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Research Proposal
Topic: To what extent has the development of social media influenced the UK’s consumer behavior (especially the young population)
The advent of new technologies has allowed people to conveniently communicate with others and share their opinion and services to the world. One of the most preferred platforms that have helped everyone in easy outreach is social media. Social media has become an imperative tool for contemporary communication. The recent times have seen extreme growth in social media (Dryer, 2010). Social media has become an integral part of today's organization and impacted the lives of a million of consumers in general. The age group which has witnessed appreciable impact from the growth of the social media is the young people. The young generation has accepted social media more than anything else. The other tools of entertainment such as television and video games seem to be failing the race to lure the young generation, and these are getting replaced by social media. The radio took almost thirty years to reach thirty million listeners while social media took only thirteen years to reach the same number of viewers. Few of the most sought after social media applications are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. By the end of the year 2009, Facebook witnessed more than a hundred million subscribers who reached five hundred million by the end of the year 2010, and most of the users are young generation.
The social media has impacted almost all facets of young consumers, and there are various researches documenting these impacts. The purpose of this research paper is to understand the extent to which the development of social media has influenced the United Kingdom's consumer behavior, especially the young population. Mentioned below are the research questions for the selected topic:
How young consumers involved in the decision-making process?
What differences lie in the marketing activity involving social media contrary to using the mass media?
What are the transformations brought by social media on the various decision-making phases of young consumers?
The literature review section has tried to address the topic by consulting various previous publications from various researchers and reach a certain framework that can guide the further research process. The literature review section has been divided into two areas, namely, understanding the concept of social media, and understanding the relationship between social media and consumer behavior.
The initial phases of the internet saw the users using this technology to reading associated articles and information and involving in online shopping activities. However, the advent of internet technologies has seen a completely new aspect of the ongoing activities. The concurrent users are now able to create content on their own and share it with their friends, families, and public in general without any external support from technical personnel. This advancement of the internet has been denoted as Web 2.0. The Web 2.0 stands for internet services that is of the second generation. It includes various modern applications such as social networking, online encyclopedias, podcasts and much more. From the point of view of most researchers, the Web 2.0 has improved the lifestyle of everyone (Hay, 2009). It has acted as catalysts and revolutionized the way people used to interact with each other. Now the consumers can actively share their views to the other consumers in general and provide easy feedback to the organization operating online or offline. This has provided lots of opportunity to the organizations to receive feedback and grow. In earlier days company used almost to control the way their consumers act and behave while making purchases. Moreover, any wrong consumer based decisions allowed the company enough time to reclaim the gradually losing reputation. Now it has become imperative for the companies to stay in constant touch with their consumer base as a minor mistake can bring adverse impact on their image and that too within an hour. The Web 2.0 has witnessed the advent of social media. This concept allowed the general public with more freedom regarding communicating with their peers and share whatever they want and the way they want, be it video, written or audio in a matter of seconds. The term social media was coined by Chris Shipley, who was the co-founder of Guidewire Group. The concept refers to the tools that help the users communicate and transfer information in a cooperative manner to each other. The term social media is not confined only to the Facebook or Twitter it also refers to wide range communication platforms such as macro or micro blogs, and social bookmarking and others. Social media is, for the most part, characterized as, " Web 2.0 based destinations which unite distinctive individuals in a virtual stage and guarantee a more profound social communication, more grounded group and execution of participation ventures" (Chestnut, 2009).The most often utilized meaning for social media is "online stages that individuals use to communicate their thoughts, encounters, points of view and speak with each other" (Kahraman, 2010). As indicated by Weber (2009), social media is "online situations where individuals with basic interest communicate their thoughts and remarks. This is steady with Goeldner and Ritchie (2009), who express that social media is "online content made by Web clients instead of expert authors and writers and came to by different clients using intelligent innovation. "Further, Hatipo?lu clarifies that online networking makes, "web stages where individuals have contact among them by a method for photos, recordings, and sound documents." At last, the online networking idea is based on "correspondence" and "sharing" (Hatipo?lu, 2009).
