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Write a brief summary of the environmental and human health risks associated with the following situation currently taking place in the Miami Florida area. Use the following guidelines:
-lengthof summary:750 to1000 wordsof text(not including titlepage, reference list)
-formatof summary: typed double-spacedin 12-ptfont with 2.5cmmargins
(youmayuse sub-headings to organize yoursummary)using the CSE Style for citations andreferences(see posted CSE citation andreference guidelines)
Recently, the decisions of the Florida health officials to spray Naled, a neurotoxin to kill Zika virus, has gained numerous protestors from Miami Beach (Luscombe. 2016). People living in the Miami Beach area are not comfortable about the decisions made and some of them came out of their houses as demonstrators on September 1 and September 2, 2016. Their argument is that the spraying of Naled will have long term effect on the health of the people living in the area. Moreover, they argued that it doesn’t matter whether the use of Naled is going on from decades or fifty years. They added that if the researches have proved that this particular insecticide is harmful for health, then it must not be used at any cost.
Naled is used in heavy amount annually in the United States alone and the major focus is to eliminate mosquitoes. The application of Naled is done through the aerial methods. Naled is also used in agriculture such as for cotton, grapes and alfalfa. It has been found that further breaking down of Naled results into dichlorvos which is in itself an insecticide (Hoang and Rand 2015).
Some of the studies have identified that the constant exposure to Naled might impact the muscle strength. Moreover, experiments on rats show a reduction in their activity. The tests on males and females have found that the impact of Naled on males is more than females. The commercially available Naled contains various inert ingredients (Duprey et al. 2008). One cannot find enough information about the Naled on its package labels.
Some of the symptoms that are evident with the constant exposure to this insecticide are diarrhea, headaches, problem in breathing, and others. It also impacts the nerve impulses and the individuals experience restlessness and loss of consciousness. AChe inhibition has also been identified.
If it is directly goes into the body through breathing, then the impact will be more in comparison to exposed though eating. The tests conducted by the researchers on rats have identified that the inhalation of Naled impacts six times more than oral doses. An interesting finding by some of the researchers is that reduction in the Naled droplet size is directly proportional to the level of the impact.
The exposure to this toxic product can lead to increase in the aggressive behaviors and disruption in learning (Fiorentino and Montero 2016). It also impacts the circulatory system, which was identified when tested on few dogs. The assessment in this areas have also identified that the Naled can be passed from the mother to the child.
The individuals who are malnourished are more prone to the negative impact of Naled. Some of the researches on the rats with less protein intake and the use of Naled on them led to the conclusion that in comparison to the normal diet, malnourished rats gets more damaged (Hoang and Rand 2016).
At present, there are various food products which are under the impact of Naled particularly, strawberries, beans, and others. Naled also enters into the body through the water content. The contamination in the water is also rampant which is gradually impacting the city lives. The reason behind the same is the continuous aerial spray of Naled. At present there are no evident cases related to the humans that can be pointed out to be reason for the complete ban of the insecticide spray (Likos 2016). However, if the researches on the various other species and the decisions made by the European Union are considered, then it can be stated that the health officials should stop the use. Moreover, the fear among the residents is another reason.
The negative impacts of Naled have been identified for the various species such as fish, birds, other aquatic animals, endangered species, and plants. The impact level of Naled on bird is moderate to high. The Canada goose has been found to be most sensitive to the chemical as only 37 mg/kg led to its death during the tests. The reproduction of the birds also gets impacted. The presence of Naled toxin in water impacts the catfish, rainbow trout, and others. The other aquatic animals are also impacted due to the insecticide. The major concern is the impact on the endangered species. Plants are also in the affected category.
The toxicity level, as stated earlier of Naled, is to the extent that it is gradually impacting the entire lives structure wherever it is being used. The use of Naled is conventionally done from the decades. The recent researchershave found the impact of insecticide might be disastrous in the coming days. Therefore, it can be suggested that the use of Naled should be limited to non-human settlements. However, if it is mandatory to spray Naled, then the locality should be empty and no humans should be in the vicinity.
Hoang, T. C., & Rand, G. M. (2015). Mosquito control insecticides: A probabilistic ecological risk assessment on drift exposures of naled, dichlorvos (naled metabolite) and permethrin to adult butterflies. Science of the Total Environment, 502, 252-265.
Duprey, Z., Rivers, S., Luber, G., Becker, A., Blackmore, C., Barr, D., ...& Rubin, C. (2008). Community aerial mosquito control and naled exposure.Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 24(1), 42-46.
Fiorentino, D. G., & Montero, F. J. (2016). The Zika Virus and Pregnancy.Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports, 5(3), 234-238.
Hoang, T. C., & Rand, G. M. (2015). Acute toxicity and risk assessment of permethrin, naled, and dichlorvos to larval butterflies via ingestion of contaminated foliage. Chemosphere, 120, 714-721.
Luscombe, R. (2016). Miami Beach protests against use of Naled to fight Zika-carrying mosquitos. the Guardian. Retrieved 3 October 2016, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/08/miami-beach-zika-protests-naled-mosquitos
Likos, A. (2016). Local Mosquito-Borne Transmission of Zika Virus—Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, Florida, June–August 2016. MMWR.Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 65.