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Question: Recruitment Process
In this present report, we will discuss the effective selection and recruitment process for the vacant position in Emirates airlines. The report also describes the impact of legal, ethical and regulatory consideration on the recruitment process, the role-play of interviewer and the evaluation of its performance.
The recruitment process is defined as the process of hiring the eligible candidate for the vacant position in the organization whereas the selection process is the process of selecting the deserving candidate for the particular job profile on the basis of past experience and technical skills to perform the job (Russell et al., 2016). Following is the steps of documentation of recruitment and selection process for the vacant profile in the organization:
1. Identify the vacant position and evaluate the needs of position
The first step is to identify the number of vacant position and their requirement according to the organizational goals. It includes the information of newly generated needs and replaces the employees. The vacant position identified is of Pilot.
2. Create a position description
The job description of Pilot includes the following characteristics:
Candidate should have full knowledge in weather, passengers and aircraft technologies.
Must have a high qualification and flying hours.
The candidate should have the ability to take a quick decision in difficult situations.
Knowledgeable in mathematics and physics.
Ability to understand the technical information
The skills required are good communication, leadership, team-work, self-discipline, and commitment.
Excellent spatial awareness and coordination
3. Develop recruitment plan
The recruitment plan includes the ten days of posting period. The placement goal is to hire the right employee for the post of the pilot. The advertising resources include newspaper, company website and recruitment agencies.
4. Choose a search committee.
The selection committee includes three interviewers in the panel. The one should have the capability to understand the role and contribution to the pilot and other two should have technical capabilities.
5. Review applicants and prepare the list of shortlisted candidates
The received applicants against the pilot position should be reviewed and shortlisted on the basis of the job description.
6. Conduct the interviews
The interview of the shortlisted candidates is conducted through panel interview, which is taken by three interviewers.
7. Select the best candidate
The best candidate will be selected.
8. Finalize recruitment
The cross verification of all the essential details of the selected candidate is done then the offer letter will be issued to the candidate.
The legal, ethical and regulatory consideration plays an important role in hiring the pilot. The legal consideration includes the background of the candidate should not have any criminal case or any other case in the candidate's life. The regulatory consideration includes the government approved degree for flying the commercial planes (Epstein et al., 2014). The ethical consideration includes that the recruitment should not do on the personal, gender or any bias. The equal opportunity should be given to every candidate in the recruitment and selection process.
1. Motivate & inspire others
The good leadership motivates others to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization. The great leader builds the team of spirit among the team members which helps an organization to compete among the competitors.
2. Show honesty & high integrity
The great leader requires maintaining the transparency with high integrity which helps to build the trust among the team members.
3. Problem solving skills
The main role of a leader is to solve the problem through analytical skills which helps the organization to achieve its desired goals and objectives.
4. Communicate effectively & prolifically
The effective commutation skills of a leader help to achieve the organizational goals by implementing the plan successfully.
5. Innovative & strategic perspective
The strategic perspective and innovate skills of a leader helps to stand out among the competitors within the same industry. The innovative skills are the key skills of a great leader.
The leadership and management must go hand in hand but both are different from each other. The manager administers and leader innovate the new ideas which help to achieve the desired goals. The manager manages all the work whereas the leader develops. The manager is a copy and leader is original. The leader inspires trust and manager relies on control. The leader has long term perspective whereas the manager has short term objective. The leader asks what and why whereas the manager asks how and when. The manager always views from the bottom line whereas the leader views from the line of horizon. The leader originates and manger imitates. The leader does right thing whereas the manger does the thing right.
There are mainly five types of leader which suites on the different situation. The leadership styles are explained below:
1. Autocratic
It is the type of leader who does not take any consults any at the time of decision making and they are appropriate at the time of taking quick decisions.
2. Laissez faire
These are the type of leaders who give lot of freedom to their employees for choosing the working style and setting the deadlines. These leaders provide high level of job satisfaction to their employee but if they unable to manage they it may cause major damage.
3. Engaging
These type of leader concerns about the working conditions of employees by reaching out them which helps to satisfy to provide job satisfaction to the employees.
4. Participative
It is also known as democratic leader which takes the organizational decision by taking advice from the team members and subordinates are free to choose their policies and deadlines.
5. Transformational
These types of leaders motivate their employees for achieving the organizational goals and objectives.
The employees can be motivated through monetary and non-monetary techniques. Following are the ways to motivate the employees:
1. Incentive and bonus
It is the monetary technique which motivates the employee for achieving the organizational goals by paying them incentive and bonus.
2. Job enrichment and enlargement
The job enrichment and enlargement increase the job responsibility which helps to make them feel secure and motivated.