Social sharing and individual connections are of extraordinary significance as they can give budgetary backing for business exercises. Amid the previous five years, long range informal communication locales have been the favored correspondence technique for some individuals. Particularly since 2010, the prominence of online networking apparatuses has quickly expanded. Social organizing locales, for example, Facebook, Twitter, sites and wikis, and sight and sound sharing destinations, for example, YouTube and Flickr, have actuated profoundly established change in the correspondence procedure. While sites can be utilized as critical devices for promoting since they give a chance to publicize and offer items, informal communities are known as devices that enable social and monetary systems. Such informal communities are a standout amongst the most vital stamping techniques in media. Informal community locales where a great many individuals meet for all intents and purposes are awesome markets for correspondence and collaboration. Informal organizations are flawless apparatuses for the scattering of promoting messages, making a more extensive item representation and organization (Dunne, Lawlor, and Rowley, 2010). The infiltration of media into the whole society and the expansion in time that purchasers spend on the Web and online networking additionally have sway on business life. Hence, utilization patterns have changed. Purchasers and dealers utilizing magazines, meetings and indexes and such customary apparatuses are supplanted by those shopping on web locales through messages and sharing systems in online networking with no requirement for a physical situation. The important part that online networking plays on the expanded times spent on the Web, and shoppers' takeoff from common shopping situations, can't be disregarded. Online networking apparatuses have transformed into situations where items are offered, opportunities are examined, and brands are commended and condemned (Gürsakal, 2009). Online networking changes customers 'basic leadership process and their purchasing conduct and adds another element to this procedure that can't be controlled by organizations. Online networking influences the shopper and different clients while it is additionally influenced by different clients. Customer practices are separated by online networking. Demographic, mental, socio and situational components that influence shopper conducts inside the general buyer model are additionally legitimate for online networking. Organizations can bear on more powerful online networking promoting exercises by classifying online networking clients by demographic components, for example, age, sexual orientation, instructive level, geological area and occupation/wage level. So also, mental components, for example, learning, inspiration, discernment and identity are amazing highlights that organizations can use amid the online networking advertising process. Socio-social variables, for example, family, mental advising bunch, social class and social variables offer focal points for organizations to separate, find what's more, target online networking promoting as these components decide buyers' utilization of online networking (Constantinides and Stagno, 2011). Customers' fulfillment or disappointment wrote about long range informal communication destinations offer imperative open doors for organizations to foresee the purchasing choices of different buyers. Organizations ought to nearly take after, comprehend and proficiently utilize online networking so as to have a practical rivalry advantage. For this reason, the improvement of systems and strategies particular to online networking situations is vital for the business world.
Methodology lets us know how research has been conducted and how one discovers things one need to and the procedure that will be utilized to pick up the information. It clarifies the explanation behind utilizing certain techniques as a part of the exploration. However, Methods mean the instruments that are utilized as a part of exploration, for example, studies, meetings or perception. It incorporates the data tools that are used to get down to the outcomes. This exploration paper will experience two unmistakable examination techniques:
Primary research
Secondary research
Optional exploration will incorporate counseling all the past related studies to comprehend the relationship, and achieve important conclusions. The significant advantages of doing free exploration are:
Existing data frames a base
It will fill in as a base for further essential exploration
The classifications and components will give foundation about the favored method for companies to structure the world.
