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Write a research proposal in response to a research brief that will be provided to you through the learning management system for the unit (Blackboard).
The intense competition with the online gaming applications has become very intense, and now it is challenging for companies to increase the number of their application users. Aggressive marketing and effective promotional campaigns are considered as essential strategies which can be used by brands such as Fillin to increase the number of its application users. The gaming industry is growing at a perfect pace, but intense competition and low entry barriers are the major factors which are creating obstacles for businesses such as Fillin in achieving the desired volume of sales and profitability. In the Australian market, the demand for fillin players is increasing because such kind players support in completing the level of the game and enhancing the overall efficiency of the teams. To conduct the study on investigating the need for, and perceptions of, the Fillin app, descriptive design of research will be taken into consideration.
In the present scenario, the use of mobile applications has become very popular among people and individuals. Even gaming apps are prevalent in the market because they engage users and at the same time, these applications keep them entertained. In the year 2016, the revenue generated through mobile application reached $44.8 billion, and it was expected that by the end of the year 2020, the revenue would reach $80.6 billion. However, it can be critically argued that the competition in gaming mobile application market has become highly intense and now it is no longer easy for brands to increase the number of users (Arezina, 2016). The increasing competition has also created obstacles for businesses in terms of attaining desired volume of revenues and profits in the long-run.
Low barriers to entry in the gaming application industry are the key and most important factor which has resulted in increasing the overall degree of competition. The gaming applications developers are also getting adequate support and assistance from brands like Amazon, and this has resulted in making the competition more intense in the industry (Beckers and Pape, 2016). At present, Amazon rents out computing capacity which helps developers to carry out testing of their games on different platforms such as Apple’s App Store, Facebook and Android play store. It can be stated that the app store of Apple is present offering more than 350000 applications and the surprising fact here is that majority of these applications are gaming apps.
Nowadays, gaming applications such as Fillin Australia are finding it very difficult to increase the number of its app users. It can be stated that different types of strategies and actions plans need to be devised and implemented by the game developers to attract the desired number of users. Here, marketing can play a critical role in increasing the awareness of gaming applications and making them accessible in the market (McCauley, Kopanidis and Farrelly, 2016). Marketing is defined as the process in which companies develops and implement different types of plans and strategies to attract customers. Aggressive marketing is an important as it helps in creating awareness among the people in the target market. In addition to this, to sustain in the marketplace, it is also required by companies to conduct in-depth market research to identify the changing need and demands of online gamers. Based on the information collected, effective plans can be developed by the online gaming companies to attract desired customers.
As per the view of Walker, (2017) the growth in digital sales has supported Australia gaming industry to generate $2.958 billion in revenue in the year 2017. The industry has witnessed 4% increase in its revenue in comparison with the revenue generated in the year 2016. It can be expressed that higher growth has supported the gaming app developers to carry out the smooth flow of all operations and activities. On the other side of this, De-Marcos, Garcia-Lopez and Garcia-Cabot, (2016) it can be argued that intense competition within the industry has resulted in creating obstacles for companies in terms of increasing the number of users of their app. The app development companies are now required to carry out effective marketing and promotion of their applications so that they can attract the desired number of customers.
Considering the case of nations such as Australia, people who belong to age group of 15-17 years take more active participation in the activities such as sports and recreation. The rate of participation is approximately 74% of these individuals whereas the adults who are above 65 years of age are less interested in such kind of activities. The rate of adults participating in sports and recreational activities is 47% and it is considered as very low (Participation in Sport and Physical Recreation, Australia, 2013-14).
The participation level of online gamers also differs due to factors such as location and demographic variables. For instance, people living in urban areas and city centers are more interested in downloading different types of gaming applications and playing the same. 78% of the total players in Australia are above the age group of 18 years and adults prefer to play online games for an average period of 12 years. Nowadays, Smartphone and Tablets are considered as the most common devices which are being used by adults to play different games. The individuals are just required to download or install the application of the game which they are looking forward to play.
Applications such as Fillin have become very popular in a nation such as Australia because it helps the online gamers to enhance their overall productivity (Rogerson and Gibbs, 2016). The objective of this application is to make sure that no online team should face issues such as shortage of player. The application supports individuals in getting connected with indoor soccer, basketball and netball teams to find players on urgent basis. The application is beneficial for players because they are not required to provide any commitment for a full season, and at the same time they have the opportunity to play as much as they can.
