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Explain the reasons for the cultural strength of tea as a product in the Irish market. Examine the different levels of cultural meaning through which Diet Coke is attacking the hot beverage market. What are the problems facing Coca-Cola in this approach? Relate to existing theory.
Why do none of the ads feature a woman drinking a Diet Coke? Why does the ad feature a man drinking Diet Coke?
To what extent does the Diet Coke campaign reflect a change in social values in the Irish market, in particular, and Europe in general? What are the main forces driving this change?
If Diet Coke were to undertake a similar campaign in Malta, what would be the primary cultural barriers to its acceptance? Would the approach adopted by Diet Coke in developing its own cultural location in Ireland, succeed in Malta?
Explain the reasons for the cultural strength of tea as a product in the Irish market. Examine the different levels of cultural meaning through which Diet Coke is attacking the hot beverage market. What are the problems facing Coca-Cola in this approach? Relate to existing theory.
Ireland is considered as one of the biggest per capita consumers of tea across the world. It is significantly similar to the culture of UK. The culture of Irish team is a combination of different elements such as citizens of Ireland usually, prefer tea with sugar or milk and is little stronger or spicier than the traditional English Blend (Islam, 2013). There are various reasons for the cultural strength of tea in the Irish market, some of them are given below:
Tea is considered as a household task for Irish people. It is the first priority of Irish citizens.
Tea is considered as a ground in order to welcome people. Offering a cup of tea is considered the backbone of the Irish hospitality.
As per the culture of Irish, tea is considered as the main source of their comfort which gives the feeling of relaxation and comfort to them. It is considered the symbol of their hospitality services.
All these reasons make tea very popular among the Irish people. Having a cup of tea gives large satisfaction to the Irish people (Solomon, 2014). Thus, it can be said that there is a strong relationship between the demand for the tea and satisfaction level of people.
The culture of every country is different from others. Diet cock achieved high growth in the market of the Ireland. It places itself in the eyes of customers.
It satisfies the different levels of cultural meaning which are given below:
National cultural level: It is a type of culture that deals with the awareness of cultural patterns and dynamics by nationality. As per the given case, it can be said that the diet coke placed itself in national cultural level in an efficient manner. This will give the opportunity to the organization to continue to enhance its sale by providing large satisfaction to customers of the nation. With the diet coke, the organization is able to build international outsourcing relationships which will be helpful in capturing the other potential market of the different countries.
It mainly attracts the market share of the different products that are outside the traditional fuzzy soft drinks market. This will be helpful in placing a significant position and minimize the market share of tea. In Ireland, tea is considered to be the most desirable social drinks, and it is necessary for the Coke diet to create a better plan with better quality.
The management of the Coca-Cola faced various problems in marketing of the diet coke. It is because the Irish culture demands tea rather than any other soft drink or diet drink because it gives them a feeling of comfort and they gets attracted towards tea. The major problem faced by Coca-Cola is sexuality. It means that the Coca-Cola does not include women in the advertisement of Diet coke. This influences the population in a large context. Due to this, women are not attracted towards the diet coke, and they do not like to use it. On the other hand, creating demand for soft drinks is being considered very difficult for the organization. But, in the USA, the sale of the diet coke is much higher than the sale in Ireland which further brings a challenge in front of the organization to establish diet coke in the Irish market. The Usage of porter five forces model or the PESTEL analysis will help the organization to analyze its internal or external factors in an efficient manner. This will help the organization in creating market demands for its product. With the help of Porter analysis, the organization can significantly measure the demand and behavior of competitors as well as customers who will be further utilized in developing an appropriate strategy for product development and promotion of the diet coke in the target market of the Ireland or the other country (Dahl, 2014). The organization can resolve its all problems by using appropriate promotion strategy and adding attractive features in order to promote diet coke. This might prove helpful in attracting people in large context.
Why do none of the ads feature a woman drinking a Diet Coke? Why does the ad feature a man drinking Diet Coke?