3. Flexible working time
The flexible working hours helps to motivate the employee by providing them freedom to work accordingly.
4. Reward and recognition
The reward and recognition helps to provide job satisfaction which motivates the employee to achieve goals and objectives.
5. Feedback
It helps to improve the employee’s performance which motivates them to achieve the desired objectives.
The panel interview is conducted for the recruitment of a pilot. The panel consists of three members. I am the technical specialist, and the other two are to judge the capabilities of an individual towards organizational goals. I am the main head in among the panel. Following is the list of potential question:
Tell me something about your working experience and qualification background (Hazell et al., 2016).
What do you want to become a pilot?
Why do you want to work for Emirates rather than other airlines?
What do you do if the captain is flying unstable in the ILS approach?
Where do you see yourself after ten years?
How do you act during an emergency?
Do you want to train or seeking to do any pilot modification course?
How much are you confident to perform this job?
What have you learned from your previous experience?
What are your major strength and weakness?
Interview of Elie
Elie: Hello
Ahmed: Hello. What’s your name and tell me about your professional work experience
Elie: My name is Elie and I am from Lebanon and I have one year of experience.
Ahmed: Why you want to work for Emirates rather than other airlines and how much you find yourself eligible for the post?
Elie: I have one year of practical experience so I want to boost my career with best Airline which helps me to gain more exposure and practical experience and find myself best for the position because I having capabilities to become a good pilot.
Ahmed: What are your major weakness and strength?
Elie: I have no major weakness and my strength is to manage all the difficult situations easily.
Ahmed: Ok. Thank you so much and we will inform you if you get shortlisted.
Elie: Hopefully. Thank you.
Interview of John
John: Hello
Abdulla: Hello. What’s your name and tell me about your professional work experience?
John: My name is Y and I am from the US and I have four year of experience as a pilot in Kingfisher Airline.
Abdulla: What do you do if the captain is flying unstable in the instrument landing system (ILS) approach and what do you learnt from past experience?
John: I will use stabilize approach to handle the situation which helps to prevent from landing accidents.
Abdulla: How do you act during an emergency and what are your major weakness and strength?
John: First of all stay calm and assign the duties to each member and the emergency situation will be control by self-control. My strength is handling the situations very calmly through effective approach and no weakness.
Abdulla: How much are you confident to perform this job and where do you see yourself after ten years?
John: I am having the capabilities to handle every situation with my past experience, which makes me confident to perform the job. I am aiming to be one of the most reliable pilots among the airlines.
Abdulla: Ok. Thanks so much, we will get in touch with you if you get selected.
John: Ok. Thank you for your time.
Interview of James
James: Hello
Ahmed: Hi. What is your name and tell me about your professional work experience?
James: My name is Z and I am from the UK and I am currently studying to become a pilot.
Ahmed: Why do you want to become a pilot and why do you want to work for Emirates rather than other airlines?
James: I want to fly the plane and it was my dream since childhood. Emirates is one of the best Airlines so I want to start my career from here to explore new experience.
Ahmed: How do you act during an emergency and what are your major weakness and strength?
James: I will handle the situation very calmly by delegating the responsibilities to handle the situation. My strength is my knowledge of concepts and leadership quality. My weakness is to do one task at one time.
Ahmed: How much are you confident to perform this job and where do you see yourself after ten years?
James: I will try my level best because this will be first experience and see myself as a pilot with 10 years of rich practical experience.
Ahmed: Ok. Thank you for coming. You can reapply again once you have graduated and have some flying hours.
James: Ok. Thanks.
Following are the summaries of 3 interviewees and the best among the three is selected as a pilot:
Summary of Elie
He is a having high intellectual capability but he is not having strong technical knowledge due to which we are not feeling eligible for the vacant post of the pilot.
Summary of John
He has very high intellectual and technical capabilities. He is having four years of experience as a pilot. He is very confidant and having leadership qualities, which is very necessary for the post of the pilot. Therefore I find him suitable for the position of pilot in our organization.
Summary of James
He is still not a licensed pilot, having a lack of practical knowledge and experience due to which he is not fulfilling the eligibility to become a pilot.
Russell, S. and Brannan, M.J., 2016. “Getting the Right People on the Bus”: Recruitment, selection and integration for the branded organization. European Management Journal, 34(2), pp.114-124.
Epstein, M.J. and Buhovac, A.R., 2014. Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Hazell, C.M., Hayward, M., Cavanagh, K., Jones, A.M. and Strauss, C., 2016. Guided self-help cognitive behavioral intervention for VoicEs (GiVE): study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), p.351.