The need for fill-in players in the industry is increasing because these players save the time of team and help them to complete their level. Teams are now able to get a player of desired skills and competencies by using the concept of fill-in players. The need for fill-in players is also increasing because it has emerged as the most convenient way of finding a player and completing the level in the game (Cunningham et al. 2015). On the other side of this, the perception of applications such as Fillin differs from individual to individual. For instance, some players are using such applications with an objective to play their desired game and support other teams in completing their level. However, it can be critically argued that time pass or boredom is the most common reason because of which the people living in Australia are using such kind of mobile applications (Digital Australia Report, 2016). The use of such applications helps individuals in keeping themselves full engage and deal with boredom in the best possible manner.
On the other side of this, some individuals also perceive such applications as a way of relaxation and de-stress. The adults living in Australia find applications such as Fillin very helpful and effective because it supports positive ageing. The people in Australia also believe that they can increase their mental simulation with the help of such application (Horton, Johnson and Mitchell, 2016). Apart from this, maintaining optimism, encouraging open-mindedness, fighting dementia and increasing mobility are some other perceived benefits associated with the use of applications such as Fillin. As per the view of King et al. (2015) some adults are not at all interested in using such kind of applications and playing games because they have developed negative attitude and perception towards the same. For example, increasing aggressive behavior and social isolation are considered as the negative impact of playing online games.
In games such as netball, Filling players are required at regular intervals because to play the game a team of minimum five players is essential. In situations when teams have less than five members, then they are allowed to start the play, or they are provided with an alternative to play a friendly game which is not preferred by most of the adult gamers. Fillin also needs in case if the team is not having required number of male and female candidate. To play netball, only four male members are allowed in the team (Rogers, Kamm and Weber, 2016). At time of playing social sports, it is required by the teams to make sure that they satisfy the minimum requirement criteria for team and in situations where the criteria are not satisfied, the option of fillin can be taken into consideration. To increase the number of application users, companies such as fillin are required to focus on promoting the benefits associated with playing social sports. For instance, the adults or people above 65 years of age can play social games to deal with issues such as isolation. The social games are considered as highly effective regarding building a friendship.
On the other side of this, it can be critically argued that the social playing games can support individuals in improving their mood (Lancy and Grove, 2017). Enhancement in focus and reduction in the stress level are the other benefits which can be communication to people so that the use of Fillin application can be increased. As per the view of Reuter et al. 2014, the attitude and perception of individuals towards fillin also differs according to the sports. The statement can be justified by the fact that some sports have stringent rules, regulations and they restrict a person to use such kind of applications for playing games and social sports.
Applications like filling are also considered as very effective in terms of enhancing the social interaction of individual. The gamers are able to interact with a variety of people and this result in enhancing the degree of their social interaction (McCauley, Kopanidis and Farrelly, 2016). To boost up the application downloads, companies can focus on building and improve their online presence. Asking users to rate and review is also an effective strategy which can be taken into consideration to increase the number of application users.
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The term research design represents the overall action plan or strategy employed to carry out a research and accomplish its objectives (Vaioleti, 2016). Further, selection of suitable research design also plays a critical role in integrating the different components and elements associated with a study. Apart from this, the role of research design is to assists the researcher in addressing the problem of study in the best possible manner (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). The research design is also considered as a blueprint which is used in processes such as collecting data and carrying out analysis of the same. Exploratory, descriptive, casual, case study, action etc. are considered as some common types of research designs used while carrying out an investigation.
The problem associated with the present study is to related to investigating the need for, and perceptions of, the Fillin app. Therefore, the descriptive design of research will be applied in this research. The rationale behind using this design is that it will help the researcher in describing different elements associated with the study in the best possible manner. The use of descriptive research design will also support in collecting detailed and appropriate information about the topic selected for investigation. For instance, it will support in identifying the overall degree or rate of Australia adults participating in the social sports. The perception and attitude of people in Australia towards Fillin will be also identified with the help of the selected research design.
Nowadays, ethics are considered as the most vital component of a study because they support in differentiating between what is right and what is wrong. In addition to this, the differences between unacceptable and acceptable behavior in the study can be easily determined with the help of ethics (Flick, 2015). To investigate the need for, and perceptions of, the Fillin app, the ethical consideration such as voluntary participation from all the respondents will be encouraged. The researcher will also make sure that no participant is forced or pressurized to take part in the study and provide the required information.
Other than this, ethical consideration such as informed consent from all the respondents will also be managed by the researcher. In the current study, the human will involve or participant by their wish and will. The potential risks associated with the research will be communicated to all the respondents. In the context of ethics in the present study, it can be expressed that the confidentiality of data and individuals participating in the research will be protected by the researcher in every possible manner. The purpose of research, way of doing research and the benefits of study will be also communicated clearly with all the participants.
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