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Writing assignments, research papers, essays, and other academic materials are frequently given to students. They put a lot of effort into doing well on academic writing assignments, but many of them often fail miserably. So what could be the possible reason behind the low grades? One possibility is that your assignment information is incorrect. One possibility is that the data you provided for your assignment is outdated. You must switch your information source in this situation. Your ignorance of the numerous types of writing is the second factor. Here is where this issue can be resolved. In this blog, we’ll talk about different kinds of writing. Your writing style has a significant influence on your grades. Your chances of receiving a good score increase with the quality of your verbal expression. If you want to improve your grades, then you must definitely look into this information.
So let’s see what’s in this blog post of allassignmenthelp further for you. We are so sure by the end you will and get in-depth information regarding the types of writing.
Also Read: Writing Techniques: Why its important to the writers
The Different Styles of Writing Types

The requirement and goals of your writing will determine your writing style. Expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative are the four most popular types of writing. Let’s just discuss and know each of them in a detailed manner.
(1) Expository
The purpose of expository writing is to convey relevant information to the reader in the given situation. This style of writing attempts to relay facts for the sole purpose of spreading information. This piece aims to teach the readers by solving questions like what, why, when, who, and how. This type of writing is common in textbooks, research papers, news stories, encyclopedias, and instruction manuals.
Key Points:
- It usually explains something in a process.
- It is often equipped with facts and figures.
- It is usually in a logical order and sequence.
When Would You Use Expository Writing?
- Textbook writing
- How-to articles
- Recipes
- News stories
- Business, technical, or scientific writing.
Types of Expository Writing Styles
- Cause and effect: In cause and effect expository writing, the writer describes why something has happened and what its after-effects. Consequences or effects could be negative as well as positive. For instance, if one is describing the tornado then in that description, provides the aftermath description as well. Such as casualties, timing, climate change, etc.
- Problem and solution: Here, the writer provides an analysis of the problems and also offers several solutions for them. For example, if one is describing the problem of recession, then he/she needs to provide several solutions for it as well.
- Compare and contrast: In such type of expository writing, one has to expose the similarities and differences of the object, event, place, or people. For example, you can write about two political personalities and list their differences and similarities.
- Definition and classification: In definition writing, a writer has to explain the important terms used in the piece of writing. One can write definition essays on themes such as love, hate, humour, kindness, etc. In the classification type of expository writing, the writer has to classify the ideas, characters, or events into groups or in different categories. One can use such type of writing while writing an essay on any topic of biology.
- Process: Process writing is a form of writing where you have to describe a process in a step-by-step manner. For example, if you are writing a cooking recipe, you need to describe the processes involved in it.
Tips For Expository Writing
- Recognize your audience: To successfully communicate important information, use language that your readers will comprehend.
- Arrange logically: Start with the most important details and provide the material in an organized, understandable manner.
- Be clear: Avoid extraneous information and concentrate on relevant details. Share only the information that the reader is currently interested in.
(2) Persuasive
The goal of persuasive writing is to persuade the reader of a particular viewpoint or idea. Writing persuasively involves more than just expressing other people’s opinions. It all comes down to sharing your thoughts with the world. You need to provide solid proof to persuade them to believe what you say. Editorials, speeches, business concepts, grievances, critiques, and reviews frequently use persuasive writing.
Key Points:
- Persuasive writing techniques are equipped with reasons, arguments, and justifications.
- In this piece, the author takes a stand and asks you to agree with his or her point of view.
- It often asks readers to do something about the situation (this is called a call-to-action).
When Would You Use Persuasive Writing?
- Opinions and editorial newspaper pieces
- Advertisements
- Reviews (of books, music, movies, restaurants, etc.).
- A letter of recommendation
- Letter of complaint
- Cover letters
Different Types of Writing in Persuasive Style
- Logos: In this type of persuasive writing, one has to use facts and figures to convince the audience of the argument raised. An author may use statistics, charts, and graphs to create a good impact on the audience.
- Pathos: This is an appeal to emotions, so while using this, you need to manipulate the reader’s emotions. For instance, you have seen in various charity messages, they provide a description that evokes emotions in new.
- Ethos: Ethos appeal to character. Here the writer shows himself/herself as a character and uses own virtues into the mind of the reader. Such types of persuasive technique one can see in celebrity advertisements.
Tips for Persuasive Writing
- Show Empathy: Understand your audience’s aspirations, anxieties, annoyances, and values in order to show empathy. This enables you to speak to their priorities and meet them where they are.
- Help them relate to you: this is when your descriptive and narrative writing abilities come in handy.
- Share your experience: Clearly describe your personal experiences, difficulties, anxieties, or future goals. Make it simple for your audience to understand your point of view.
