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The task, by reading Josinta Basset’s Case Study you have been asked to put together an Implementation Plan for a project to update the way the Foundation is currently operating. So this is simply a proposal for the Foundations Board to consider. The Board wants to determine if it is feasible or not therefore the plan is preliminary in nature. If the Board is satisfied it has properly captured their requirements and it can be done within the cost frame they are seeking then they will progress it to a next ‘definitive’ stage. But your role for this assignment is to only prepare the preliminary Implementation Plan. Assume your project management team has been requested to provide the following: Prepare a preliminary Project Implementation Plan: defining the project and its boundaries and its strategy for delivering and managing the project. Sections to be included are
Executive Summary, Project Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Risks, Deliverables, Other Issues (if any), Team Structure, Roles and Responsibilities, project schedule (Gantt chart) and cost estimate (construct your own).
The final Implementation Plan for the project is an activity that would be completed at a later stage and therefore is not part of this assignment. Where it needs to be recognized though is in the planning to have it done ie time and budget allowance for its completion.
In this present paper, we will discuss the project of implementing of a web-based system within an organization. The paper discusses the objective, scope, constraint, assumption, project-schedule, cost and quality management plan. The company is a foundation named Josinta Basset Foundation which is based in Melbourne Australia. The company is facing a problem of contacting donor and sponsors twice by the employees due to an absence of recording donors. The project is to implement the web information system which helps to solve the problem and enhance the brand image in the eyes of donors.
in this case, the objective of the project is to implement the information technology in an organization which helps to solve the contact duplication, records of donators and charitable, information accessible by all employees of an organization. The objective is to implement web-based system which provides the proper management of work, records and improves the reputation of the company. The objective also includes the installation of the server which helps to store the database and it can be accessed by every individual within an organization. Following are the primary objectives:
Reference No. Business Objective Description Specific Goal
1. Providing useful information and data To know the number of donators and new actions to be taken
2. To record new and existing donators Record helps to know the total amount and tracking donators
3. Enable to access information by every employee within an organization Create awareness about every action among the employees
4. Eliminate contacting donators twice Like contacting the same donators by another employee
5. To provide quality services To the less fortunate people in improving their lives
6. To give good communication between employer and employee like online chat, email
The scope of the project provides the overview of the project which is to implement the web-based system within an organization with an allocated budget.
Functionality Description
User interface In this functionality which provide an interface to the donors and sponsors. It helps to encourage the donors to donate a certain amount by building the brand image in the eyes of the consumers.
Management information system It helps to manage the recording of all the activities within an organization
Database management system Record keeping of donors and sponsors which help to track them.
Website It includes feedback form, user registration and online chat support for answering queries for the donors
Training & development The training documents are provided to the employees who help to train them.
Following are the constraints of the project:
1. The change management process will be constraint after the implementation of web information system for six months.
2. The documentation process in the implementation of the project is prepared which is necessary for taking the approvals from shareholders, stockholders, and others.
3. The TDD process is followed before the actual development of the project.
4. The development team must come up with an idea which is known as solution constraint. It is very necessary for the completion of a project on time.
5. In process constraint, the testing of quality is done before deployment.
Following are the assumption made while the project of implementing the web-based system is implemented:
1. The programmers and software developers are skilled.
2. The duration of the project completion is two to three months.
3. The compensation to the programmers and developers is given on hourly basis rather than monthly basis.
4. The work of the project is done within an organization, so the payment of rent is not paid.
5. The cost of hardware and software is considered as standard which includes the cost of server installation within an organization.
6. The user interface for the donors helps to increase the donors by twenty percent.
7. The feedback will be used timely for the insurance of meeting the requirements of the project.
8. The development of the prototype is prepared with the suggestions given by stakeholders.
9. All the team members will work till the termination of the project.
10. The estimated budget will remain the same until the completion of a project.
11. The license of software and hardware is taken.
The project schedule helps to deliver the project on time by working according to the initial planning and time. It is an intact and automated tool which helps to complete the work of the project according to their priorities. The proper communication through meetings and calls helps to complete the delivery of the project on time as per the initially proposed schedule. The additional approvals are required for the amendments to the budget. Following are the activities included in the project schedule:
1. Project Plan
It includes the team structure, activities and task description, work breakdown structure and independencies document.
2. Project charter
It includes the structure of the project, budget and constraints, deliverables and deadline identification, and risk and assumption documentation.
3. Required document
It includes the stakeholder's meetings, requirement gathering, and requirement approvals.
4. Design document
It includes system content, system design, and visual design.
5. Web-based system implementation
It includes blog setting and content update.
6. Server installation
It includes system design and blog setting.
7. Testing and documentation
It includes test case development, manual testing, documentation and test case implementation.
8. Production deployment
It includes contingency and the backup plan, stakeholder's approvals, deployment and setting, and documentation.
9. Risk management document
It includes risk identification, risk mitigation plan, and stockholders approvals.
10. Project closure
It includes the meeting of stockholders and signoffs.
The project management requires a balancing of three parameters which includes the monitoring of cost, allocation of cost and cost analysis. The monitoring of cost is very important aspect because it helps to work within the estimated budget. The project manager is responsible for maintaining the cost of the project with the help of business analyst. The additional approvals are required for the modifications in the budget plan.
The purpose of a quality management plan is to improve the quality of the project for the successful implementation of a web-based system within an organization. The plans include the several aspects of quality management which includes roles and responsibility of stakeholders. It is prepared at the initial stage of the project which is implemented throughout the project. The role of project manager is to maintain the quality of mentoring and coaching. The quality audit is maintained by the quality controller. The testing of quality is maintained by a chief tester. The quality of documentation is maintained by the documentation head.
The tools used in maintaining the quality of plan includes cause and effect diagram, check sheet, histogram, scatter diagram, control chart, and Pareto chart. The quality standard of the project is done through planning, checking and take corrective actions. The quality management is further classified into three categories, namely, quality control, quality assurance and quality planning. The quality of the project is to improve through comparing the actual performance of the project with estimated performance of the project.