Top Trending Higher English Discursive Essay Topics

Top Trending Higher English Discursive Essay Topics

How do you select higher English discursive essay topics? It becomes one of the toughest tasks for the students. The possibility for students to negotiate the fine line between differentiating discursive essays from argumentative or persuasive essays is unusual and helpful during the discursive essay writing process. However, the writing needs to show great linguistic abilities, in-depth subject knowledge, and substantial research. If you have chosen a distinctive, educational, yet simple writing prompt, all of this is achievable. The query is: Where can one find these kinds of topics? Explore this blog, curated by an allassignmenthelp specialist, for a comprehensive variety of topics from which you may select the one that best fits your interests and requirements.

What Is Higher English?

You might be curious about higher English if you’ve studied anywhere other than the United Kingdom. Is that a course of study? Or something else? We go into the definition of the term in this part.
A common course in the UK, especially in England and Scotland, is Higher English. It delves deeply into the study of English literature and language.

Both of these can be taught:

  • as an independent subject
  • alongside other higher science programs

While it is required for all students to compose an engaging and captivating higher English discursive essay, certain problems come up in their academic lives. One major issue is selecting an original and memorable topic, while another is having a strong command of the English language. To write a good essay, having a solid grasp of English is essential. You can enrol in online English coursework to improve your skills. If balancing online classes with regular ones becomes difficult, you can always seek help from an expert and ask them to take my online English class for me. And for incredible essay topics, keep reading this blog.

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Higher English Discursive Essay Topics for Your Essay

A discursive essay is a kind of writing that fairly examines all sides of a debate or topic. Discursive essays provide an unbiased and thorough examination of a subject, in contrast to argumentative essays, which aim to persuade the reader to accept a specific point of view.

Some of the most incredible and contemporary topics for discursive essays in higher English are included in the list below. Now, let’s get started without any further wait!

Topics for Higher English Discursive Essays for Novices

  1. Should acronyms commonly used in text messaging be added to the dictionary?
  2. Can a student succeed in their field without obtaining a college degree?
  3. Is partnering in business with a family member a good idea?
  4. Should parents maintain complete transparency and honesty with their children?
  5. Should cold drinks and sodas be banned for children due to health concerns?
  6. Is cheerleading a legitimate sport or does it contribute to the objectification of women?
  7. Should animal sports like horse racing and bullfighting be banned due to ethical concerns?
  8. Is it acceptable for university departments to have limited budgets for sports programs?
  9. Should laws be enacted to eliminate the gender wage gap?
  10. Can athletes serve as ideal role models for children?
  11. Should the term “football” in England be replaced by “soccer”? Discuss the pros and cons.
  12. Does violent content in song lyrics influence societal behavior?
  13. How can musicians inspire their audience to follow a positive path?
  14. Can music play a role in treating severe health conditions like cancer?
  15. Many of the best music genres emerged during times of social oppression. Justify this statement.
  16. How does social media contribute to increased narcissism among youth?
  17. Should transgender athletes compete based on their assigned gender at birth or their gender identity?
  18. Explain the influence football has on English culture.
  19. Why should schools teach at least two foreign languages to their students?
  20. How do school uniforms foster discipline and equality among students?
  21. Why should cigarettes and alcohol be completely banned?
  22. Does academic pressure contribute to eating disorders among students?
  23. How do body shaming and bullying by teachers affect a student’s mental well-being?
  24. Why does society often overlook harassment and domestic violence against men?
  25. Should athletes be required to undergo mandatory drug testing before every competition?

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Intermediate-Level Higher English Discursive Essay Topics

  1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of literature on students and its impact on society.
  2. Why is love the most popular genre among authors? Provide a detailed discussion.
  3. Explain the factors that contributed to the widespread popularity of Harry Potter.
  4. How does English literature contribute to the reinforcement of male chauvinism?
  5. Differentiate between fictional, non-fictional, and historical literature with examples.
  6. How are female characters portrayed in Asian novels and books?
  7. Compare modern culture with Western culture, providing examples for both.
  8. Write a review of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
  9. Discuss how violence is depicted in books written after the Second World War.
  10. What challenges do authors and publishers face in the book industry today?
  11. How are domestic violence and sexual abuse portrayed in literature, including books and short stories?
  12. Does literature influence political systems and the justice system? Explain how.
  13. How have digital innovations transformed and impacted global literature?
  14. What is considered the greatest literary masterpiece of all time, and why?
  15. Which book or literary work inspired your interest in reading?
  16. Compare and contrast the writing styles of Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare.
  17. Write about Irish poetry and review some of its most notable works.
  18. Study and analyze the personality of Don Quixote.
  19. Conduct a critical analysis of medieval European history and its reflection in literature.
  20. How can colleges and universities promote travel writing among students?
  21. What role does ethnicity play in literature? Provide examples to support your explanation.
  22. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of British literature.
  23. Provide a detailed description of African literary journalism.
  24. What are the negative effects of ignorance in a novel’s narrative or themes?
  25. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of American literature.

