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Write an Assignment based on (Subject: Knowledge & Information Management in Project Environments). 3000 words excluding references.
The Knowledge management in the organizations of technological industry is an innovative strategy that allows the employees of the organization to create various techniques and the methods in order to collect and share the knowledge. Further, this will help in improving the process of decision making which will result in improvised services of the providers of technology. Being an individual, I have taken the organization of technological industry for my report because I am familiar with the information and the knowledge management of the company Search Trade as I worked there in the department of information technology for some time in order to gain some experience. Furthermore, it has been observed that the information technology is very important to disseminate and share the information as it offers applicable tools which the employees can share the information and interact with it as well. Moreover, the report will help in understanding Search Trade’s knowledge management and the function of information. Also, the challenges which they are facing in information and the knowledge management. The report will include the theoretical basis which will be taken from the various research papers in order to provide great insights and recommendations to the organization of the technological industry. Further, the key components of the effective knowledge framework will be given which helps the company to attain sustainable competitive advantage maximize profitability by satisfying clients as per their needs.
Search Trade is the organization which is being tasked by harnessing the technology of information communication in relation to the engineering for the transformation of the public sector. Further, the role of the organization contains the deployment of the broad range of solutions of information communication technology in the public sector, expanding talent and capabilities in order to support the delivery of services of digitization and further deploying the applications and the infrastructure of the Smart Nation. The organization has the functional and the reliable services of the digitalization. As the organization uses data and technology in order to deliver the experience of digitalization and further creates the connection among the society. The organizations is always focuses in order to explore new capabilities by harnessing the technology of information communication so that the interactions among the citizens can be improvised and the customer’s expectations are completely met according to their expectations and the requirements. According to the current plan of development, the management of the organization’s leadership intend at improving the infrastructure of the organization by improving knowledge management and the information of the organization.
This organization of technological industry is one of the famous institutes of technology which have electronic information system of information management. The organization uses the information system in the knowledge management in order to coordinate with all the departments of the organization. The system enables the sharing of information of the clients and the knowledge of observations among the departments of the organization to maximize the efficiency of the operations. It has been observed that the organization objective approach of knowledge because the organization believes in theoretical knowledge as the knowledge is easily codified and the embedded in the systems of framework and rules for the implementation of the action (Cepeda, G., & Vera, D. 2007). The organization believes in this approach of knowledge management because the work of professional service in the main focus and this kind of work requires the application and the development of theoretical knowledge in order to deal with the clients. Further, the sharing of knowledge makes sure that the organization achieves the sustainable competitive edge and further maintain it.
Furthermore, the strategy which is being used in the organization for the management of knowledge is ineffective, and it is not reliable as well. Moreover, the strategy is not implemented in most of the departments of the organization. The process of knowledge management is only applied in the departments like information technology and the cyber security in order to get advantage from the dissemination and the sharing of knowledge between the stakeholders and maximizes the quality of services. Therefore, it is very important for the organizations to implement the effective knowledge management in order to complete the projects on time, and also the organization will be able to create coordination between the distinct projects of the organization. Also, the knowledge management will help the organization in order to start a new project effectively.
The information technology department in the organization of technological industry is mainly responsible in order to maintain the infrastructure of the information technology. The department of information is basically involved in the configuration of the WiFi and the network, managing the server access, monitoring the access to the internet, repairing and troubleshooting the devices of the computer, addressing the issues related to security and maintaining the stored data of patients in the database. Further, the department of the information technology is responsible for offering information reports and the requirements on the network inventory and the computer to the management of the organization of technological industry. Furthermore, the department of information manages the system of e-services that send messages to the employees and the clients (Chen, C. J., & Huang, J. W. 2007). The department continuously organizes the programs of training so that the employees can use the system effectively.
It has been observed that the organization of technological industry is utilizing the intranet relied share-point as it is a juncture of contact for the management of documentations, and the tool of information and knowledge sharing. The items are being uploaded to the network of cloud through the portal of the intranet which will be only assessed by the authorized users. This creates a linkage among the individuals, teams and the groups so that the information can be transmitted at a faster rate. As the organization uses objectivity knowledge, the share-point will help the individuals in order to share the knowledge and the personal experience with ease because the share-point is being connected to tacit knowledge through the communication.
The department of the information of the organization encounters various challenges that impact the efficient utilization and the implementation of the knowledge management (Dalkir, K., & Liebowitz, J. 2011).
The issues that are impacting the dissemination and the knowledge of the technolgical organization are:
The departments and the administration of the organization are unable to communicate efficiently and effectively with one another that impacts the collection of data, collaboration and the sharing of information.