It can be said that every organization prefers males for advertisements of their soft drinks. They don't prefer females for the advertisement. There can be several reasons behind it. The first and the foremost reason behind it can be that the soft drink which is advertised by women is not suitable for the health of women (Wilson, 2012). If a woman is doing an ad for a soft drink, it means that it is healthy for both women and men. On the other hand, it is also considered that advertisement of soft drinks by women may be against the culture of their religion which influences the sale in a larger context. Furthermore, Coco-cola knows the facts that drinking diet coke may harm the body of females. Diet coke is made up of such ingredients like the presence sugar in large quantity, and this may increase the weight of females. It is the main reason behind for which females are not being selected in order to promote the product further (Deans, 2016). Today, females are more concerned about their health, and they prefer those products which help them in losing weight. The artificial diet soda is considered so sweet that dulls the senses of women and also enhances the level of fat which may bring various diseases like diabetes. The absence of women in advertisements of diet coke gives a significant message that it is useful only for men not for women (Hodel, 2013). Apart of this, the organization using women in advertisements only if the proposed product is suitable for the men and the women. Consumption of diet coke by women may enhance the risk of heart diseases and the diabetic stroke. So, it can be said that females are not preferred in order to advertise the diet coke.
Males are proven as a good advertisement source for the companies which produces diet coke. It is because they produced such things by concerning the tastes and preferences of the men. Drinking diet coke is considered as the first priority of youth, or the middle age boys. All this is because drinking diet coke gives them huge satisfaction with which they can enjoy their life in a significant manner (Wonderlich-Tierney, 2013). Diet coke manufactured with such ingredients which provide benefits to the health. It is the main reason behind choosing men for promoting the diet coke in their potential market. With the help of diet coke advertisement, the organization is able to deliver their messages to the targeted audience. further, Advertisements of diet coke by men conclude that it is very beneficial for the men and they can consume it to enhance their energy level and perform day to day tasks with high energy. On the other hand, it can be said that men contribute a large proportion of the population. In that case, men can easily attract a large number of population. Enhancement in consumers can only be possible if the advertisements take place on a large scale and men are being considered as the efficient way to fulfill this motive. Furthermore, utilization of diet coke makes them cool and energetic in their life. By doing so, the organizations can attract a large number of customers whether they are men or the women (Pelletier, 2014). On the other hand, men are also considered more responsible, and they have freedom to perform functions according to their wish. Due to this reason, most of the functioning organizations only prefer men for advertisements of different types of drinks. Thus, it can be said that men and women both are important at their place, but they help the organizations in delivering their message to a large number of people in a significant manner.
To what extent does the Diet Coke campaign reflect a change in social values in the Irish market, in particular, and Europe in general? What are the main forces driving this change?
The diet of Irish is being considered similar to the Northern European nations. Diet coke campaign changes the social values of Irish in a significant manner. It changes their overall food culture. The main tradition of Irish people was drinking tea at most of the times in a single day. Tea is considered as their tradition which gives them huge satisfaction and comfort. The introduction of diet coke changes the overall preference of the people (Reamer, 2013). It replaces the tea. Generally, it is considered the first priority of young generation of Ireland. It is because they spent their huge time out of their houses and diet coke gives them large satisfaction as given by the tea. Due to this, the citizens of Ireland prefers diet coke first as compared to tea. Now, it gives them such satisfaction which is not given by the other drinking item like tea. The below mentioned are some forces which bring change in the culture of Ireland:
Taste of Irish: Taste and Preferences are considered the big factor of driving change. With the passage of time, taste of people being changed which popularizes the demand for diet coke in the eyes of Irish. Diet coke plays an important role in fulfilling the demands and preferences of Irish citizens.
The growing trend of "Out of Home" consumption: Most of the population of Ireland is working, and they spent most of their time out of their homes. This influences their preferences and demands in a greater manner. During 2002, more than 35% population of Ireland spent on drink and food who were living far from their places (Webb, 2014). Due to this, they don't like to drink tea, but they want to change themselves as per the current trends prevailing in the young generation.
On the other hand, the most important force which brings change is sexuality. Coca-Cola prefers only men to advertise the diet coke in their potential market. This will change the perception of women towards the consumption of diet coke.
Another force which brings change in the culture of Irish is the young people who prefer coffee more than tea when they grow older. It can be said that the 15-25 age group people don't like to consume tea as their parents do (Mahon, 2016). They like to do such activities which are done by their friends and the higher class people. They mostly like to consume fruit juice, soft drink products, and mineral water. All these things enhance the demand of diet coke in the soft drink market in the Ireland. This force influences the tea market in Ireland in a negative manner, and the soft drink market in a positive manner.
