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As per the lifespan perspective, none of the age group have had a major impact the course of the life. Each and every age period has an equal powerful effect on the change in the future. Every age group have their own opportunities and uniqueness yielding various similarities in the individuals. Therefore, a change in health be it physically, cognitive and the emotional or social influence the lifespan developmental perspective. Like Bryant was a successful surgeon in the initial period of his life. However, with the failing health and numerous other challenges leading to ill-health, the whole lifespan development is altered. With the worsening health condition, the life processes are disrupted thereby impacting every span of life from the relationships to the mental as well as physical condition (Alwin, D. F., & Wray, L. A., 2005). This happened to Bryant in the later phase after being diagnosed with Diabetes, and various car accidents which impacted his mental and physical health badly.
Whereas a good and sound health helps in enjoying the life along with coping of all the problems. A sound health along with promoting a feeling of well-being provides inner strength. As Bryant seems to have enjoyed his initial years with sound health. With failing health, the individual’s capacity for adapting to the various life experiences is impacted according to various lifespan human development psychologists. Furthermore, the various exposures like social, cultural, and psychological on the human body for describing the embodiment of disease risk. As seen in the case of Bryant who was seen to have lost 15 lbs. along with suffering from a major breakdown.
Poor health leads to alternation in the behavior of the individual and various physical and mental health issues. These worsened health condition lead to increased risk in various conditions. People with various health issues are seen to be at a higher risk of poor mental health especially anxiety and depression. Due to which the individuals find it difficult to perform the day to day activities impacting their daily life performance, as Bryant could not take his dogs for a walk and perform similar task and was unusually emotional sometimes. The most common complaints due to ill health are the frustrating and compromising nature, somatic pain, identification of the physical manifestation comorbid towards the disorders (Guyatt, G. H., Feeny, D. H., & Patrick, D. L, 1993). The social well-being of an individual is also affected as he finds it difficult to participate in the society which demands the individuals to fulfill their roles as friends, family member, worker, citizen and any other mode of interaction with other people. As in case of Bryant who became lost and stopped participating in social affairs. Therefore, it can be said that the quality of life is compromised in case of worsened health condition. In case of severe illness, the factors affecting the quality of life are further worsen and the perception and evaluation towards the facet of environment are also influenced due to the health condition (Wilson, I. B., & Cleary, P. D., 1995). These facet were seen in Bryant while acquiring knowledge as well as skills, maintaining social relationship, inability to do day-to-day tasks, relationship with parents, spouses, and family members etc.
Wilson, I. B., & Cleary, P. D. (1995). Linking clinical variables with health-related quality of life. Jama, 273(1), 59-65.
Guyatt, G. H., Feeny, D. H., & Patrick, D. L. (1993). Measuring health-related quality of life. Annals of internal medicine, 118(8), 622-629.
Alwin, D. F., & Wray, L. A. (2005). A life-span developmental perspective on social status and health. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 60(Special Issue 2), S7-S14.
Chase?Lansdale, P. L., Cherlin, A. J., & Kiernan, K. E. (1995). The long?term effects of parental divorce on the mental health of young adults: A developmental perspective. Child development, 66(6), 1614-1634.