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Relationship between the Research Process and Development of Evidence for Practice
This report covers external & internal resources surrounding research work conducted. The core emphasis lies in the strategy planned & involved in key analyzing research work, design, skills & development of the thesis. We did emphasis on the research & core studies related to awareness issues. In particular, we summarized our findings into the doing a core research after surveying experts , understanding the methodology they use, designing thesis, how there is dependency relationship between research & development & complexities involved. There are various steps involved in the finding a evidence in research the first step is to gather data & findings, collate into a summarizing part, find online research articles who could throw more light on the same topic, understanding of articles & critically evaluating the nitty-gritty of the research articles used & final step is to do an audit of the conclusion drawn. The results of our findings are our collaborative researched work processes. We also did the sampling of 20 independent unknown people & interviewed them to draw synopsis of our research work. We interrogated various methodologies to find our facts & collate them.
There are different types of evidence & levels and finding an accurate one is a task. To find one we need gather data, do data mining then we need to find out appropriate guidelines e.g. NICE, professional bodies or like Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). Incase no guidelines are readily available online then we need to back upon the primary research e.g. PubMed or do systematic reviews. In the last resort if nothing is available to talk out to experts or local specialist or does basic internet searches. We need to critically examine each & every research with the existing knowledge opinions & skills set. Understanding of challenges & resolution part. The next step is to diagnose of the objectives are being defined accurately & the last step is to detect any conflict of interests.
We will research this report in the following steps; firstly, we need to find answers to three research questions as well as the methodology to approach. After that, we draw out discussion points establishing results with the survey & interviewed people and finally finding a definitive definition. Next, we demonstrate awareness of research process. Then, discusses dissemination (i.e. organizations and agencies responsible for dissemination) and barriers to implementation of evidence & finally literature used.
The research questions to approach this hypothesis focused on the following main themes:
Relationship between the Research Process and Development of Evidence for Practice
Discusses different types of evidence, levels of evidence and importance of evidence for practice.
Solutions & strategies used in & critique’s of two articles
Evaluation of each methodology
What conclusion & recommendations can be drawn?
We did an in-depth analysis, researched online, did blinded interviews to have nonbiased results & used it as our active methodology. There was a question list of 10 sent to 20 unknown independent people, and then we did data collection & data gathering from various magazines & newspapers etc.
This project is designed to derive proper methodologies, understand research flaws in finding evidence, key strategies& provide appropriate directions to the redirect research. On an in-depth analysis & understanding issues in terms of research evidence comprehensive issues ,key highlights, solutions in designing & forming an alternative research evidence we did research, gathered data, heard professional opinions &stayed in touch with the experts who could discuss evidence. First, we devised a strategy to conduct research analysis, went in-depth through online searches, personal guidance from professional experts to understand drawbacks in issues, conflict issues & how to overcome them ethically. Secondly, we conducted a survey for a group of 20 random people working who could provide unbiasedness end results.
Interviews and Fieldwork The team researched & identified potential candidates to be interviewed through secondary data research, Internet research, personal contacts, and cold calls. Few experts gave a fair viewpoints & clarity. Experts were recommended by other expert referrals.
Case studies were used to read significant & understand all the key perspectives which could help in drawing reference about evidence strategies.
The idea of doing this research is to diagnose knowledge skills & get a better picture of understanding of evidence. Doing in-depth research studies involves organized, systematic steps involved in finding a correct knowledge. Research is investigating & exploring all the facts & findings. The methodology needs to be correct at every step to .conclude a correct research design.
It starts with the forming questions & finding a suitable answer through various methods of research & concluding an appropriate answer.
First answering a research questions incase answer is not suitable & is not correct then diagnosing alternative approaches.
The two approaches to diagnosing a research design is to do it by a qualitative and qualitative approach or simply blending both the approaches. Although mixed methods using both are growing. Quantitative studies are finding a numerical method to logically understand whereas qualitative studies are to go in-depth theoretically.
Quantitative studies are through numerical approach by sampling, derivation of sizing & reaching a logical sequencing.
Qualitative studies are theoretically finding out answers.
A final step is do auditing & then measuring the outcome of the final result if it's correct or not. If not, then we need to go all the process again & finding out an alternative approach.
a) Different types of evidence
There are various types of evidence used in practice. One is created by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR, 2009) & formed quantitative evidence:
systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials
randomized controlled trials
systematic reviews of nonrandomized or cohort studies;
cohort studies
case-control studies
case series
case report
ideas, editorials, opinions
animal research and
invitro (test tube) research.
Also, there is another best evidence named as 5S Pyramid developed by Brian Haynes (2007).