There is a lack of sharing file application within the system due to which the employees can interact and the share the files which contain the information of clients.
The organisation has the lack of time in order to share and disseminate the knowledge by identifying the requirement of particular knowledge.
The organization of technological industry do not have an adequate social network.
Some of the professionals of the organization are dominant in order to share implicit knowledge rather than tacit knowledge because of the experience and the know-how which requires observation, learning and the interaction skills for the problem solving.
The organization is lacking in the managerial and the leadership direction on the basis of communication and the sharing of knowledge.
The organization doesn’t have the appropriate coordination among all the departments in order to maximize effectiveness.
The culture of the organization has created the hurdles for the management of the knowledge and the information.
There is no coordination among the employees as they do not get adequate knowledge during the projects.
There are various challenges in information which are being faced by the organization of technological industry and they are not able to offer their services to the clients adequately.
The issues that are impacting the future growth of the organization are:
The organization doesn’t have the data mechanism which differentiates the public and the private data for the purpose of sharing and disseminating the information.
The technology integration has not been adequately done in the various departments which impact the coordination within the departments and the organization’s overall performance.
The problem of information in the organization has given rise to the issues like inconsistency and the incompatibility of the data that needs more time in order to extract, reconstruct and store the knowledge.
The departments of the organizations use distinct ways to collect and store the data according to their comfort level.
In some departments, the employees have restricted access to the system, and they use the methods which are paper based in order to collect and disseminate the information.
The information structure of the information technology has poor reliability and the performance which impacts how the employees use the technology in order to share and disseminate the knowledge.
As the organization is using share-point to share and disseminate the information, it sometimes creates the problems for the employees because it is not as effective as other tools of the information technology.
The employees are not able to interact with ease to share the information and the communication within the organization is becoming chaotic.
The programs of skill development and training are very important in equipping the employees of organization along with the skills and the knowledge in order to use the methods and tools of the knowledge management. The components of the system which supports sharing and the dissemination of the knowledge can enhance the adaptation of the system of knowledge management. The employees requires expressing the commitment and the focus in sharing and disseminating the knowledge to the colleagues. Further, the research demonstrated the various domains and the dimensions of the knowledge in the institute that enhance the effective sharing and the dissemination of the information (De Vries et al., 2006). The development of the domains in all the departments of the organizations can help in encouraging collaboration, various networks of knowledge and the communication. The knowledge management enhances the interaction within the employees and will further contribute to the adaptation of the system.
A robust framework for sharing the knowledge in an institution is required which further helps the employees in order to collaborate in communities, teams and the networks of knowledge. This will help in improvising the dissemination and the sharing of the knowledge management in the organization. The knowledge management’s success is being determined through the approach which is being used by various organizations in the technology integration along with the employees. According to the researchers, the environment where the trust is being promoted among the employees, the level of sharing knowledge is comparatively high (Du Plessis, M. 2007).
The department of the information technology at the organization must identify and create some channel of communication and further implement them in order to expand the information sharing and the communication among employees. All the departments of the organization must offer programs for the training and the technical support to the employees to make sure the smooth process of the knowledge management. Further, the organization must support the creation as the investment in the expansion of the infrastructure of information technology.
The organization must focus on the capacity of the information system in enhancing the dissemination and the sharing of the knowledge (Easterby et al., 2011). Moreover, the approach will help in developing the conducive culture and the environment where the shared knowledge by the employees can be appropriately utilized in the process of decision making. The management of the organization must encourage the development of communities, teams, various networks and the connections between the employees in order to improvise the level of sharing knowledge and the collaboration.
It has been observed that the employees who are working in the organization found the knowledge management and the information inefficient and they required to facilitate the sharing of knowledge. Further, the strategy which is being used by the organization for the knowledge management and the information is not successful at all. As there are some weaknesses which cause the failure of the system during the project and impacts the organization adversely in order to provide the services of information communication (Cabrera, et al., 2006). Further, it has been noticed that most of the employees were not using the share-point as they found that the system of information technology is not really reliable as it is expected to be. The employs were afraid to expose and lose the data because of the loopholes in the security. It has been identified that there is a gap between the process of knowledge management and the information of the organization.
The process of knowledge management of the organization is not efficient enough, and it further makes difficult for the employees in order to get the required knowledge, and they are unable to share the information and the knowledge with others. The employees require appropriate technology in order to make the knowledge management effective. Further, it has been observed that there is a lack of coordination among the employees and they are finding difficulty in order to use objectivity knowledge management as the employees is not getting the adequate information because of improper form of communication. Furthermore, the employees believed that the lack of channels of communication is the greatest hurdle in order to share and disseminate the knowledge. The resources which are being identified are the sharing of application files, etc. are the most important resources for the effective process of knowledge management.