Discursive Essay Topics for Advanced English Higher Level

  1. How did the Industrial Revolution influence 19th-century literature?
  2. How do religious texts, such as the Bible, shape and influence literature?
  3. Discuss the impact of the French Revolution on European literature.
  4. Write a character analysis of Lady Macbeth from Macbeth.
  5. Describe the influence of Greek and Roman civilizations on Western literature.
  6. Share your views on the myth of the Anglo-Saxon oral poet.
  7. How did British colonization affect global literature?
  8. Write a review of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
  9. Why is Middlemarch considered one of the greatest British novels of all time?
  10. How are anti-heroes and villains portrayed in Shakespeare’s King Lear?
  11. Write a review of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.
  12. Explore the themes of collectivism and individualism in Oliver Twist.
  13. How do American authors depict history and culture in their works? Explain.
  14. Why is Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) considered one of the greatest American novels?
  15. Compare and contrast American literature with British literature.
  16. Analyze the writing style of William Shakespeare and highlight key characteristics.
  17. What are some of the most popular American literary works, and why are they significant?
  18. Discuss the societal perceptions of British literature.
  19. How has digital media transformed traditional forms of writing?
  20. Explore the themes of violence and the portrayal of women in Raymond Carver’s stories.
  21. What is the perception of men in Shakespeare’s works?
  22. Why are certain books regarded as literary classics?
  23. Is romance in novels depicted as ideal or unrealistic? Discuss.
  24. Discuss the themes of destiny and free will using quotes from William Shakespeare’s works.
  25. How do some authors misuse the freedom of speech and expression in their writing?

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Incredible Topics for Higher English Discursive Essay Topics

  1. The importance of literacy in shaping individual success and societal progress.
  2. Football’s profound influence on English culture and identity.
  3. Every school should incorporate foreign language education into their curriculum.
  4. High schools should teach both abstinence and safe practices in sexual education.
  5. School uniforms should be mandatory to ensure discipline and unity among students.
  6. People should quit smoking to improve their health and well-being.
  7. Eating disorders among adolescent females are a serious issue that requires attention and action.
  8. Motivation theories have proven highly effective in educational settings.
  9. A student’s self-esteem significantly impacts their overall health and academic success.
  10. Since alcohol is detrimental to teenage health, parents should monitor their children’s alcohol consumption.
  11. Children and teenagers should speak up against domestic violence and seek help.
  12. The government should ban sports betting to prevent addiction and corruption.
  13. Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining good health.
  14. Bridging the generation gap is crucial for fostering strong family relationships.
  15. High school athletes should be required to undergo drug testing.
  16. Cheating on college exams should be strictly penalized as it undermines academic integrity.
  17. Active listening is key to achieving high performance in the workplace.
  18. Every student should evaluate and learn from the time management practices of their peers.
  19. Adequate sleep is essential, as sleep deprivation negatively affects academic performance in college students.
  20. Should fast food be classified as “real food”?
  21. Healthy living and eating should become the norm for everyone.
  22. The use of alternative energy sources is vital for the survival of our planet.

The discursive essay topics for higher English are suggested above. if you are still having trouble understanding the idea and selecting the ideal one for your essay then you can get online assignment help from the professional experts. Their assistance will enable you to finish the essay quickly.

Wrap Up

Students can examine real-world situations and develop opinions based on their findings by using English discursive essay topics. Whether it’s an essay on politics, social concerns, literature, or ethics, the key is to focus on and analyze in detail one particular problem, opportunity, or challenge. This enables a thorough analysis, evaluation of potential defences, and development of important conclusions that can direct talks and debates in the future. But keep in mind that the topics listed above are only a few of the primary topics you might think about when choosing a good discursive essay topic for your forthcoming essay assignment!

Furthermore, you may always get in touch with us for support if you need help writing your essays. We also offer assistance with online coursework. Thus, please don’t hesitate to contact us and say, take my online class for me and pass with flying colours.


1. Describe the discursive essay.
A discursive essay examines many points of view on a subject, outlining each one before drawing a conclusion.
2. What distinguishes an argumentative essay from a discursive essay?
An argumentative essay seeks to persuade the reader of one side, whereas a discursive essay impartially provides various points of view.
3. What format is used in a discursive essay?
It has an introduction, arguments presented in the body paragraphs, and a conclusion that summarizes the conversation.