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Persuasive Memo
Write a Memo based in the following situation
As Manager of your company you realize that your employees lack physical fitness which results in low target output
Write a Memo to the director of your company persuading to open a fitness center in your office premises and introduce compulsory training for all employees
Decide the time, place, separate timings and trainers for ladies /gents
Give necessary details and long-term benefits
Submit a colored typed copy using the correct memo format that uses the logo of a company as letterhead –not later 20th of April 2016
April 20th, 2016
Memorandum to : Director
From : Name of Employee
Subject : Request to open a fitness center in the company and introduction of compulsory training for employees
This proposal put forward a request to open a fitness center in the company premise to ensure that employees remain in a good health and improve on the target output, which is currently below than the set target.
Wellness and fitness program can enhance the employee productivity by manifolds. Currently, company is experiencing low target output from employees due to poor health. The primary reason for the poor health is the lack of exercise and following a unhealthy lifestyle. With the introduction of a health and fitness program, employees will be more energetic and it will lead to increased productivity.
Studies have shown that a in a healthy work environment employees tend to take less sick leaves. Moreover, employees tend to spend more time in office due to spike in happiness. A scientific study has produced results about the relationship of happiness and fitness. It has shown that the happiness lead to 12% rise in the productivity. Moreover, there are studies that has established a relationship between health concerns and stress levels. With the inception of fitness center in the company, employees will be able to spend some time exercising.
The entire process can be managed effectively. Company will appoint a fitness trainer who works in the morning and evenings only. To keep a balance in the fitness center, employees can work in the morning and evening. Company can put rewards for the employees who show maximum improvement in health and fitness. The measurement of health fitness can be done on various parameters and it will be interteam measurement only. The purpose of entire program is to make employees feel being a valuable asset to the company. It shows that company is willing to invest into them and concerned about their health. A dedicated gym trainer will be able to provide them with the appropriate guidance. I request you to look into the proposal.
Thanks you
Your Name