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Reaction Paper(Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi (1943)
For this video ,please write three pages reaction paper.
(Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi (1943)
It was a great pleasure to watch this short cartoon movie because asthe entire cartoon characters have shown a lively personality. During the movie, there are various joyful scenes which helped me watch this video. But in the middle of the movie, there is an instance which scared me, and that is the devil which was named as a democracy. I like Germany and it is funny the way it has been depicted.She was fat and funny which makes the whole story very interesting. I liked the representation of Prince in the film. This film is very different from the other cartoon films as it was made to convey the message which was based on the contemporary conflicts going on in Germany and other countries.
The message sent to the audience was deep. The cartoon films are considered very simple, fun and animated. This short film was complicated with great amount of message in it along with being funny and interesting. This film shows us various interesting scenes and deserves lot of appreciation. The diegetic sound utilized by the director of the film was also very lovely, clear and smooth.
The characterization of Germany in the film is shown for a short time, but the presence of Germany can be felt in every moment of the film because she is the main reason behind the attractiveness of the film. The director utilized great alignment because I liked the way images are displayed in the film where Germany was lying, and Devil was going to attack her. Apart from it, I liked the entry style of Prince and the way he saved Germany from the Devil. One of the pleasant scenes of the movie was when Prince awoke Germany by giving a kiss. This makes the event so romantic and attractive.
The attractiveness and interest saved me from getting bored along with the way real situations and messages have been shown. The film was attractive and pleasant because there was strong hold in this film. Germany involves in fighting with the Prince and that moment of the film shown for a long time. The background and the other interesting things that have been utilized in the film are different as compared to the other contemporary sensitive situation based films. Apart from this the film also represented a story of a teacher which draws various interesting animals on the board and looks very aggressive.
The happiest moment of this scene was when the drawn animals become alive and running behind each other. Apart from this the director of the film also inserted various other live characters in the movie to make it interesting and attractive. All this helped the director in maintaining a fluidity and flow of the film, and animation represented in the film looked to be artistic. The main attractive thing shown in the film that attracted my attention was the way in which the director of the movie expressed the movements and expressions of characters like Germany. I was very happy to see the expressions and reactions that Germany was giving and the way that Devil was killed by the Prince.
I appreciated a lot the way Nazi has been represented through characters in the film. I appreciate it and personally feel that it is not an easy task for anyone to make a character whose move and make him lively on the screen. A person like Devil is very complex to move and make him with necessary story line behind it. It is also complex to develop such characters and formation with multitude background colors, depth, and animation. The clarity of sound and attractiveness of characters make this movie more successful and interesting.
While watching the film, I saw lots of happiest characters such as Germany. She is the representation of Germany. In this movie character shown by the director feels very realistic. I mostly liked that part of the film in which Prince and Germany fighting with each other and Prince taking revenge my sitting her on his horse.
I appreciate the efforts and I feel that he is has developed this film in an efficient manner which cannot be easily done by others.
Link of Film