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Human resource management
Human resource management is considered as a practice and discipline in the field of management of people in an organization. It is a combination of a different area which can be utilized by management in different fields. All these practices and disciplines have gone through a process of error or trial testing and theory building of different concepts by practicing academics and managers. The main forces behind the development and evolution of human resource management have been an especially quest for knowledge, environmental and efficient methods of utilizing and acquiring labor. In this paper, we will study the professional map, Ulrich model and CIPD. Analysis of all these things helps the organizations in efficiently managing their available human resources. The dynamic environment of the organization enforces managers to improve efficiency in the service delivery processes and production by enhancing their ability to utilize the available practices of human resource management (Bratton, 2012). The different methods and techniques of human resource management play an efficient role in improving the production and costs of an organization. The introduction part of this paper is specially designed to provide learners with a piece of efficient information about the development and evolution of human resource management and the method through which it influences the management of an organization. This should be necessary to study before going brief into the paper. Thus, we can conclude that human resource management helps the organization in the efficient management of its available resources so that the objectives of the organization can be fulfilled as per the desired manner.
The HR profession map is known as a suitable framework that is based on extensive research with HR professionals at all stages of their careers and set out what makes great HR. It suggested various ways with which one can significantly enhance their HR competency and also add sustained value to the organization in which it is working now, and in the future. HR professional map determines the greatest standards of professional competence for the organization. It ensures that HR manager performs every task with high-level efficiency (Coetzer, 2016). It recognized every aspect of what effective, and successful HR people do and deliver in their profession. Profession map is specially created to develop products and services that accelerate and support the professional development of individuals. For example, the CIPD map, an online self-assessment tool provides different practical solutions and recommendations to help obtain predetermined professional goals and also support the development of career. The professional map is a combination of different components such as behaviors, professional areas, or brand and transitions. The following are the key behavior components of HR professional map:
All above-mentioned behaviours should follow by HR professions to deliver efficient work outcomes. The importance of all these behaviors for an HR professional are following:
Curious: It is the core behaviour which is required by every professional to achieve successful L&D professional in the 21st century. In the absence of proper knowledge and updates about the prevailing trends and scenarios, it is difficult for every HR profession to get progress in their near future. L&d focus not only on training areas but also other areas of HR which enable an organisation to succeed in future.
Decisive Thinker: Decisive thinking behaviour of HR professionals enhance their ability to understand and analyse available information and data in an efficient manner. In the absence of decisive thinker behaviour, HR professionals are not able to utilize available information and their skills in a structured manner which arises various complexity and confusions in their minds. Thus, it can be said that decisive thinker behavior should be there in HR professionals with which they can gather the required information and can utilize them in a right direction.
Skilled Influencer: It is considered a necessary behaviour for the HR professionals. With the help of skilled influencer, behavior enables them to gain the required commitment from the top executives and seniors of the management. Skilled influence behaviour is necessary is critical for HR professionals because it helps them in the utilization of logical persuasion to support their opinion in front of their seniors. This will help them in being confident while talking with others.
Personally Credible: This behavior of HR professionals helps them in adding value to their performance and can successfully enhance their expertise level in a particular or different fields. It is required to deliver and develop professionalism with which they can bring valuable changes in the environment of organization, peers, and stakeholders. Personally, credible behavior enforces the HR professionals to develop their own as well as another HR capability to fulfil organization needs in a significant manner.
Collaborative: Co-coordinative behavior is very necessary for HR professionals if they want to build and sustain a healthy environment in their organisations. Collaborative behaviour helps them work as per predetermined standards which ensure higher performance. It is also required to deal with a different range of people inside and outside the organization. Collaborative behavior in HR professionals shows their sensitivity and respect for other people of organizations. It is also necessary to formulate an effective team to deliver tasks on the desired schedule.
Driven to Deliver: Driven behaviour of HR professionals is necessary to demonstrate resourcefulness, determination, and purpose to provide the successful outcomes for the organization. With the help of such behaviour skills, they are able to focus more on their own priorities and fulfil them as per agreed standards.
Courage to Challenge: It is the most important skill which should be in an HR profession. Confidence and courage ability of individuals makes them different from others. Courage to challenge behavior is required to show confidence and courage in performing every task of the organization (Harrison, 2015). With the help of such behaviour, HR, professionals can tackle with every unpredicted circumstance and resistance.
Role Model: This behavior of HR professionals make them different from other professionals. The role model behavior of the HR professionals encourages them to lead by example consistently. With the role model behavior skill one behaves in the direction of integrity, independence, legal parameters, impartiality, and balancing proposal. This will provide a depth knowledge of their main values and personal boundaries.
