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This paper aims to discuss the competitive advantage of Intel Corporation by discussing the business details, costs, values and feedback from the manager. AMD and Intel offer the largest and the highest valued semiconductor chip makers in the whole world and supply processors for the manufacturers of computers like Dell, Apple Inc, Lenovo, etc.
Business Details
Business Name Intel Corporation
Business Nature Semiconductors
Chairman’s name Gordon Moore
Date of Consultation
Intel has a unique competitive advantage of the business as it aims to maintain its technology leadership and competitive advantage by combing and optimizing the manufacturing process technology, leading-edge capacity, product design, packaging, and masks in-house. The company aims to set high standards in high-quality clean production and invests heavily in the R&D and manufacturing making it difficult for the rivals to match with the company. The business has another competitive advantage that is not being properly exploited. The company presently is using a 14 nm process technology in the market place and is also focusing on the development of next-generation 10nm process technology which will be used in its products. These advancements with next-generation technology will facilitate the company to advance in areas like performance features, cost, and efficiency. The rival business must respond competitively (Huang, K. F., Dyerson, R., Wu, L. Y., & Harindranath, G., 2015). IBM and NVidia must work on their microdevices in order to gain a competitive advantage. Other companies like EMC Corporation, Microchip system, etc. must respond to the needs of the current customer base and should inculcate the next-generation technology (Pappu, R., & Quester, P. G., 2016).
The customers value the various products and/or services provided by Intel. The customers are provided with the latest technology and next-generation technology. The company utilized advanced technology during product production thereby providing its customers with the Core competency in developing differentiated products such as microprocessors and developing technologies which combine user-led, product-led and market-led features. The business has also put the effort in maximizing the value to the customers. The company has maximized value to their customers by lowering the cost of their products and services as compared to its competitors. Additionally the company aims to build brand loyalty among its customers for a long-term sustainability. The company provides multiple touchpoints for delivering superior customer service. The value to the customers can be increased by keeping the brand product high, providing exceptional customer service and demonstrating the mission statement of the company. The company will also use social network tools so as to allow the customers to be in direct contact with the company.
The business can employ various methods to minimize the costs to itself. Intel operates through the following business segments: Client Computing Group (CCG), Data Center Group (DCG), Internet of Things Group (IoTG), and Software and Services Group (SSG). Each business category is analyzed with their respective expense. This helps the organization to keep track of every expense and to minimize it accordingly.
Company should focus on the Internet of things for providing an edge in the marketplace to the company. Internet of things is considered to be the most important trend which will shape the smart and future world thereby shaping the future of Intel (Whitmore, A., Agarwal, A., & Da Xu, L., 2015).
The student have understood the competitive pressures being faced by the company. The student has been able to analyze the company in the right manner and as elaborated every important aspect of it. The recommendations made by the student are realistic and beneficial for Intel as IoT has been providing a competitive edge to the company from a long time.
Huang, K. F., Dyerson, R., Wu, L. Y., & Harindranath, G. (2015). From temporary competitive advantage to sustainable competitive advantage. British Journal of Management, 26(4), 617-636.
Pappu, R., & Quester, P. G. (2016). How does brand innovativeness affect brand loyalty?. European Journal of Marketing, 50(1/2), 2-28.
Whitmore, A., Agarwal, A., & Da Xu, L. (2015). The Internet of Things—A survey of topics and trends. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(2), 261-274.