Also Read: How to write a persuasive text?
(3) Descriptive
This writing style attempts to describe a particular action, object, person, place, event, or sense. Here, the description is often more romantic, extraordinarily detailed, personal, and subjective. However, its main goal is to allow the reader to sense, imagine, and feel everything. To make it easier for you, let’s understand it clearly. An expository description of the moon, for instance, will state its size, perceived colour, consistency, and sound relatively scientific. On the other hand, a descriptive writer will describe all of that but also relate the emotions felt, state the memories summoned, assign it unique and arguable characteristics, and perhaps even observe some introspective truth. Descriptive writing truly attempts to capture the reader’s attention fully. The descriptive style of writing is common in poetry, diaries, parts of larger stories, and love letters.
Key Points:
- It is often poetic.
- It describes places, people, events, situations, or locations in a highly detailed manner.
- The author visualizes what he or she sees, hears, tastes, smells, and feels.
When Would You Use Descriptive Writing?
- Poetry
- Writing a journal or diary
- Nature writing
- Novels and fiction
- Songs
Different Types of Descriptive Writing
Descriptive writing has several types. These types are based on the description. Three major types of descriptive writing styles are
- Talking about a person: While describing a person, you need to tell everything about him or her. You have to go deep inside his/her psyche and describe every minute detail.
- Writing about an object: Similar to a person’s description, when you describe an object, you need to tell everything about the object. Describe the colour, reference of the object in the story, whether an object is having any symbolism or not.
- Describing a place: When you are describing the place, make it vivid. The reader must feel that he/she is living in that place. Read gothic literature and you will find how the description of a place add essence in the whole work.
Tips For Descriptive Writing
- Make your message clear: Choose words that set the correct tone and concentrate on the emotions or behaviors you wish to encourage.
- Use your senses: According to “show, don’t tell” rule, use vivid details to convey sights, sounds, aromas, tastes, and textures.
- Emphasize important details: Let readers envision the rest by concentrating on key photos that convey the mood.
(4) Narrative
Narrative writing style is usually fictional but can be non-fictional as well if presented correctly. In narrative writing, the writer’s main purpose is to share his information with others. Here, the story is central, not the facts. Narrative writing focuses on telling a story and is often found in novels, screenplays, plays, short stories, and history.
However, narrative writing is a tool that marketers may use to influence consumers to purchase a product so we can say it can be a type of business writing. It can be used by historians to emphasize the humanity and current significance of historical events. When speechwriters wish to inspire listeners with an uplifting story, they might use their narrative writing abilities.
Key Points:
- A person tells a story or event.
- It has characters and dialogue.
- They have definite and logical beginnings, intervals, and endings.
- This often leads to situations like actions, motivational events, and disputes or conflicts with their eventual solutions.
When Would You Use Narrative Writing?
- Novels
- Short stories
- Novellas
- Poetry
- Autobiographies or biographies
- Anecdotes
- Oral histories
Types of Narrative Writing
- Descriptive narrative: The descriptive narrative provides ideas, details, as well as images. The purpose of descriptive writing is to create a sense of the setting of time and place. It can also convey the mood and tone of the whole scenario.
- Viewpoint narrative: The purpose of viewpoint narrative is to provide the Insight of narrating character to the readers. The main purpose of viewpoint narration is to describe the feelings, desires and values of the narrator.
- Historical narrative: The historical narrative is used in various types of biography, autobiography and historical subgenres such as romance and world war fiction. Historical narrative talks about the events that have happened in the past. These also shows the historical process, how events occurred together and form a chain of reactions.
- Linear narrative: In this type of narration, the writer tells about the events in the sequential form. The purpose of such type of narration is to show a pattern and a chain of cause and effects.
- Non-linear narrative: Some narratives do not follow any type of sequence. They are non-chronological. The purpose of writing a non-linear narrative is to express the emotional state and conscious mind of the writer. Such narration is best to build up suspense in the story.
Tips for Narrative Writing style
- Developing a primary character that readers would adore typically entails balancing virtue, vulnerability, and imperfections.
- A gripping conflict: As the plot develops, the conflict should intensify and the stakes for your protagonist should be significant.
- Strong imagery draws readers into the story and enables them to identify with the experiences of your characters.
As a student, you should take care of the work you are doing. For instance, if you are a student of literature and are writing a research paper, then your focus should be more on the descriptive style of writing or academic writing. If you are a critic or you have to make a speech, then adopt the argumentative or persuasive style of writing. Scientific research requires expository writing styles. Understanding this, on the whole, can be quite difficult in that case you can also get essay assignment help from the experts.
