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Human resource is a very important part of an organization it includes all the activities which are related to employees like induction, training, retention, employee benefits, etc. The purpose of human resources is to effectively and efficiently use the human capital with the minimum financial cost. And project management is a process which includes four steps named as plan, acquire, develop and manage to complete a particular project of an organization. Further, the document is made which includes the different methodologies, tools and techniques and process diagnosis of human resource and management in the project management. And the document also shows the importance of human resource in project management.
Due to advanced technology, organizations have understood the importance of project management in order to complete the particular projects and achieve the desired goals. Project management refers to the tools, techniques, and skills which are required to complete the project in a short period of time. The steps under project management are planning, acquiring, developing and managing. The project management application is divided into nine categories named as integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication, risk and procurement. It is defined as research field which focuses on the project completion. (Steyn, 2012) Some researchers have even criticized the usage of project management whereas some have appreciated the project management. Since the organizations are accepting the project management, the empirical data has become easy to collect and gather. The areas of project management are very critical like quality and procurement and have to be studied with care. The executing step of project management is more inspired by the researchers. (Huemann, n.d.) The project initiation has a very different meaning for an organization. The researchers have given best practices for project initiation. Firstly, know the project. The organization should know the detailed budget, human personnel, etc. which is required for the completion of a project. Secondly, know your stakeholders. The stakeholders should be completely identified by the company so that they can influence and get influenced by the company. Thirdly, start the charter early. It is the formal identification of a project which is made by the company in different formats, and it is made before the stage of initiation. Fourthly, complete scope. The organization should identify the objective behind the project and should work accordingly in order to complete it. Fifthly, clarify the problem before making a solution. The problem should be completely diagnosed before proposing a solution for it as it will help in finding the resources which are required for the completion of a particular project. Lastly, the organization should know the goals of the project and utilize the human capital to the full extent and should ensure that conflict doesn't arise. (Hornstein, 2015) Every project is different and the human resource face challenges while completing the project and in a way to complete the project, project management is done in four steps named as planning, acquiring, developing and managing. And these steps are described as the life cycle of a project management. (Kerzner, 2001)
The different methodologies, tools and techniques and process diagnosis used in human resource and management with the help of project management are as follows:
Under this step project roles, responsibilities and skills are being identified, and the creation of staffing management plan takes place.
Project management plan- it is a plan which includes how work will be divided among the employees and how their performance will be monitored and controlled and how the communication process will take place in order to complete the objectives.
Resource requirement- this gives the information regarding the availability of the resources for a particular project, and this is done in the first step i.e. planning phase.
Organizational process assets- under this step the organizational standards, policies and templates are being decided to complete a particular task, and the information is gathered from the previous projects.
Networking- it refers to the way in which communication is being done. The contacts can be made during lunch meetings, events, etc. and the networking helps the manager to know the political factors which can affect the projects of an organization.
Organizational theory- this helps in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of people with the optimum utilization of resources and less cost. As it provides the information regarding the employee’s behavior.
Expert judgment- organizations also take guidance from the experts on a particular project based on the latest scenarios and the internal and external factors.
Roles and responsibility- the methods and tools and techniques help the organization to find the roles and responsibility for the employees in order to complete the project.
Organization chart- it is a graphic presentation which shows the relation between the team members and their duties and reporting based on the projects.
Staffing management plan- this shows that how the plan will be executed and given to the employees and how their training will take place and how they will get rewarded for that accordingly. And the safety measures are also implemented for the employees.
Under this step, it is seen that human resource is available to a great extent for the particular project and teams are being made accordingly, and work is divided among them.
Human resource management plan- it ensures that how the human resource is being managed, controlled and monitored and it also provides the information regarding the skills which an employee required to perform a particular task.
Environmental factors- this helps in getting the information of human resource based on their experience and competency level.
Organizational process assets- this helps in completing the projects but are limited to some extent and are utilized completely.
Pre-assignment- it defines that team members are being assigned in advance according to their skills.
Acquisition- when a particular skill is not available then the consultants are being hired to complete the particular task in order to achieve the target.
Virtual teams- in this people don’t have to meet regularly. They can communicate via emails, audios, etc.
Resource calendar- this shows that employees have to work in a time constraint and shows the time duration of every required task in order to complete the project.