To find out appropriate evidence firstly we need gather data, do data mining then we need to find out appropriate guidelines e.g. NICE, professional bodies or like Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). Incase no guidelines are readily available online then we need to back upon the primary research e.g. PubMed or do systematic reviews. In the last resort if nothing is available to talk out to experts or local specialist or does basic internet searches.
b) Levels of evidences-:
Finding an appropriate evidence we need to find out levels of measurement & getting the correct end result which we can check internal validity . This could be through randomized controlled studies, controlled longitudinal studies, uncontrolled longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies, case studies & expert opinions.
c) Importance of evidences-:
In order to get the best evidence, we need to mix 3 elements which could get us an improved patient/client outcome.
Critical appraisal
Once we have drawn a research design then we need to critically appraise the positive or negative & reach a final concluding result. For this, some of the answers need to be answered.
What were the results of the study?
How valid are the results?
Will the results be helpful in caring for other patients?
Principles of Evidence Based Practice
An in-depth research-based evidence requires knowledge & hand on experience with the skillset. If its nursing unit, then they have to be fine tuned themselves as per the intensive care, medicines knowledge & supervision (Burns and Grove 2001).
Nurses are the crucial members of healthcare units who interact with the clients & customers. Practice should be done on the basis of reliable evidence (Parahoo 2006). It is vital integration to update nurses to update them with latest techniques & regular tech how expertises. (Gerrish 2006) states that it’s a combination of research, patient experience, and clinical expertise
d) Demonstrates awareness of research process.
Parahoo (2006) states that there can be four stages in the research process.
Identification & structuring of the research design. Determining questions & hypothetical situations. At this stage, the researcher identifies the correct methodology to do research based evidence. Historical evidence can be back upon in understanding the initial stages & know how techniques to reach h last stages. The end results are matched with the forecasted results.
When we decide the designing & initial stages after which it comes data collection, data gathering, searching relevant based evidence, devising of process & procedures to do research work. The sampling, random population, blinded or unblinded all are tried & tested & follow a simple methodology to be pa of the research design.
The tailoring of the research project, questions, on the basis of which project will begin, we need to set up designing & methodology conducted. Sampling, population participating all needs to be counted & make it accordingly research design. Once it's tested & concluded how the test will be beginning, then we can begin the test.
The next stage begins with observing things, analyzing & taking a deep note abut each & every step conducted. It's important to checkpoints, analyzing that everything falls at the time. After doing in-depth research & analysis, they will make a report of all the findings whether it's qualitative or quantitative & then make a broader research designing for future notes. Incase of any misses or any new alternative ideas one can make a note of them at this stage.
Last stage is checking of results, matching with the end points & doing dissemination which can be checked & verified by the help of an organisation like NICE, after this barriers or challenges are outlined for future learning.
There can be positive or negative test results, some challenges or some barriers which an author of the evidence-based research design can note them or interpret it which depends entirely on the integrity & ethics. One should do design research keeping the general public in mindset & results for which active participants are participating in the analysis. Hence it should be unbiased. Patients participating blinded or blinded participants participations all should be bounded by the confidentiality clauses. Whenever the test results are published all the confidential information about anything, or barriers & test results should be fair, honest & not to misguide the general public.
e) Discusses dissemination (i.e. organizations and agencies responsible for dissemination) and barriers to implementation of evidence.
There can be many challenges & many barriers to integrating evidence with the clinical practice; Gerrish (2006) suggests that these barriers are divided into 4 categories;
the nature of the evidence,
communication of the evidence,
knowledge and skill of the nurse
organizational barriers.
When we identify barriers & key challenges it helps us to structure & design our evidence-based researches. The complexities, years of research is blended with the latest technology, knowledge & mindset. In a nurse, the main challenge which could be identified is the lack of knowledge, confidence & implementation of the task. While working in an organization the key challenge faced by nurses is a lack of guidance by seniors, superiority to seeking suggestions & management lack of efforts in mixing with updated know how techniques.
f ) Literature review
The background research was bifurcated in the case studies, short-term consultancies, individuals & organizations. We read online researchers, took professional opinions from key experts, went through reports in the evidence comprehensive issues & highlighted issues which could help in research & development. For an understanding of research & evidence key strategies were devised in order to understand success & drawbacks in drawing a conclusion in evidence research. For this, we referred to reports, read magazines & websites analyzed them then concluded in a final writing along with references.
a) Critique of two articles correctly identifying the type of evidence.
Two articles will be critiqued & to draw suitable evidence to assess strengths and weaknesses in the research process.
(i) The Levels of Evidence and their role in Evidence-Based Medicine
This article was written to understand the levels of evidence in medicine & usage in the plastic surgery. Hierarchy of evidence, modification of levels, interpretation of levels & on the basis of which best evidence was concluded. Though the abstract & research done was theoretically derived from understanding application part in plastic surgery. With years it’s improving in plastic surgery research but we should have multiple results from the recent years rather than depending on the historical results.