In any case, this strategy has certain constraints as we found in the examination of an exploration paper already. The majority of the papers said in the writing audit done before, need specificity or does not precisely address the topic of concern. Additionally, most papers were from an alternate period, so it may be conceivable that circumstances have changed a considerable measure after that period. The presentation of new era representatives with an alternate arrangement of societies may affect the study, that is not thought about in a large portion of the studies, and, in this way, the inclusiveness of any of those examination thinks about can't be affirmed. The auxiliary examination was done – few amid writing audit – and up and coming surveys will help to our paper. Be that as it may, because of the current impediments of auxiliary research, this paper likewise concentrates on the accumulation of essential information. Study Technique will assemble special data that is not accessible from different sources. It will help in getting to institutionalized estimation, as same data will be gathered from each respondent. The review information will go about as a supplement to existing information from optional assets.
Survey Design: Our overview configuration will be cross-sectional. Gathering of cross-sectional information was encouraged from a specimen that spoke to the considerable populace. In this way, this will give us the reasonable thought to judge entire business all through the world.
Survey Model: Our overview technique is chosen taking into account seven basic components. They are populace, elements of the test, inquiry arranged, question subtopics, reaction is taken from respondents, and expense brought about, and expected time. Including every one of these components will help us pick what is best for our examination.
Population: Our populace is substantial – focusing on all commercial enterprises all in all, without segregating by demographics and industry – and utilized in different businesses. Along these lines, we will utilize the arbitrary examining system to pick our example for information accumulation.
Types of Inquiry: Examination address that is to be replied through this exploration will oblige answers to a set of different decision addresses that will be sent to different applicants.
Question Subject: All the inquiries will attempt to know the responses to the initial segment of every one of the three inquiries and components – through different decision questions.
Response rate: Our examination will distinguish the reaction rate to any survey of our specimen and in light of that will attempt to send just to those number of respondents from where the answer can be normal.
Cost: Cost brought about in this technique will be insignificant as we will send messages and to our respondents to assemble the information. This will spare our time and cash, and alongside that, it will give respondents enough opportunity to answer the poll according to their benefit.
Time: This strategy will take no less than a week as a social affair, and assemblage of information will take some time. Clearly every one of the respondents won't reply inside a solitary day, and some may take even a week to answer.
There are different techniques to gather information in Overview Outline Procedure. We picked two of them – Mail and The Web – and disposed of the rest –Personal Meeting and Phone – as a result of specific confinements.
Reason we disperse question paper through sends and put an online overview through web because:
These techniques are low on expense
No additional collaboration is required to handle the information gathering and should be possible by even few colleague
Helps access even those populaces that can't be gotten to through something else, even to global populaces
Gives opportunity to counsel others while noting the inquiries.
Reduces time actualizing the procedure
Web overviews can detail complex skip designs in programming
However these two strategies have certain confinement that ought not to be overlooked:
Good test is constantly required for the overview reason
Incentives are required to make respondents fill the survey
Data gathering period backs off
While delegate tests get hard to concentrate on web studies, however as our exploration test is expansive, this confinement won't be a limitation
Reasons why we disregarded phone and individual meeting choices for information accumulation:
Expense brought about in directing particular meeting will be exorbitant
Information gathering period will extensive
Need to choose legitimate fair master questioners
Telephonic meeting:
Those respondents can be left whose phone numbers are not accessible or the individuals who don't brandish phone associations.
Imperatives according to protracted polls are concerned
A survey has been given toward the end of the report, taken from a think-tank (Qualtrics) arranged by Scott Smith. Additionally, the past examination papers of the different specialists will be alluded to comprehend what has been accomplished for this subject and what understanding can be picked up from those papers to enhance the present theme of study. Those examination papers will control in creating appropriate exploration addresses and related theories.
Data Analyses Tool:
We will utilize connection and relapse to think of the required relationship between's various variables. Likewise, information rundown will help us comprehend the information in the light of gathered poll. With the end goal of relapse and connection, MS Excel will be utilized. Likewise, to improve understanding, information examination pack "r" will likewise be utilized.
