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Research agenda impacts leadership and organizations in education on issues that are related to social justice and equity in under-developed countries.
I am particularly interested in extending the knowledge regarding the impacts of leadership and organizations in education on issues that are related to social justice and equity in under-developed countries. I define the environment as social, historical, cultural, political and economic forces that are relevant to the educational arena.
The organizational studies in the field of education usually are seen to focus on issues like leadership, governance, and effectiveness. But according to me, these organizational processes should not be view as an end but they must be seen as a goal of using, generating and disseminating usable knowledge for improving the educational practice beyond and within the educational institutions and their boundaries. My contribution to the educational study comes through the leadership and organizational theory towards the examination of methods that are can be considered as postsecondary institutions impacting the outcomes of the students and the performance of the faculty.
I personally believe that the body of work will be beneficial I examining how environmental forces are being channeled be it intentionally or unintentionally by the faculty and organizational agents as an influence on the educational performance and mission. This will be beneficial in generating findings that are highly relevant to practical application and policy action thereby providing deeper and empirically-based knowledge on factors impacted by the environmental influences. This work will be directly influenced by focusing on the improvement of leadership and organization along with developing the social justice and equitable opportunity for those students and people who are under-served by the institutionalized structures present across the social, economic and political system. My previous scholarship and work were focused on the impact on the higher education on people belonging from the underrepresented ethnic or racial group and those coming from socio-economic backgrounds. As a scholar, I have turned my efforts towards making an impact on societies present around the globe in the dire need and considered under-developed with respect to education. These are concerned with work present in diverse high-need contexts like Northwest China, Malawi, Egypt, Philippines, and Afghanistan, etc. I examined the behavioral and attitudinal impact (Berger, 2000; Berger & Milem, 2000), and conducted various studies which were focused on five dimensions namely collegial, bureaucratic, political, systemic and symbolic and combined them to various organizational environment influencing the development of student outcomes (Berger & Van Thanh, 2004; Berger, 1997b; 2000; 2001; 2002; Williams, Berger & McClendon, 2005). All this research was assisted by my ability to perform as a teacher and a researcher. Given my interest in how the universities and colleges were affected by the students, I felt a compelling responsibility towards studying the nature of the faculty role performance as a critical method of influencing the students. Various research works and investigations have been performed in this field (Milem, Berger & Dey, 2000; Dey, Milem & Berger, 1997; Braxton & Berger, 1999).
An application for a Certificate of Confidentiality after getting approval from the IRB will be filed for specifying all the confidentiality clauses refusing to disclose the information on research participants.
I have conducted various evaluations on the NSF-funded initiatives along with some of the college professors for improvement of the educations in sciences and math and investigate the same market effect forces on the performance by the faculty. These professors agreed to help me with the research.