Research and science especially go hand in hand but the main foundation of research is the curiosity to know new and interesting things. When we talk about science, the other word that comes to our mind is research. Research helps in scientific discoveries. Every new medicine is a product of long research. But the word… Continue reading Types of Research | Different Types of Research
Entertainment Industry: Most Growing Industry in Current Time
“The entertainment industry is vast and is a reflection of the society we live in.” – Karrine Steffans Entertainment is one of the necessities of human life. As the world is experiencing more technological advancement, more ways of entertainment are coming into play in the daily lives of human beings. There are several ways to… Continue reading Entertainment Industry: Most Growing Industry in Current Time
International Water: Laws for Water
Maritime zones are divisions of the seas and oceans. Each of these has its own legal framework and implications. The high seas, often known as international waters, play an important role in international law, navigation, and resource extraction. Determining the boundaries and legal framework surrounding international waterways is critical for maintaining order and encouraging global… Continue reading International Water: Laws for Water
Punitive Damage: Explanation and Contrast
When a contract is signed, it forms a legally enforceable agreement that safeguards each party’s interests. If one party violates the terms of the agreement, the other party may face serious consequences. Fortunately, the offended party has many legal options to compensate for any damages. Punitive damage or monetary rewards are one of the most… Continue reading Punitive Damage: Explanation and Contrast
Hybrid Seeds: Explanation and Its Pros &Cons!
All agriculture enthusiasts around the world often ask the question, “What exactly are hybrid seeds?” Nowadays, if you want to have a terrace garden, you can easily find hybrid seeds of flowers, fruits, and vegetables in the market. The fact that they grow faster is what convinces people to use them. Moreover, you can create… Continue reading Hybrid Seeds: Explanation and Its Pros &Cons!
Genetic Material: Things You Must Know
Our bodies consist of cells, which contain special chemicals called DNA or RNA, which are essential building blocks. These chemicals hold all the information that makes you who you are. We call this stuff genetic material. In some cells, like those in bacteria, DNA is in the jelly-like part of the cell. DNA is kept… Continue reading Genetic Material: Things You Must Know
How to Never Give Up and Give Your 100 Percent Until the End
All of us think of New Year resolutions on every 1st January but how many of us stick to those resolutions? Maybe a few. According to Forbes, it is just 8% of people globally. As a student, what was your resolution? Are you still sticking to it? Taking resolutions or committing to make changes might… Continue reading How to Never Give Up and Give Your 100 Percent Until the End
Logic Programming: What Are its Techniques
Do you know that almost all computer programming languages are classified under different programming paradigms? It helps with a clear understanding of each language. If you are thinking about what a paradigm is, then it is a style of programming that refers to the way you program. It further classifies each program based on its… Continue reading Logic Programming: What Are its Techniques