(ii) Evidence-Based Medicine: Levels of Evidence
The author of this illustrated ways in which nursing based evidence. The key challenges understood in the explanation & implementation was the key strategies, organizations that were put into existence to understand everyday nurse’s practice. With the current trend, nursing should be brought to next level of development in training & methodology. Since reading all the evidence brought us to the conclusion that nursing should be updated with the current technology & follow trends. They should not practice outdated routine tasks & should be trained with the latest skill set. A point of curiosity should always be addressed whenever a new evidence-based research is implemented . Be it for the general public, individual or collective, nurses should find out how evidence research is helpful with the current stages.
b)Evaluation of each paper with a focus on its methodology including research design, data collection tools, sampling methods and approach to analysis.
Both the articles researched and a descriptive case reports, case series & cohort studies out of which the studies was done. All the articles were drawn from a randomized/controlled clinical trial & from a specified outcome measures.
Levels of Clinical Evidence in the Primary Literature such as Therapy which includes Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial : Diagnosis which includes Controlled Trial:, Prognosis which includes Cohort Studies, Case Control Case Series , Etiology/Harm which includes Cohort Studies Randomized Controlled TrialCohort Studies which includes Randomized Controlled Trial.
Levels of evidence drawn from a Secondary Literature-: The Healthcare provider while concluding needs to be dependent from the below methodologies. Systematic Reviews (which is derived from a research question poised to answer), Meta-Analyses (types of systematic analysis which is mix of theoretically with quantitative analysis), Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines (gather, appraise, combine data systematically), Critic Appraised Topics (CATs) (which is drawing results from the literature of clinically studies), Decision Analyses/Decision Tools (for an individual patient how a clinician decide), Consensus Development (which is identifying an opinion from research and expert opinion).
Finally, data was gathered from the online searches, books, magazines, newspapers, surveyed from the blinded random group people. Expert opinions were considered & discussed.
c) Literature review
The background research was researched from the case studies, reports & online articles. We lot many online types of research, took professional opinions from key experts, went through reports in the evidence comprehensive issues & highlighted issues which could help in research & development. For an understanding of critiques of two articles, we went through reports, newspapers, published author books, read magazines & websites analyzed them then concluded in a final writing along with references. Finally, we found out two The Levels of Evidence and their role in Evidence-Based Medicine & Evidence Based Medicine: Levels of Evidence which have been critically discussed & their references are mentioned in the references list.
Understanding levels of evidences & distinguishing it from the hypothetical situations helps clinician draw methodology for the future course of actions. Doing an in-depth research, evidence-based practice and methodology was derived. Some of the challenges while understanding new evidences were the drawing result from qualitative & qualitative approaches matching it with the end results. Incase if the answer does not matches forming a hypothetical research design. In every step, we were able to diagnose that research & development is an important integral part of research design & finding suitable evidence.
Finally, critiques of two research articles & importance of evidence were included in this report. Various researches were done to design the methodology. The relationship between evidence and the clinical setting.
There is a number of research dissemination in evidence which could form a planning and activity. With the current situation, more funding is required in research-based evidence & approaching research dissemination. When more research & development is conducted it helps in drawing more improved results.
Whenever a new research is designing one should identify from where it's coming up, generated & burning question should always be addressed why its done & for what reasons. Mainly whenever during regular operations be it for the medical sciences or because of patients or may be in individual or organization, when we get barriers or challenges then only we start to identify & question evidence based researches & its implementations. Through this, we will be able to address clinical researchers & issues in management or operation to focus on improvements. By gathering knowledge based evidence from historic data or reading from publications one can forecast correct evidence.
Haynes, B. and Haines, A., 1998. Getting research findings into practice: Barriers and bridges to evidence based clincial practice. British Medical Journal, 317(7153), p.273.
Horner, R.H., Carr, E.G., Halle, J., McGee, G., Odom, S. and Wolery, M., 2005. The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. Exceptional children, 71(2), pp.165-179.
Kitson, A.L., Rycroft-Malone, J., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Seers, K. and Titchen, A., 2008. Evaluating the successful implementation of evidence into practice using the PARiHS framework: theoretical and practical challenges. Implementation science, 3(1), p.1.
McCormack, B., Kitson, A., Harvey, G., Rycroft?Malone, J., Titchen, A. and Seers, K., 2002. Getting evidence into practice: the meaning ofcontext'. Journal of advanced nursing, 38(1), pp.94-104.
Nutley, S.M., Davies, H.T. and Smith, P.C., 2000. What works?: Evidence-based policy and practice in public services. MIT Press.
Polit, D.F. and Beck, C.T., 2013. Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Polit, D.F. and Beck, C.T., 2004. Nursing research: Principles and methods. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Sackett, D.L. and Rosenberg, W.M., 1010. The need for evidence-based medicine. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 88(11), pp.620-624.