit of their children. Because of the Abbotts government budget, the budget of the organization is increased, and this helps them to increase their services and activities for the benefit of the children. The Abbotts budget stated that the government would invest in education, health facilities which will give the high returns and will impact the children positively. The government will spend 10% of the aid budget in order to raise the humanitarian needs of the people. This has impacted the SCA in a positive way because they are not alone who are taking for the future of children, the government is also looking after the welfare of the children. ("Budget 2016-17", 2016)
The analytical and critical analysis of Save the Children Australia shows the positive results which are benefiting the children to the great extent. The program of SCA focuses on:
Helps in protecting the children from the sexual, domestic violence.
To make sure that the children must attend the school.
Helps in improving the safety of children.
The programs help in providing support to young people who left the education due to any reason or in connection with the juvenile system.
The main motive of the organization is that the child grows up healthy.
The programs help in creating awareness among children and the communities so that they can prepare themselves for the future disasters.
The organization protects the children who are separated from their families.
The organization protects the children who are exploited.
Therefore, the above-given reasons showed that the SCA is working for the welfare of the children. And this gives the positive evidence of analytical and critical analysis. And the future goal of Save the Children Australia is that not even single child would get exploited and would get better and protective future. The Abbotts government budget also helped the Save the Children Australia to raise more funds in order to help the children and will create a better place for them to live. ("Save the Children International", 2016)
The report stated that Save the Children Australia is doing a great work in order to create a better future for the children. The report stated that how a single lady founded an organization in 1919 and worked hard for the welfare of the children and how the organization provided food and safety to the children who are separated from their families, exploited, etc. the report also stated the present structure of the Save the Children Organization and how the volunteers are contributing for the better future of children. It also showed that what is the pay structure of this human service organization, and the employees are being rewarded and recruited in order to retain in the organization. It also showed the impact of Abbott government budget on a budget of Save the Children Australia.
Therefore the human service organization ( the not-for-profit organization) is working so hard to create a better future for the children. Being an individual, we should also start working for our society in order to make a better place to live for ourselves and for others as well.
Budget 2016-17. (2016). Budget.gov.au. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from http://www.budget.gov.au/
Our history - Save the Children Australia. (2016). Savethechildren.org.au. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from http://www.savethechildren.org.au/about-us/history-and-achievements
Our Story | Save the Children International. (2016). Save the Children International. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from https://www.savethechildren.net/about-us/our-story
Our Structure | Save the Children International. (2016). Save the Children International. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from https://www.savethechildren.net/about-us/our-structure/
Save the Children Australia. (2016). Save the Children Australia. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from https://www.savethechildren.org.au/
Save The Children Employer Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale Australia. (2016). Payscale.com. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from http://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Employer=Save_The_Children/Salary
Save the Children International. (2016). Save the Children International. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from https://www.savethechildren.net/
Useful child protection services - Save the Children Australia. (2016). Savethechildren.org.au. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from http://www.savethechildren.org.au/our-work/the-issues/child-protection/useful-services
Volunteer Opportunities - Save the Children Australia. (2016). Savethechildren.org.au. Retrieved 12 September 2016, from http://www.savethechildren.org.au/take-action/volunteer/available-positions
Lynch, K., & Buckner?Hayden, G. (2010). Reducing the new employee learning curve to improve productivity. Journal of healthcare risk management, 29(3), 22-28.