This section will help in understanding the key components of the framework of knowledge management in order to make the system effective. Like the organization should develop the strategy for the implementation of the knowledge management. The department of the information and the along with the other departments must develop a schedule and the strategy in order to make the knowledge management effective. Then, the organization should try to implement the technology so that the management offers the information department with the equipment of the technology and the various tools which are required to implement the effective system which will further support the dissemination and the sharing of knowledge in the organization. Further, the other component is the involvement of the employees in the implementation of the knowledge management. The management of the organization must create the teams in the departments which will further get involved in the strategy implementation of the knowledge management (Baxter et al., 2009). As a result, this will help in generating awareness among the employees towards the knowledge management and their performance will be maximized. Another component is the flexibility in the strategy of knowledge management as the organization operates in such an environment which rapidly changes and if the strategy of the knowledge management will be flexible then the organization will be able to adopt such changes. The strategy of the knowledge management should be flexible enough so that it encourages scalability. The other component in the framework of effective knowledge is the establishment of the evaluation methods for the effective knowledge management. Once, the system is being implemented then there will be a requirement to track the effectiveness and the adaptation in improvising activities which will be related to the dissemination and the sharing of the knowledge. Therefore, the evaluation strategy of the knowledge management will help the organization to access the overall success of the operations of the organization and the performance of the employees along with all the departments.
The organization of the technological industry must use the enterprise resource planning system in the department of information technology as this will further help in improving the management of knowledge. As this will enable the organization to have the clear visibility into the significant processes, through all the departments of the organization. Furthermore, this will give rise to the coherent and the automatic workflow from a single department to the other. This will help in keeping track of all the activities which will be processed and will help the employees to improve their performance. Also, the single and the unified system of reporting will be developed in order to analyze the activities and the statistics of the employees. Moreover, the organization will be able to maximize the integration of e-commerce, and this will help the organization to offer the best quality services to the clients, and also they will be able to keep track of all information of the clients. As the database system will be implemented, the information will be stored in the backend and further it will empower the centralized storage of all the data of enterprise (Choi, S. Y., Lee, H., & Yoo, Y. 2010). Therefore, the system will be reliable and will have the centralized policies of security, and the organization will be able to have the effective knowledge management and the information, and the organization will be able to resolve all the issues which they are facing due to the present system of information and the knowledge management.
As discussed, the organization of technological industry has various issues related to the knowledge management and the information. The management of the organization requires the collaboration with the departments in order to support the department of information technology to create a strategy of effective knowledge management which will further maximize the sharing and the dissemination of the knowledge within the organization. This report helped in identifying the system of knowledge management and the information which the organization is facing and the challenges which are being faced by the organization further, the report helped in understanding the key components of the effective knowledge management which the organization should implement in order to offer better quality of services to the clients, and also this will help the organization in order to expand their operations in other locations as well by attaining sustainable competitive advantage.
Baxter, D., Roy, R., Doultsinou, A., Gao, J., & Kalta, M. (2009). A knowledge management framework to support product-service systems design. International journal of computer integrated manufacturing, 22(12), 1073-1088.
Cabrera, A., Collins, W. C., & Salgado, J. F. (2006). Determinants of individual engagement in knowledge sharing. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(2), 245-264.
Cepeda, G., & Vera, D. (2007). Dynamic capabilities and operational capabilities: A knowledge management perspective. Journal of Business Research, 60(5), 426-437.
Chen, C. J., & Huang, J. W. (2007). How organizational climate and structure affect knowledge management—The social interaction perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 27(2), 104-118.
Choi, S. Y., Lee, H., & Yoo, Y. (2010). The impact of information technology and transactive memory systems on knowledge sharing, application, and team performance: a field study. MIS quarterly, 855-870.
Dalkir, K., & Liebowitz, J. (2011). Knowledge management in theory and practice. MIT press.
De Vries, R. E., Van den Hooff, B., & de Ridder, J. A. (2006). Explaining knowledge was sharing the role of team communication styles, job satisfaction, and performance beliefs. Communication research, 33(2), 115-135.
Du Plessis, M. (2007). The role of knowledge management in innovation. Journal of knowledge management, 11(4), 20-29.
Easterby-Smith, M., & Lyles, M. A. (Eds.). (2011). Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge management. John Wiley & Sons.