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Human Resource Management
Integrating a new HR Policy within the organization frame is the tough task since to train new & old employees adjust as per policies & update them regularly, still making them part of the organization is a purely HR Responsibility. One needs to make employees understand the implementation of the HR policies & why it's crucial to implement it. While surveying about the HR policies there is a growing support towards the “Ban the Box” legislation by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. On reading in-depth about it, it’s a checkpoint about the employee’s past details, background check & any criminal probability which an employee is requested to fill with honesty. It’s a box & has three set of questions which seeks information from employee outlining any SEC, Felony convicts or any criminal & proceedings with the employee was part of. In case, if the employee says yes & has relevant documents of the court proceedings then suitable actions are taken. And if the employee does not disclose the truth & during a brief background check it comes in the eyes of the employer then it will result in the termination of the employee. Hence ban the box should be taken seriously by the employer & the employee.
Implementation & execution is the main key. Employees while joining the company should be briefed about this policy in details. This may result in new hiring a bit delayed since background checks & verification of civil or criminal proceedings takes time. HR & senior management should decide the consequences of it. If the civil or criminal proceedings are serious then it will lead to termination but if it’s an old case, a license is again renewed & all the court charges are cleared then the employee can be still thought to be accepted. For existing employees acceptance towards the new policy is the main key (Huselid, 2006). Firstly as an HR person, one should brief employees about the importance of the employees in details. Secondly, implementation & verification part should be decided within a specific time line period. This may take time in the full force implementation but it will result in the full faith & trust within the employee’s existence & in the organization.
In an organization it's imperative for any employee or for the employee to work in an ethical environment & keep things transparent. For an employer & for the employee trust & faith is the key to maintaining decorum & coexistence within the same department & harmony in the organization. If a wrongful employee is hired who is legally still bounded by court & there is no verification check, it will result in loss of assets be it in the form of human or materialistically to an organization. An employer or an organization in an exception instance still allows an unskilled employee to be part of the organization. But, keeping a criminal background employee will make other employees lose faith, interest; will create disharmony & ruckus within the organization. Hence ban the box may result in the bit delays during the hiring & recruiting cycles but it will only help an organization in hiring a suitable well educated with the good cultured background to enter in an organization.
It is critically important to have smooth & timely transitions of payrolls & finances. For this, operations, administration & finance department should coordinate & work simultaneously without any barriers or major challenges. The problem lies when there is a miscommunication or lack of clarity in understanding an individual role in a specific department. In order to get into the nitty gritty functioning of various departments, one needs to set properly document work profile responsibility & accountability of the individuals & of the departments (Cascio, 2010). When there is a vague environment with nothing documented or written it results in the disparity & confusion of the roles. Rules& regulations should be same for everyone & all should adhere to it.
For the operations & administration department, we need to document regular attendance records of the employees, guidelines to define specific routine procedures & specific department’s heads should coordinate between the subordinates & the operational/administration discrepancies. The next step will be for the finance department to finalize payrolls after verifying discrepancy errors from the database & throwing back queries to the individual person or with the departments (Wright, 2001). The employment contract defining conditions, role, reporting structure, hours of work should be well balanced & documented. On the basis, the documented employment contract, any discrepancies held in the manner of attendance, process change and hours of work devoted will be directly proportional to the salary paid & working counted days in the system.
A suitable turnaround time should be defined from the time a person is employed in a company, to training period, to allowing a person to complete probation period, salary structure & credited etc. This will help in understanding which department is lagging behind & marking a red alerts emails or issues. An individual from the administrator & operation can timely devise a strategy plan layout for a rollout of an individual person employed to structuring fitting within the scope of the organization.
In order to define roles, responsibilities, accountability of the specific department, of the individual person employed in it, proper training & developments should be conducted. The training module should contain department wise training, procedures to hire, employee exit, individual role contributor in the specific department, process & procedure for an interchange departmental rules should be well defined & within the scope of the company (Cascio, 2011).
Unlawful deduction makes an employee demotivated & loses focus in an organization. Hence employment rules & per wage rules should be pre-decided. It should be uniformly the same & discussed in details before any discrepancies or any unlawful things. The same should be shared with the employees during training & development part. Etically & legally it’s a suitable way to make everything transparent which will only smoothen the transitions, wage-appraisal systems & strength a bond between employer & employee. If they will be bothered by such petty issues on a routine basis, they will not be able to give their 100% to the organization.
HR is an important integral part of the organization. Deciding upon the various factors such as leaves, exit policies, hiring, recruiting, training, development, performance appraisals etc. all are crucial decisions to be taken by HR department for the benefit of each & every individual employee in an organization. The problem arises when there is a huge employee’s strength within an organization & offices are expanding to new cities or making a mark globally.
Implementation of an HRIS to generate, track, process, and report the results of the annual employee performance appraisals will help to take some crucial decisions within a system. Individually tracking information related to each & every employee will be tough to be recorded. Hence an implementation & automatic tracking time of an individual employee will help during performance judgments. By this, HR people can also pre-notify positive or negative feedbacks to an employer & employee to strengthen its base & work in accordance towards the organization goals.
By implementation in this, HR should first increase its strength, divide work allocation among its employees & every new city has a new HR department or coordinator working in the line of the organization rules laid. Among the specific department, one employee can be engaged for the operational issues related to an individual employee than another for training, development, recruiting, hiring part & exit policies implementations. Another employee can be engaged only for deciding the performance appraisals, salary structure, deduction, calculation of salary components etc. Hence initially implementation of HRIS will result in the burden to the HR department & in the future upon streamlining will result in the smooth operations (Gomez-Mejia, 2015).
For the employees, this will benefit in strictly adhering to the specific rules & implementation of the procedures. An individual employee will be free in checking & correcting all its records which saves time, energy & efforts. Also for the superiors keeping a track of such information on a daily & routine basis will make them divert from the mainstream. Hence an organization will smoothly run if it has a strong foundation.
Looking into the ethical & legal perspective of the organization it will result in a transparency, non-favorable & no biasedness for each & every employee employed within any domain of the organization. Since rules & implementation, part needs to be adhered by each & everyone in an organization be it at any levels of the organization or irrespective of the culture, race, religion or gender all will follow same rules. An employer after checking all the relevant records of an individual employee can notify him about positive or negative information related to him. For the employee also in case of any wrongful terminations or deductions can demand records from the department, check, verify it & if required can legally claim the unethical issues in case if it's not covered in the organization frame.
Cascio, W. F. (2010). Managing human resources. New york: McGraw-Hill.
Cascio, W. F. (2011). Costing human resources. , Cincinnati: South-Western Educational Publishing.
Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2015). Managing human resources.
Huselid, M. A., Jackson, S. E., & Schuler, R. S. (2006). Technical and strategic human resources management effectiveness as determinants of firm performance. Academy of Management journal, 40(1), 171-188.
Wright, P. M., Dunford, B. B., & Snell, S. A. (2001). Human resources and the resource based view of the firm. Journal of management, 27(6), 701-721.