Data Analysis
As I will be utilizing subjective information, I will need to institutionalize my discoveries. When I have taken after the proper moral methodology I mean to keep voice recordings of the interviews. For my subjective discoveries I mean to integrate key focuses with existing writing distinguishing patterns amongst both firms empowering me to make examinations of the commercial enterprises. To institutionalize information I will need to deliver scales and classify my discoveries. (Bazeley, 2013: 126) "Codes are utilized to center and create thoughts." This permits me to look into the discoveries, and I would take a comparative methodology from my polls, maybe I could break down the information from the surveys by showing results in realistic configuration to obviously show the most prominent attributes. To guarantee my examination is kept brief I would need to choose key focuses from the discoveries in the meetings and maybe define a spreadsheet. Amongst my information examination, I plan to cross reference contemporary discoveries with existing writing, for instance by talking about how existing supervisors approach examinations I will have the capacity to investigate this in connection to the work of (Cuddy et al) or (Longeneker) (case is in agreement to my writing audit). This is the kind of information examination which would help me to answer my exploration questions; nonetheless, obviously I will require guaranteeing institutionalization to guarantee my discoveries are objective.
There is a scope of moral issues that I am prone to experience inside my examination thus these issues must be tended to keep any either mental or physical damage to members. I expect to be as straightforward as could reasonably be expected with the administrators clarifying the full thinking to my exploration. Some may contend that request qualities may emerge as an outcome of this; in any case, I trust that directors knowing the points of my study will advantage their answers and they will give more profundity. No double-dealing would be required for administrators, and I could be straightforward with the polls expressing the full points of the study, maybe with changed wording to keep any members playing up to the study. To begin with I would create an assent structure and before the meeting happens to guarantee this is marked and the member is cheerful to participate. All through my study I should accentuate the member's right to pull back whenever. As I will be intensely dependent on the nature of meetings, it is imperative that I secure video recordings thus it is pivotal to increase further assent, (McBurney, White, 2010: 53) "must acquire educated assent from examination members earlier to recording their voices." Unmistakably my ethnography would fall flat on morals on the off chance that I didn't tail this system thus it is basic to do as such.
Bazeley, P., (2013), Qualitative data analysis: Practical strategies. London, Sage, Page 126
Constantinides, E. & Stagno, M. Z. (2011). The potential of the Social Media As Instruments of Higher Education Marketing: A Segmentation Study. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 21 (1): 7-24.
Cuddy, Amy J.C., Kohut, Matthew, Neffinger, John, Jul/Aug 2013, Connect then lead, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 91, Issue 7/8, Pages 54-61.
Dryer, R.L. (2010), Advising Your Clients (and You!) in the New World of Social Media: What Every Lawyer Should Know About Twitter,Facebook, Youtube, & Wikis, Utah Bar Journal, 3(23):16-21.
Dunne, A. Lawlor, M.A.& Rowley, J. (2010). Young People’s Use of Online Social Networking Sites – A Uses and Gratifications Perspective. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 1(4): 46-58.
Goeldner C. Ritchie, J. (2009) . Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies, John Wiley&Sons, Inc, New Jersey.
Goeldner C. Ritchie, J. (2009) . Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies, John Wiley&Sons, Inc, New Jersey.
Gürsakal, N. (2009) . Sosyal A? Analizi, Dora Yay?nc?l?k. Bursa
Hatipo?lu H.B. (2009) . Sosyal Medya ve Ticaret Hayat?na Etkileri, Online: http://www.cio- club.net/Makaleler/PDF/E-Ticaret,(25.07.2011)
Kahraman, M. (2010) . Sosyal Medya 101, Mediacat, 1.Bask?. ?stanbul.
Longeneker, CO, 2011, ‘How the BEST motivate workers’, Industrial Management, 53, 1, pp 8-13, Business Source Alumni Edition, EBSCOhost, .
McBurney D, White TL. (2010) Research methods, United Kingdom, Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, Page 53
Weber, M. (2009) . Marketing To The Social Web: How Digital Customer Communities Build Your Business, Second Edition John Willey&Sons Inc, New Jersey.