Project management plan updates- the attributes are not limited to any extent, and they can be updated as per the requirements.
Project staff assignment- this includes, directories, memos, charts, etc. in order to define the roles which are required to complete the particular project.
This helps in improvising and developing the competency level, communication among the personnel and the environment to refine the performance of personnel in projects.
Project staff assignment- it provides the information regarding the activities of personnel.
Resource calendars- it helps in providing the time to employees in order to participate in a particular project.
Human resource management plan- it helps in identifying the strategies while developing a team and guidance is given to control, monitor, etc. the human resource.
Interpersonal skills- it refers to soft skills like empathy, creativity, etc. which are essential for the development of a team.
Training- training is given in two ways i.e. formal and informal, and it helps in refining the competencies of personnel.
Team building activities- these helps in solving personal issues and improving the interpersonal skills so that the employees remain motivated and work more effectively and the top management supports the project managers in order to motivate them and also provides recognition.
Rewards and recognition- this helps in motivating the employees by rewarding them for their great performance.
While developing a project, a team goes through five stages and are as follows-
Forming: under this, a group of people work together in order to complete the task and achieve the desired target.
Storming: under this team member sometimes doesn't agree with a mission or vision and the conflict rises.
Norming: under this, the relationship has been built among the employees knowingly and unknowingly which helps in achieving the goals.
Performing: under this, all the team members work together effectively and efficiently in order to complete the desired objective and goals.
Adjourning: this is the last step and in this, the project gets completed, and the team moves to the next project.
Team performance assessment- it helps in identifying the areas which need improvement while working for a particular project.
Environmental factors updates- the environmental factors are refined in order to develop the project teams and are not limited to any extent.
It helps in tracking the performance of team members and helps in resolving conflicts and changes are made accordingly in order to complete the particular project.
Work performance reports- it helps in providing the performance regarding the project and helps in identifying the requirement of resources in order to complete the project.
Issue log- issue log helps in finding who is responsible for solving the conflicts at a given date and provides the information regarding the performance.
Team performance assessment- this is done on the regular basis just to check the progress of the team and no conflict should arise.
Human resource management plan- this includes all the details of roles and duties which are to be followed by the personnel.
Observation and conversation- this helps in connecting the members of a team, and the progress is being monitored regarding the conflicts, deliverables, etc.
Project performance appraisal- this provides the clarity of roles, the unknown issues are being resolved, the training plans are being and the future goals are also implemented.
Conflict management- it helps in increasing effectiveness and helps in building positive work relations.
The methods of conflict management are as follows:
Confronting- this can be solved by identifying alternatives and develops the habit of give-and-take.
Avoiding- the problem can be solved by withdrawing from the conflict.
Accommodating- paying more attention to the areas of adjustment.
Compromising- finding the solutions which result in satisfaction to some extent.
Forcing- it is a kind of win-lose situation in which one sacrifices to make the other win.
Collaborating- integrating viewpoints from different opinions of people in order to manage and solve the conflicts.
Change requests- the change request is embodied with the help of control process and this can be done by changing the assignments and the one who leaves the project is replaced by the other.
Project management plan updates- it includes the changes which are required in the personnel management process.
Enterprise environmental factors- it helps in refining the organizational and individual performance regarding the particular project.
Organizational process assets- it provides the information of previously completed projects and the rules and regulations which are to be followed for the completion of a project.
The document stated that how project management is important for completion of a project and how organizations are adapting project management as the technology is changing. The document stated that how the human resource management plays an important role in the completion of a project with the help of project management. And what are the methodologies, tools and techniques and process diagnosis are being done and used with the help of project management. And it is also described that human resource is an important aspect of an organization as it deals with the activities related to employees of an organization.
Gomez-Mejia, L., Balkin, D., & Cardy, R. (2007). Managing human resources. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Holden, L. & Beardwell, I. (1997). Human resource management. London: Pitman.
Hornstein, H. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal Of Project Management, 33(2), 291-298. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2014.08.005
Huemann, M. Human resource management in the project-oriented organization.
Joslin, R. & Müller, R. (2016). The impact of project methodologies on project success in different project environments. Int J Managing Projects In Bus, 9(2), 364-388. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijmpb-03-2015-0025
Kerzner, H. (2001). Project management. New York: John Wiley.
Steyn, H. (2012). Project management. Pretoria: FPM Publishing.