Master the Art of Different Writing Styles

Master the Art of Different Writing Styles

Writing is a highly effective medium through which we communicate ideas, narratives, and knowledge in various ways. Knowing how to write in many styles might improve your communication skills significantly. Studying multiple writing styles can help you become a better writer and expand your horizons, regardless of whether you are a student, a professional writer, or just someone who loves to write. Want to master the art of different writing styles? Arguably, the best place to start is by learning ways to apply them when you are studying. If your end goal is to become a flawless writer, a professional at writing or just improving your communication skills, there is a plethora of uses for writing effective copy.

Ideated and written by the experts at AllAssignmentHelp, read this blog to get a better idea about different writing styles and become a skillful writer.

What is Writing Style?

You need to think of the writing style as the author’s signature, a distinct and lasting imprint on the tone and character of the piece. Style is what adorns a writer’s home, whether it be the doormat, the freshly painted eaves, or the window shades.

Every author follows a different path, and every snippet will uniquely resonate with the reader. Style is essentially these variations in expression. Writing styles, which include an author’s entire word choice, sentence patterns, use of literary techniques, etc., demonstrate how a writer gets to their point. It is the culmination of every choice the author makes throughout the book, both in the conscious and unconscious state of mind.

Read more: Language Techniques: Improve Your Writing Skills

Identifying Different Writing Styles

To become a flawless writer, one needs to know the various writing styles and whom they are addressing in their writeup. There are totally different writing styles for different audiences, for example, if your writeup is meant to earn higher marks from your professor or teacher, it will be different from writings that are meant to WOW your friends or family members. To be able to differentiate between writing styles, one needs to know what sort of tone needs to be used. Also, while writing assignments, one needs to know various types of professional writing tones and examples of different writing styles in literature as well.

Let us focus on How to identify different writing styles:

Creative Writing

Writing creatives frequently make use of all four of the other writing style categories. It has the power to explain, enlighten, convince, and even tell a story all at once. When it comes to creative writing, there aren’t many rules, so you can be creative and have fun.

Creative writing examples:

  • Novels
  • Short stories
  • Memoirs
  • Poems

In case you face issues managing your creative writing paper and need help completing it, hiring a creative writing assignment help service will be the wisest option to opt for. A creative writing expert can help make it in such a way that you will not only get good marks in it; but you will also be able to understand the fundamentals of writing a creative just by going through the piece appropriately.

Descriptive Writing

Writing descriptively helps the reader visualize a scenario by using sensory elements. This frequently works in tandem with creative or narrative writing to assist the reader become fully immersed in the environment of the story.

Descriptive writing examples

  • Novels
  • Short stories
  • Poems
  • Product descriptions
  • Fables

Narrative Writing

The main goal of narrative writing is primarily telling a story This involves creating the setting, providing conflict, and developing the characters. Additionally, it may use dialogue or narrative techniques like metaphors.

Examples of narrative writing:

  • Novels
  • Short stories
  • Memoirs
  • Anecdotes
  • Personal essays

Expository Writing

Exposition is the term used to describe the opening content of a story that provides essential information that the reader needs to know. Similar to this, the main goal of expository writing is to inform. Stay away from opinions and stick to facts and objective statements when producing this kind of content. All you’re doing is attempting to clarify a notion.

Examples of expository writing

  • How-to articles
  • Textbooks
  • Hard news
  • Technical manuals

Persuasive Writing

The goal of persuasive writing is to persuade readers to accept a particular viewpoint or behave in a specific way. It typically entails expressing your opinion on a subject and then supporting it using facts, figures, logic, emotional appeal, or other rhetorical strategies.

Persuasive writing examples:

  • Advertisements
  • Newspaper editorials
  • Academic theses
  • Product reviews
  • Business proposals

The purpose behind each piece you write is what distinguishes the various writing styles from one another. On a basic level, you must be able to write in each style. They frequently overlap, so you may need to use more than one of them in a single piece. This knowledge and experience will substantially broaden your skill set and help you better understand and cater to your audience.

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Tips To Develop Different Writing Styles

To be able to write earn good grades and become a highly valued writer in the future, it is a must for you to know all the nitty-gritty of writing. These tips may help you go a long way in your academic as well as professional life.

Tips To Develop Different Writing Styles

Following are some quintessential tips for developing different writing styles:

Avoiding self-reference

Stay away from superfluous expressions like “I feel,” “I believe,” and “in my opinion.” Usually, you don’t have to tell your reader again that what you’re writing represents your viewpoint.

Using language in a straightforward way

Simplifying writing fundamentally involves employing simpler language. Whether they are verbs, nouns, or adjectives, simple words typically have broader meanings than sophisticated words, which have more precise meanings. Consequently, when you use simpler phrases, your margin of error is reduced. Replace a term that’s harder to understand with one that’s easier to understand.

Use active voice

Because it is more direct and requires fewer words, the active voice is stronger than the passive.

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Write short sentences

Reducing the number of long sentences in your work is one method to improve its clarity. Breaking up a large sentence into two or more smaller sentences is the simplest way to accomplish this. All sentences don’t need to be short to use shorter ones. This is exactly where the craft of writing comes into play because it would result in a choppy style.

Be specific

Good writing differs greatly from substandard writing in part because of the precise and tangible examples you use—or don’t use—in your writing. Writing that uses ambiguous language makes it harder for the reader to understand what you mean and makes it harder for them to focus on your ideas and writing style. Select a precise and evocative language to write with greater impact.

Avoid the use of masculine generic

When discussing circumstances involving both genders, the pronoun he or him is the only one that should be used. This is known as the masculine generic. When speaking of a he or a she, try to refrain from saying such. It’s not just technically smart but also fair-minded to refrain from using the masculine generic and instead use pronouns or gender-neutral terminology, as women make up half of any broad readership.

Evade redundancies

Writing becomes tiresome when a writer uses the same term or topic too often. Speaking of a “beginner who lacks experience,” for instance, is superfluous because the term “beginner” itself suggests a lack of experience. Words or phrases that can be removed from a sentence without altering its meaning are considered redundant.

When maintaining the above-mentioned tips, you will surely be able to write a creative that will earn a high grade or response from your audience. However, the entire process of writing a great writeup requires time and there is no shortcut to it. Unfortunately, with their mounted study pressure, it may look like an impossible job for students to give time to hone their writing style. They frequently have assignments, classes, exams, etc. If you are among those pursuing an online course and juggling between writing a good assignment and preparing for your online exam schedule in the next two days, you really need to hire an online exam help service. Just by typing Take my online test on Google can help you land up with professional companies providing online exam help services in your region through experts. With their in-depth knowledge of popular LMS like Canvas or BlackBoard, you will have no issues getting high marks on your paper while you focus on preparing for your online exam.

Read more: Your Complete Guide to Writing an Outstanding Survey Paper


While defining writing styles can be challenging, there is a discernible difference between the works of Hemingway and Steinbeck, Atwood and LeGuin, and Keats and Wordsworth. Every writer exhibits their own writing style, which is communicated through features like word choice, narrative organization, and the author’s personal voice, even when two writers may focus on identical issues.

This is what students need to learn to become a good writer. Be it for their assignments in the present time or writing for a professional career, knowing various writing styles can help them stand out in every possible way.

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Read more: Ways to Become an Expert in Professional Writing

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How are writing styles different?
The main factors that determine a writing style are the audience and the author’s purpose.
Question 2: Which style of writing is better?
If you’ve read a lot of academic writing or technical writing, you’re probably most comfortable with an expository style. That’s the one that will feel most familiar. If you’ve read a lot of creative writing, then you might be more comfortable working with a narrative style.