Another important force in order to bring change in culture is the promotion of diet coke. Promotion is considered as an efficient tool for attracting a large number of people (Fullan, 2014). Coca-Cola utilizes the efficient market promotion strategies to attract a large number of customers in Ireland. Such marketing activities attract the mind of consumers directly. Due to it, aggressive marketing strategies are being considered as the main force which derives significant changes in the present culture of the country. The success of marketing approach can be judged by the success of Lyons tea during 1997 (Graham, 2013). On the basis of its marketing strategies, the organization successfully positions itself as the number one grocery brand of the Ireland.
Apart from the Irish culture, diet coke also influences the European culture. Europe is known for the western cuisine. It is the first priority of European people in order to consume cuisine. But, diet coke replaced it and became the first priority on the basis of tastes and marketing strategy. It positioned itself by its different promotion strategies or the quality (van Riper, 2012). Thus, it can be said that diet coke plays an important role in changing the culture of Ireland as well as the culture of Europe.
If Diet Coke were to undertake a similar campaign in Malta, what would be the primary cultural barriers to its acceptance? Would the approach adopted by Diet Coke in developing its own cultural location in Ireland, succeed in Malta?
Yes, the Maltese people love beverages in a great manner. The beverages of Malta are considered as the relationship between the civilizations who occupied the Maltese Islands or the Islanders. The taste of beverages gives them huge satisfaction by providing an eclectic mix of Mediterranean cooking (George Grech, 2015). Coca-Cola performs various efforts to establish itself in the Malta market. It launches a campaign which is known as Diet Coke Applause, it provides the participants a chance to win the various prizes related to fashion, health, and beauty. During the establishment of its campaign, it faces various cultural barriers. On the other hand, to get the success, it also involved women in order to promote diet coke in Malta. This will have a positive influence on the thinking of the women and others as well. The following can be the primary cultural barriers for the establishment of diet coke in Malta market:
Different religions: Due to the difference in religions of Malta people, Coca-Cola can fail in establishing its product in Malta market. Most of the people are there who follow all rules and regulations of their religions (Colson, 2016). Such type of persons does not like to consume diet coke because it may be against their religions. Due to this, they restrain from the consumption of diet coke. This will ultimately reduce the sale of diet coke, and the organization will feel the requirement to exit the market.
Highly based on religion: In Malta, most of the people follow their religion rules and regulations in a larger manner, and this is the primary barrier for the organization to create demand of its product among different person.
Taste and preferences: As the Malta people like only the taste of their cuisines. In such situation, it may be possible that they don't like the taste of diet coke. This will influence the sale of diet coke in a larger extent. Furthermore, the preferences of consumers are considered the first priority of every organization. But, due to the high attachment with traditional cuisine products, they will not like any other product at its place (Barbara, 2013).
Lifestyle and Income: It is being considered as the most important factor which significantly works as the cultural barrier in the establishment of diet coke in Malta market. Income level and lifestyle of Maltese is slow than the other countries. Due to this, the organization cannot sell diet coke at high prices. On the other hand, they mostly like to purchase only the traditional cuisine and at the low price which ultimately influence the market of diet coke in Malta (Grech, 2016).
Thus, it can be said that all the above-mentioned barrier influences the market of diet coke in Malta effectively. Promotion and other attractive strategies of the organization can become successful in achieving the confidence of people (Pace-Asciak, 2013).
Yes, it can be said that the approach adopted by the Coca-Cola to capture the market of Ireland can become successful in Malta. But, it can be possible up to a certain extent only. It is because most of the Maltese are highly attached with their religions, and they don't like to go against their traditions and culture. But, approximate 70% of people are such who are not attached to religion; they want to change themselves as per the changes in trends and culture (Zammit, 2012). So, the diet coke can establish in Malta by the same approach as followed in Ireland. Promotion and its marketing strategies will attract the young mind of customers, and they become excited to utilize their day to day life. It can be said that Coca-Cola achieves success due to its brand image. On the other hand, it can be said that brand image of the organization is able to establish a new community for its product. Its brand influences their lifestyle, attitude and personal behavior in greater extent. Marketing strategies and promotion are such efficient tools which can provide great success to an organization in its life. In the same way, by utilizing attractive marketing strategies, the organization can successfully create the demand for diet coke (McKenzie, 2016). Thus, it can be said that promotion and marketing strategies can be helpful for the organization to fulfill its predetermined objectives and can easily capture a larger size of the market.
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