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Attending a classroom is necessary if you want to succeed in school. If you are not present, you will not be able to learn what you want to learn. According to research, students who attend school regularly not only have a better chance of academic success but also retain course content more efficiently. It is not an easy task to increase classroom attendance. Because the liability generally falls on the students and their parents or guardians, schools often have very little control in this area of function. There are some teaching strategies that teachers can use to increase the likelihood of students attending class. It has been observed that when students are engaged in the classroom, they are more likely to develop and adhere to behavioral expectations.
Good news for educators! has formed this blog specifically for you. In this post, we will discuss various student engagement strategies and how to establish a love of learning in the classroom?
“ Student engagement is the product of motivation and active learning. It is a product rather than a sum because it will not occur if either element is missing.” – Elizabeth F. Barkley
Different Strategies to Encourage the Students to Attend the Classroom
According to a survey of teachers, students must be present in the classroom at all times. Because a lack of attendance can result in a significant learning gap, it can be difficult for students to get back on track. For example, if a student skips the introduction section of a chapter algebra, he or she will not be unable to understand the subsequent classes. Basically, in math class or any other practical class, it is critical to attend all of the time. It will be difficult to operate in the loop of others if one class is left out.
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“To increase student engagement and ownership of learning, we should give students opportunities to do meaningful work – work that makes a difference locally, nationally, and globally.” – Eric Williams
Here are a few important strategies to improve the liability of the students to attend in your classroom.
1. Explain Parents about the Value of Attendance
Most parents are unaware of how important school attendance is! They are unconcerned that missing a few days of class in a month can have a significant impact on their grades. They also fail to recognize that they are not instilling in their students the importance of school. Every school must invest time in educating parents on the importance of attendance so that they become aware of it and teach their children the same thing.
2. School Attendance Policy should be Strict
Regular school attendance should play a major role in the objective of each school. Each school must create a strict attendance policy where students and parents know that there will be a harsh ending if their kids miss school. These policies can aid in preventing the students from missing school and help to lead them in the right direction to score great marks and towards a successful future.
3. Organize Student Contracts
At the beginning of the school year, schools can sign a contract with each student who attends their classroom. This contract should mention your expectation on marks as well as attendance. This will reflect students that attendance is compulsory in your classroom and set the tone for standard attendance for the entire school year.
4. Interlink Grades and Attendance With Each Other
Linking the attendance and grades with one another can increase the student’s participation in the classroom. Neither the parents nor the students would want to lose marks at any cost of time. So, if both are interlinked then they will try their level best not to miss any of the classes. The teachers should also consider giving the students leave if they are sick or have any valid reason.
5. Updating the Parents or Guardians
This should be adapted in every school and college. Like if the student is absent or misses any of the classes the parents or the guardian must be aware of it. They can call them personally or inform them via messages or emails. This has proven to be the most effective of engaging the student’s attendance in the classroom. Fear of scolding by the parents can improve their participation in the schools and colleges.
6. A Pleasant Environment
The teachers and the management must try to develop a student-friendly atmosphere in the class. If the environment is made to be light and effective then the students will not miss the chance to attend the schools. Removing their boredom of them can improve their academic performance.
7.Implementation of Extracurricular Activities
A regular school day is made up of 8 periods, and each one of them lasts 40–45 minutes. It is highly impossible to continuously engage the interests of the students throughout the day. Some extracurricular activities like sports, student government, community service, employment, the arts, hobbies, and educational clubs can be included to change the mood. Adding co-curricular activities like cultural clubs, debate teams, volunteer work, theatre, music, dance, drawing, recitation, and poetry to the regular classes can engage the students’ attendance in the classroom.
8. Online Learning
Changing oral learning into a virtual one can help the students to understand the concepts in a better way. If a topic is taught by the projector, computers then it can engage and increase the attendants. The management must upgrade the teachers to activate the modernization in the teaching fields.
