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Research Article:
"Exploring the factors that influence the decision to adopt and engage with an integrated assistive telehealth and telecare service in Cambridgeshire, UK: a nested qualitative study of patient ‘users’ and ‘non-users’"
Erica J. Cook1*, Gurch Randhawa2, Chloe Sharp2, Nasreen Ali2, Andy Guppy1, Garry Barton3, Andrew Bateman4 and Jane Crawford-White4
Using the Holland & Rees (2010) framework for critiquing qualitative research articles - critique the given article.
It has been seen that in spite of so many hardships faced by Europe, the business trends in the United Kingdom has remained healthy and fruitful. The government of the UK has always provided its support to create a positive and congenial business environment and has always made efforts to invite potential investors around the globe. UK has been performing quite well and has found a place in top ten manufacturers in the whole world. Taking a glance at Europe, the UK is considered to be the most beautiful and attractive place and many headquarters of various major companies in Europe are situated here. It is quite easy to establish business in UK as compared to other countries as there are high opportunities here and potential investors are more (McCleery, et al., 2014). The government puts efforts to continuously improve business environment and cope up with the dynamic environment to help the country reach heights of success. In order to survive in the market, it is imperative to adapt to the changes happening in daily life otherwise the system will obsolete and UK does it really well.
Adding more, Healthcare means the improvement of health by the treatment and prevention of diseases, illnesses and injury, including both mental and physical problems in human beings. Healthcare is provided by the professionals. Some examples of professionals in health care are physicians, dentists, midwives, nurses etc. Standards of health are usually considered to be high in the UK. This is mainly so because the government spent a lot in this sector during the early economic years (Grosios, et al., 2010).
A constant effort is made all around the world in order to improve the performance of health care. The main responsibility lies on the people who are involved in the health care system and their duty is to improve the quality of decisions made by all involved in the health system, including patients, managers, and governments at all levels, insurers, politicians and citizens as financial supporters. Recently accountability is being demanded at higher rates and there is an increasing demand for health system accountability and the patients are being given a choice as to have rapid improvements in the health systems they choose. The main areas of improvement are needed in data collection, policy development and in their implementation (Cook, et al., 2016).
Below a few of the important parts of the health care system along with some of the techniques for different types of people and the critical analysis of the political drive shall be discussed in detail. A performance indicator is a type of performance measurement that helps in evaluating the success of a particular organization or business. Choosing the right indicator is very important, because it is only by these indicators can a business or an organization find out the level of its performance and where it is lacking and what parts it needs to work on for improvement (Boyle, 2008).
After studying and analyzing the article “the Exploring the factors that influence the decision to adopt and engage with an integrated assistive Telehealth and Telecare service in Cambridgeshire, UK: a nested qualitative study of patient ‘users’ and ‘non-users’.” We come to know that there is an initiative taken by the government to use two types of approaches Telehealth and Telecare to deliver best services of healthcare. The engagement and adoption of these techniques is very important for its successful implementation (Deloitte, 2015). The people are divided into two categories – users and non users. The users are the patients who already adopted these techniques and non users are those patients who are referred by someone or unaware of these techniques. There are many factors discussed in the article that greatly influencing the healthcare sector of the UK. The research article focused on the integrated model of techniques that is ATT (Assistive Telehealth and Telecare) Service which is UK based Cambridgeshir Community services. There are many factors and barriers that influence the decision making of adoption of the techniques like: –
Lack of awareness of services: - After analyzing the research article, it was found that the lack of awareness of this service among patients is only through referral mode and the people are more in numbers who are unaware of this service. There are hardly non users who had heard about the ATT services so this is a drawback of this service (Chang, et al., 2012).
Usefulness of equipment: - The usefulness of this service is not that much sure because the users as well as non users perceived that it would be useful because Telehealth and Telecare would be helpful in monitoring the health and to communicate with care and remind in case of medication and call them in the case of emergency (Boyle & Mossialos, 2011).
Attitude and perception toward ATT services: - The attitude and perception of the population are different toward the ATT services. Some of the users have the perception this service is very useful and easy to use, but some of the non users found it difficult and time consuming services.
Usability: - The usability of this service is also found difficult for the users and non users because it is very difficult to follow the instructions every time and stocking up the medication reminders (Kiplagat, et al., 2014).
Threat to identity- By introducing these types of services the people are more concerned about the fact that they may lose their independence by depending on others and old people are much more worried and have a fear that the life will not continue the same before adopting these services (Wanjau, et al., 2012).
After analyzing these factors in the article, it can be concluded that this study is not worth as it has many limitations and ATT services has positive impact also as it take into consideration all the population but the adoption and engagement of people in the service is less as per the study.