If any HR professional has all such behavioral skills, he should share all these skills with their team members who demonstrate high skills and high performance of their employees and timely fulfillment of every business activity of the team members.
Today HR is typically considered as an internal function of an organization that influences the overall strategies of an organization. Nowadays, it becomes the standard way for big organizations. They manage their service delivery schedule under the circumstances of the Ulrich model. With the help of Ulrich model the organization can arrange its scheduled task in an efficient manner. Ulrich's model helps the professionals in identified four roles such as employee champions, academic experts, change agents, and strategic partners. Ulrich formulated the different models in various years (http://www.apg.pt/downloads/file954_pt.pdf). Ulrich model competencies are different from the CIPD model in the following manner:
Nowadays, there are lots of HR professionals available in different organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the meaning of effective HR professionals. According to Ulrich, a good HR professional is that person who has all the mentioned qualities to manage the overall HR functions in an efficient way. The main focus of Ulrich model is on HR professional’s competency, on the other hand, CIPD mainly focuses on HR professionals behaviours which should be in an HR for performing their tasks efficiently. Ulrich's model demonstrates some competencies which an HR professional must-have. It significantly helps HR professionals in dealing with suitable business themes and creates sustainable value for the organization. These competencies are the following:
Efficient-performing HR professionals can act and think from the outside and inside perspective of the organization. An HR professional who has strategic positioner competency has enough knowledge about the various internal or external business trends and able to implement them into internal actions and decisions. On the other hand, CIPD model describes the behavior which one should have in performing these competencies determined by the Ulrich model (http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/exclusive-the-six-competencies-to-inspire-hr-professionals-for-2012). A strategic positioner HR professional can identify the target segment for an organization and can serve their needs in an effective manner.
Efficient HR professionals are also considered as credible activists. It is because they are able to develop their personal trust through different business acumen. Credible activist competencies of human beings make them successful in their obtaining their career objectives. Credibility comes when HR professionals perform every task as per their promise. This will develop personal relationships with different customers and clients of the organization. On the other hand, personally credible competency of CIPD model only helps the HR professionals in enhancing their personal experience instead of making them credible in the eyes of customers.
As champions of change, HR professionals ensure that independent and isolated actions or organizations are sustained and integrated through disciplined change procedures. Change champion HR professionals can efficiently able to meet the internal change capacity of the organization with the external pace of change (Ulrich, 2013). As per the champion of change, it ensures that every activity happens in a predetermined manner. Apart of it, they manage the change with high sincerity and developing an effective structure of an organization. On the other hand, the CIPD model does not follow such facilities. It only assists in behavior that can be efficient in dealing with different changes in an organization (Bratton, 2012). But, the Ulrich model guides an HR professional at every step while implementing change in an organization.
High-skilled HR professionals have a piece of great knowledge about the history of HR, so they are able to integrate and innovate healthy HR practices with unique solutions to solve a different problem of the organization. But in the case of CIPD model, the HR professionals don't have any knowledge, but they try to develop themselves at the HR level. Adopting the required behavior help them in taking different solutions and developing different HR competencies.
All these competencies are necessary to be an expert professional of HR. It will demonstrate high business performance which is helpful in gaining a large share of the existing market.
After studying all this, it can be concluded that both models are beneficial for the HR professional. It is the responsibility of an HR professional to give more time to learn internal and external environment of the organization. This will provide a deep understanding of the existing business factors which can influence the significant performance of an organization. HR professional should try to build all competencies which are required in an expert HR professional (Purce, 2014). This can be efficiently done by enhancing its significant understanding and innovative skills. Thus, it can be said the existence of all the above-mentioned behavior and competencies enable the HR professionals in gaining long-term success in their future.
Ulrich, D., Younger, J., Brockbank, W. and Ulrich, M.D., 2013. The state of the HR profession. Human Resource Management, 52(3), pp.457-471.
Coetzer, A., Ryan, M.M., Susomrith, P. and Suseno, Y., 2016. Challenges in addressing professional competence expectations in human resource management courses. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources.
colleagues, D., dala, f., & Royce, M. Exclusive: The six competencies to inspire HR professionals for 2012. Hrmagazine.co.uk. Retrieved from http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/article-details/exclusive-the-six-competencies-to-inspire-hr-professionals-for-2012
Retrieved from http://www.apg.pt/downloads/file954_pt.pdf
Harrison, L., 2015. Professionalism in Human Resource Management: Evolution of a Standard. People and Strategy, 38(4), p.9.
Ulrich, D., Younger, J., Brockbank, W. and Ulrich, M.D., 2013. The state of the HR profession. Human Resource Management, 52(3), pp.457-471.
Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67