9. Biometric Attendance
Taking the attendance on the notes is the general form which is implacable in most of the schools and colleges. But applying biometric attendance in the universities can reduce the chance of fake and will improve the organic attendance among the students. If a student is physically present then only his or her participation can be counted here there is no place for proxy.
10. Award the Highest Attendee
Every student’s dream is to win an award in high school or college. Whether it is an award related to studies, sports, intercollegiate or interdepartmental competitions, these prizes can motivate students to do more and achieve more. Giving an award to the most punctual and regular student in the class can encourage other students to be as well.
Also Read: What You Could Expect in the Futuristic Classroom?
Some Tricks for the Students to Attend the Classroom Regularly?

Classroom management can only be achieved if the students set and follow the rules continuously. The following are some of the tips which can improve the student’s interest to attend the classroom.
Set up your mind to learn:
Before beginning anything, it is critical to have a positive mindset. Set your mind before going to school and understand that you are only there to learn.
Never ever cheat or copy in the classroom:
Cheating is never a good solution to a problem. If you are sick or do not want to go to school, try to tell your parents the truth as clearly as possible. Never take any shortcut to avoid going to university.
Try to be punctual:
Punctuality can only be achieved by yourself. If you are punctual enough and go to school on a regular basis then no one can stop you from becoming successful in life.
Be focused in the class:
Focus and preparation are the two elements which can help the students to regularly attend the classroom.
Proper dressing is very important:
Whether it be school or corporate offices, every place have its own dressing rules which must be followed by everyone around there. Dressing plays a very important role. Like if you are in school and you wear a colour dress then your mood will be focused on enjoying rather then studying. So always reach the school and college by being properly and well dressed.
Do not distract yourself:
Don’t let other things distract you, such as using your phone, playing games with your friends, or watching movies. If you do this, you will gradually feel unmotivated in going to school. If you begin to lose attention, you will make up silly and fictitious excuses to avoid attending class. This is not good for your grades or career.
Prevent yourself from burden:
Do not ever burden yourself or you body with learning. Try to include some fun or take regular intervals while studying. If you are relaxed then you would not mind to attend the classroom regularly.
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Why Is It Important for the Students to Attend the Classroom?
The first step toward education is to go to school and attend classes. Schools are places where you can learn a variety of skills that will help you later in life. For the students, this is like a second home, and the teachers are like second mothers who look after them as if they were their kids. This is where you begin to learn new things and make lifelong friends. So, if you’re a student, make sure you never miss a class. Because you will undoubtedly miss your school life once you have completed it.
The following are some of the importance of regular attendance in the classroom:
- If a student misses one subject then further understanding is not possible even if you borrow the notes from your friends. The teaching in the class cannot be matched by anyother information.
- Some students think that it is not necessary to attend the classes to score good grades. But we all know that it is not true.
- If your school is giving you grades for attendance then surely you wont take the risk.
- Skipping a class can lead to anxiety or depression. It can also result in dropping out of the school if you score less grades.
- Textbook and notes cannot teach you like as your teacher does in person.
- Regular attendance in the classroom can improve different skills like social skills and technical skills.
- The teachers in the school can teach you punctuality, self discipline and time management.
Also Read: Effective Use of the Social Media in the Classroom
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Are you struggling to write your college and school assignments? Do you want to pay someone to do assignment? Then you are in the perfect place. At All Assignment Help, we offer the best assignment writing service online. Whenever it becomes difficult to manage the assignments, you can reach out to us for help. The placement of orders on our website is very simple and convenient. If you want to hire someone as your assignment companion, just follow the below-given steps:
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Is attendance mandatory in every school and college? Answer: No, attendance is not required in all schools and colleges. Some universities in the Western world allow students to choose whether or not to attend class on their own. |
Question 2: How to find whether the student is paying attention in class? Answer: The three types of engagement, such as behavioral, cognitive, and emotional engagement, can assist the teacher in determining the students’ interest in the classroom. |