The methodology used in the study was qualitative interviews which were conducted between February to December 2014, to understand the experiences and views of the users and non-users people who are using this service. The data collected through this methodology is analyzed with the help of framework method. Framework method is the process of a number of steps that are followed to interview the patient. There were basically two objectives of analyzing the data one is to know the decision to use the ATT services and other motive is engagement and use of the ATT services (Ali, et al., 2006). Decision of using these services is highly dependent on the many factors such as attitudes and perceptions of patients, acceptance of old age people, lack of knowledge, usability, outcomes of these Services and threat of losing independence, etc. Talking about the engagement and use of the service it focused on the benefits of the Telecare and Telehealth services. Performance indicator like unnecessary medication, medication error, unnecessary diagnostic tests can lead to quality management of the health care institutions because they help in finding out where the health care system is doing unfair things and things that are not required by the patient (Ramasodi, 2010). By making sure that no such unfair things are done or followed we can ensure quality management to patients who look forward to healthcare. Only by keeping a check on these can we assure quality management on behalf of the health care institution. As per the discussion with the patient and provider, according to the ATT, service provider has to consider the patient routine and preferences and making adjustments where necessary for example the reading timings have to be sent (Mabin, et al., 2012).
Looking forward to the future and to improve the management of healthcare services and it is very important to take care of all the factors that are associated with the patients. In this section of the report, it will state some of the improvements that are needed for the healthcare system in coming years. First, it is very important to communicate with the patients to get some suggestions and make changes in the policies according to the patient requirement (Mosadeghrad, 2014). By knowing and trying to understand the policies related to Telecare and Telehealth, the staff close to the point of action should work more closely with patients to enter the true and correct information related to their medication as well as let the patients know clearly the coverage policies of every plan, and submission of reports correctly so the claim adjudicates accurately on the initial submission. The policies should be clear, understandable and knowledgeable as well as transparent. Moreover, to get the best results both after and before the implementation of ATT, training is necessary and that should be additional (Smith, et al., 2009). The accurate way to aid the physicians to help them improve the accuracy of is to utilize at least 10 minutes every month at meetings of physicians to let them read a note which is blinded and coding it along with an order that is certified. At times, physicians are also benefitted from having a shadow which is a coder shadow and scribing the visit in addition to the documentation process to reflect comparison what one comes up with. In spite of this, the education sector plays a very important role in the growth of the nation and it is imperative to incorporate new strategies as per the changing environment. New facilities are introduced in order to provide best education to the youth and government is spending more on education sector since past few years. E-classrooms have become significant these days for providing better classrooms for children. For such classrooms, expert personnel are required to be appointed to deal with such machinery equipped in e-classrooms (Constitution, 2013). Students find it easy and convenient to study in such environment as it is full of life and enjoyment. The documents to be made should be clear and correct without any complexities and the data entered should be true without any false representations. If the information entered is true, it will help the insurance payers know the true information. So, I would like to recommend that whenever the information is entered, it should be as per the policies and should not be against the needs and requirements of the guidelines made regarding the ATT services (Foundation, 2011). Last but not the least, the system of entering information, insurance policies, coding should be crystal clear and should be confidential and the patients should know about the diagnosis and the results should be clear to the patients and the payers should know with what treatment the patients are going through and how much time will be required to get through the treatment. The physicians should not engage themselves in over-coding or under-coding and should better represent the true information to not to mislead anyone and this helps in improving the quality of the management and reducing the level of risk and allegations of fraud and legal penalties. Thus, Health care is a system that has a lot of responsibility in its hands and deals with the lives of human beings; therefore there shall be maximum transparency in all the dealings of the health care units in order to prevent from fooling the patients as well as the insurance payers (Sanders, et al., 2012). The patients should be charged according to the treatment that they receive and not for the time of their stay because that will obviously be more as more time is required to recover. Lastly, there shall be no errors on behalf of the health care system, for example, no error in billing, medications, diagnostic tests etc.
After the analysis, it was found that the study has revealed the range of factors that are influencing the decision to adopt and engage with an integrated assistive Telecare and Telehealth (ATT) model. In this study many Barriers and facilitators are explained. This study has shown both the aspects i.e. negative as well as positive to use the ATT services. But as we all know that every small thing have its pros and cons so same is the case with ATT services so it only needs some improvements in the model to get the best results in the future. The conclusion after completing a detailed study of this assignment would refer to prevention of errors on behalf of the health care units and providing true and accurate condition and information about their patients (Association, 2013). Health care is one of the most important jobs in the world and shall be done with full dedication without any unfair means or any hidden motive. The health care systems shall act fully responsible for the things that they do and also for the lives of their patients. In this study, it is revealed that the key barrier come in the way of these services can overcome by an individually tailored approach with the help of the patient and referrer as it has been seen that it improve the experience of the patient and also retention rates. In addition to it, also the face to face conversation with the specialist or provider of ATT services helps in improving the rates of adoption and engagement of people with Telecare and Telehealth services. As a result, better communication between referrers and patients leads to the positive results of improving attitudes and change in perception towards the TC and TH equipment. Every year the UK work on improving the knowledge, skills and expertise of people deployed in businesses and spend huge amount of money to make them work better. Many new skilled people are hired every year and train them to work towards the success of the country. This is done since all the higher authorities have pledged to make the country a peaceful and prosperous place and conflict free place so that people can work and live fearlessly. This has been a blessing for the world. The contributors contribute money and utilize the funds for the welfare of people. All the companies of UK work relentlessly towards its goals and objectives so that the long term aims of the UK can be achieved, which is improving the economy and making it better every day. This has been done only to meet the expectations of people and to add to the economy of the world. Leadership and the local ownership are important factors and improve the success rate of the country and helps in maintaining and building peace.
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