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Current Event Analysis Sheet
Human Resource Management
You are required to submit one short current event analysis report. For the report, select an article from the current business press (list of appropriate newspapers, magazines, and journals is listed below). YOU MUST SELECT AN ARTICLE FROM THIS LIST. Your article must be on a topic related to our class (topics are posted on Blackboard), MUST BE PUBLISHED AFTER AUG 15, 2016, AND MUST BE AT LEAST 10 PARAGRAPHS LONG. When you have identified the article, answer the following questions. The key here is to connect current news events to course material.
This report deals with the discussion of the article “You’re How Old? We’ll be in Touch” published in the New York Times on 3rd September 2016 and is written by Ashton Applewhite.
The article raises the question the age prejudice and discrimination happening at the workplace. Age discrimination at workplace is seen to be highly problematic for the older working population. The author expresses the various issues face by the elderly section of the society at their workplace and how the experienced workers are not considered for jobs. With the widespread discrimination against the elder workers on the basis of their age, their promotion, training and even any pressure for taking the redundancy packages or any case of retirement is overlooked. However, compulsory retirement and age discrimination are against the law and are also seen to be costly for the community as well as employers. It has further been mentioned by the author that various information and data has been presented which depict that the mature workers are more reliable, master new skills, more engaging than the millennials. However, they take considerable time in completing a task and longer recovery time in case of any injury. This leads to getting them in trouble and to become less employable even when they are at no fault.
The author further notifies that some of the progressive companies do understand the importance of hiring mature workers so as not to hurt the profits and productivity. But the mature workers face the issues of cultural fits in the organization due to discomfort caused because of the age gap. This age gap creates a profoundly age-segregated society in the workplace. In the conclusion, the author focusses on the fact that age segregation has impoverished America as ageism has subverted the exchange of stories and skills among the different generations. Therefore he advises the mature workers to be motivated and to confront ageism in the best way possible.
The article discusses regarding 40 years of age or older who has been harmed by any decision taken by his organization suffers from the unlawful discrimination. The article presents the examples of the unlawful age discrimination likes:
a. When any worker is not hired because the employer is looking for a younger employee;
b. The worker is considered incompetent in taking up new projects and therefore received negative job evaluation;
c. The employee gets hired as younger workers can be paid less;
d. Denial of promotion to the older employees;
e. Older workers are laid off of the job whereas the workers with less seniority are kept in the organization;
The article suggests that the case of age discrimination have been aggravated by the economy in the past few decades and according to the law it is unjustified to discriminate on the basis of age. The article further strains over the fact that the older workers should be well aware of their rights and should protect themselves by keeping a check on theirperformance evaluations for providing evidence that they have exceeded the expectations of his or her employers. He also asks the older workers to confront ageism in the best way possible.
The article focuses on the Unlawful age Discrimination and is aimed towards protecting the workers of age 40 or older from the discrimination at the workplace on the basis of age. Additionally, the author states that it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of their age in terms of hiring, layoff, promotions, benefits, compensation, training or job assignments. The author presents this concept by providing various real life examples of how the older workers are discriminated. As per the article, over two-thirds of the older workers have encountered unlawful discrimination at work. He reports the case of not hiring older workers so as to reach out for younger employees. The article also reports that the resumes are seen to go unread and the older workers do not get valid replies. The concept of unlawful discrimination has been highlighted in the article and a crystal clear representation of howskill sets, experience, work ethic are dismissed because of older age.
The article focuses on the fact that mature and older workers are made up of strong morals and work ethics and contributes towards the workplace.The articles therefore aims to enlighten the readers towards the benefits for the employers to recruit older and mature workers. An employer who is not age diverse in his recruitment process is seen to be vulnerable towards the shortages of the skills. The author has stressed over this fact the mass exodus of the older workers can lead to organization with lacking skills and experience leading to to low morale, poor performance, age discrimination claims and loss of experience staffs. Therefore, it must be a managerial objective to foster a balance of personal fulfillment and work devotion among the mature workers. According to the author,a balance is required for offering opportunities for varying generations helping the mature workers to confront ageism confidently due to the prevalent culture fit issues. Author presents the example of Cornell gerontologist Karl Pillemer who suggests that “Americans are more likely to have a friend of a different race than one who is 10 years older or younger than they are.” Various studies have indicated that the rick diversity in the workplace in terms of generational perspective leads to a nurtured, valued and integrated workplace with enhances the organization so as to attain new heights in terms of productivity (Understanding and Leveraging Generational Diversity for organizational success, 2016)
It is imperative for all the organization to ensure equal employment opportunity to their workers and to not to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, caste, race, religion etc. According to the author, there is an urgent need for implementing a strong and affirmative action plan for assuringequal employment opportunity for underutilized minorities, older workers women, etc.
All the managers, administrators, supervisor etc. must be responsible to fulfill all the responsibilities related to the equal employment opportunity. As per author’s view,this can only be accomplished by maintaining good faith efforts in order to make the workplace free of harassment and discrimination.No discrimination on the basis of sex, age, religion, national origin, mental condition, ancestry etc. must be tolerated. Author sterns over the fact that the principle motive behind EEO is to provide same and equal access of opportunities to all the employees.
The two questions for stimulating discussion among students concerning the article and topic are mentioned as given below:
Question.What are the different forms of unfair treatment and discrimination based on age in any workplace? What can you do if you encounter any of them?
Question.Why the older women workers are at higher risk of age discrimination as compared to their male counterparts?
Applewhite, A. (2016). You’re How Old? We’ll Be in Touch. Nytimes.com. Retrieved 15 October 2016, from http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/opinion/sunday/youre-how-old-well-be-in-touch.html
Facts About Age Discrimination. (2016). Eeoc.gov. Retrieved 15 October 2016, from https://www.eeoc.gov/facts/age.html
Understanding and Leveraging Generational Diversity for organizational success. (2016) (1st ed., p. 12). Retrieved from http://www.kellyservices.com.hk/.../Understanding-and-Leveraging-Generational-Diversity/
Rosenbloom, D. H. (1977). Federal equal employment opportunity: Politics and public personnel administration. New York: Praeger.