Steps to Become a Good Writer
If you are a writer who wants to improve your writing or thinking to become a writer, then you must continue your reading. The five steps that can make you a fine writer are discussed here. These techniques will improve your writing skills and make you a good writer.
STEP 1: Collecting Information
First, you need to collect information to put in your matter. Various sources of information are:
- Conversation with others: Once you have made up your mind to write on a topic, your mind needs a gestation period. During this gap, arrange for a conversation with others. Those people should be well-versed in that subject. Such kind of conversation helps you to put your idea in a nutshell. Later you can filter out the points needed for your write-up at hand
- Internet: We are fortunate enough that we are living in an era of technological advancement. The Internet has brought the whole world to our site. Make use of it. Get actively involved. Search for the information on the internet; the questions on ‘Quora’; listen to lectures like ‘TED TALK’ on ‘YouTube’; search on Google. Make use of this gifted source to collect information.
- Books: You can search in your book collection go to the library or borrow from friends. Read them. Take notes, and jot down new dimensions or new ideas related to your topic.
- Observation: Writers need to observe more. So, Enhance your observation skills and do wonders. If the content for observation is not available in the immediate surroundings, then, care to come out of the comfort zone and observe. For example: If you are going to write about birds and you happen to live in a flat; then, go out to the garden, bird sanctuary, or nearby forest to watch birds.
STEP 2: Start Assembling
You have got all the parts needed for your writing. Now, it’s time to assemble and re-assemble the matter to harmonize with the reader’s taste or to suit the purpose that it has to fulfill.
- Frame an outline: This means deciding about the various parts of the category of your write-up. Example: If you are working on an Essay, then, the parts of an Essay would be the Introduction, main body (divided into different paragraphs), and conclusion. For a story, the parts will be like the genre, plot, central idea, characters, etc.
- Mind Map: Draw the mind map in your notebook. This should be the collection of data, and the creation of ideas or opinions. It will enhance your energy and allow you to visualize your work thoroughly.
- Drafting: Great! Now, it’s time for the nib to slide on the paper with your words. ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ So, before writing the actual thing you must first write a draft. You will be writing incessantly till you complete it. Enjoy this ‘joy ride.’ Once you complete it, you may feel on top of the world.
- But, wait! It’s not yet done.
STEP 3: Reassemble
This is the most important step missed by many. Before submitting check on the below-given steps. Wait for some hours or a day, until you get urge to re-write it. (If you don’t get it, then too, you need to motivate yourself to do it. Step 3 needs the following actions to be taken up:
- Rework: This time, it will not be as heavy work as the first time. You have to just work on the loopholes that are breaking the link or looking unnecessary.
- Re-frame: After writing now your write-up needs to be re-framed with the additions and omissions. Sometimes, for the betterment of the written work, some ideas, opinions, or characters are to be removed even if they are very dear to you.
- Re-assemble: A diamond needs repeated polishing to reveal its real quality. Likewise, your writing needs to be reassembled to reach your readers effectively. This process will get the urge to make your readers read it, appreciate and enjoy it.
- Review & Repeat: Never forget to review what you have written. You have to check it once again to ensure that you have not made any errors in it. Consider the points given below:
- Check if there are any repeated words and replace them with a synonym.
- Break a Complex or a Compound sentence into a simple sentence.
- Check the grammar part and errors.
- Find out if there are any more variations that can be brought out.
- Question yourself if the ideas or opinions or the role of characters are clear or not.
- Review and repeat if needed.
STEP 4: Proofread
Before you publish it, take opinions from your friends and family. Allow them to speak their mind. Respond to their genuine remarks and simultaneously make the required changes.
STEP 5: Publish it to the audience
The last step is to decide on a plan for it. How are you going to see it grow and reach your readers? Because the sole purpose of writing is to communicate ideas to the audience, if it is a speech, essay,, or article, then it is “ready-to-present.” If it is a novel, drama,, or collection of short stories, etc., in such a case, you need the support of editors, critics, and publishers to groom it further. For students, writing is like a window to their thoughts. That is why students need to learn the best writing style. If you want to know more, you can get assistance from the ‘do my assignment‘ services.
Also Read: How to Write a Rhetorical Essay – Learn from the Best Essay Writers
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: What are the advantages of writing in hand, and why should students use it? Answer: Writing by hand has a number of advantages, including the ability to reduce stress, foster creativity and word knowledge, and improve memory. The kids must use their hands to write since doing so will help them concentrate. |
Question 2: How do I become a creative writer? Answer: To become a creative writer, you must always think critically and use your imagination in all situations since creative writing is something that is always outside the box, your writing techniques must be unique. And you should know about the different styles of writing. |