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A store manager core responsibility is to bring the best quality products in the store & serve customers with the good services. Simultaneously, keeping the staff morale intact by giving best of incentives, bonus, promotions & huge appreciation so that they support in serving you quality services to the customers should also be balanced by the store manager.
As a store owner, how would you balance the need to be known as a “tight store” with a friendly ambience that makes honest, legitimate customers feel welcome and loyal, trustworthy employees feel valued?
For serving customers with best quality services we need to have a regular loyal customer’s database. Keeping a tab individually about preferences & choices about the products & services will be tough for the staff & store manager. Hence, they should document everything for record purposes such as staff rated services, grievances, feedbacks about the products or services, suggestions to improve staff services, any queries or any new ideas will help Store manager to quickly accommodate requests & serve customers outwardly (Hollinger, 2006).
Can bars on the windows co-exist with a welcome mat? What about security cameras in the employee lounge together with Employee of the Month posters on the walls? How far can you go to safeguard your merchandise without alienating the customers that you are trying to attract and the employees that you are trying to retain?
For boosting morale of the staff we need to understand employee motivation streak which can be personally or professionally. Some employees feel motivated when Store Manager appreciate a staff individually, some by additional incentives, bonus or perks, some if given extra holidays and by various other measures we can encourage staff to be more participative.
By improving the staff morale they will help in providing the best services to the customers and by serving customers with the best quality & services we have a regular customer’s database (Bamfield, 2010).
Looking at the contrary side, if the staff is not effectively motivated, then it will lead to disinterest, bad services, long unattended customer queues & bad results. Similarly if the customers are not served with best quality services & not guided by the individual staff then it will lead to shoplifting of products, aggravated customers queuing up & complete mismanagement (Purpura, 2007). Hence maintaining a balance between the motivated staff, happy customers & providing best quality products will help a store manager in managing an efficient store meticulously.
As a store manager, keeping a tab on the customers & staff for the security purposes, keeping an eye on the suspicious activities & at the same time balancing it with the happy customers & staff is tough. Hence as a store manager, we could employ these methods to safeguard the interest by:
Keeping store under the security surveillances, checking all the red alert check points & monitoring security videos closely to suspect & identify lags.
Maintaining an updated products database list, matching sold items & decoding the bar code, removing security tags from clothes and other delicate items and then marking it as sold off in the list are all the crucial check lists (Lees, 2012). This will help us in understanding if some items have been stolen or shoplifted and can be counted.
By boosting employee’s morals through promotion, giving awards for best security persons, sales person and ethic person helps in staff getting more motivated & participating in the routine daily task activities. Hence if the staff is deployed at each & every counter who are hawk eyed & could red alert security for the all the unidentified & suspicious activities then it will result in negligible merchandise losses & low bad accounts (Van Maanenberg, 2012).
Bamfield, J. (2010). Shrinkage and Loss Prevention: Evidence from the Global Retail Theft Barometer.
Hollinger, R., & Davis, J. L. (2006). National retail security survey. Report, Department of Sociology and the Center for Studies in Criminology and Law, University of Florida.
Lees, F. (2012). Lees' Loss prevention in the process industries: Hazard identification, assessment and control. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Purpura, P. P. (2007). Security and loss prevention: An introduction. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Van Maanenberg, D. (2012). Effective Retail Security: Protecting the Bottom Line: a Practical Guide to Retail Loss Prevention and Security Techniques and Procedures. Butterworth-Heinemann.