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Write a 700-1,000-word pitch to either a movie or television producer. Your pitch will explain your idea for a new TV or movie program that is based on current market trends. You will need to research what the popular genres are in either movies or television and write your pitch with the intention of selling a story that falls in line with what is currently profitable. Include an analysis discussing how current popular entertainment trends do or do not reflect American cultural values and their influence on social behavior as well.
The TV and movie programs made in America since many years are of many genres, possibly all the genres present today. Following are the genres (Creeber, G. (Ed.). (2015) of these programs:
Romantic comedy
Black comedy
According to a recent survey (Spencer, K. (2014), Comedy and adventure genre came out to be the most selected segments for making programs with almost 50% of the favourability, whereas, Black comedy came out to be the least selected segment.
The above mentioned genres have been popular since the formation of cinema but with the changing audience’s taste today the preferences are also being changed and that’s why new genres are also popping up. As per recent trends, some new types of programs have come up which are being liked by many. Some of them are explained below (Simis, M. J., Yeo, S. K., Rose, K. M., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D. A., Xenos, M. A., & Pope, B. K. (2016):
1. Sci-Fi (Science Fiction): There have been a lot of movies being made with this theme but recently many movies are being made about a central sci-fi concept instead of movies simply using this concept casually. The casual use has also entertained many but typically using it as the main theme shows what this genre is capable of.
2. Anthology: Since anthology involves story with a collection of selected passages therefore it does not bind TV program creators from keeping a storyline going even after it has lost its main content and interest of the viewers. Also it saves TV networks from trouble of marketing
entirely a new show altogether. If audience wants more and more of the same idea but a different story line then this is the best genre to go for.
3. Female superheroes: As there are many comics and shows on superheroes present in the market but none of them focuses or gives importance to the female characters. But with the prevalence of character of Wonder woman in one of the superhero series, creators are coming with more of these in the near future to attract the suitable audiences.
4. Movies to TV Adaptation: This can take place only when there is much to expand with the available source material which can only be done when there is an availability of hours and hours of entire season to fill.
5. Classic horror: With the success of horror movies made on the lines of old method, this genre has amazingly made its place in the market and with the audiences. There has always been some loyal viewers of this genre be it classic or modern version. The classic horror format does not rely on on these modern methods like looking bad, jump scares, etc.
6. Niceness of character as main theme: The niceness and straightforwardness of the main lead also attracts audience as some people like the mentioned attitude and also like soft stories where they don’t have to concentrate much an exercise their brain like in mystery themed stories.
So according to above mentioned famous trends and the new trends coming up, any TV program or movie made on it would obviously garner attention of more and more viewers.
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With the fast moving and visually delighting scenes they attract attention for several hours. These shows and movies are being seen by a large population of different age groups, therefore it has different impact on each of them, their cultural values and even their social behaviour. It could be good on some and negative on others, all depends on how they perceive it. Following are the various impacts (Stone, N. (2016):
Some movies depicting historical events that is giving history lessons to the audience attract them as these are the events which they have only read about in the books or heard from someone. Seeing them on screen fascinates them and educates them about their culture.
Sometimes people act out what they see, especially children. Many superhero movies which fascinate children due to their magical powers makes them to copy the superheroes leading to injuries and death. Even the violent scenes are being copied by them sometimes.
In order to gather a large segment of the audience, filmmakers take the cultural value of that particular section of the society to make a story. These type of movies particularly attract youngsters who relate themselves easily to the characters shown.
Many TV series based on racial minorities and abuse spreads awareness about the situation and their state of living in the country. This provide a fruitful information to viewers and creates awareness accordingly.
So, TV programs and movies shape up the minds and thinking of audience to an extent which could be in a negative or positive way. It solely depends upon them which side they should grasp and rely on.
Creeber, G. (Ed.). (2015). The television genre book. Palgrave Macmillan
Spencer, K. (2014). Film and television scores, 1950-1979: a critical survey by genre. McFarland
Simis, M. J., Yeo, S. K., Rose, K. M., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D. A., Xenos, M. A., & Pope, B. K. (2016). New Media Audiences’ Perceptions of Male and Female Scientists in Two Sci-Fi Movies. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 0270467616636195.
Stone, N. (2016). Small Screen to Big Screen Made-for-TV Movies in American and International Cinemas. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 1-15.