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Public speaking is also called oratory or oration. It refers to speaking alone in front of an audience. In the old days, people used to gather everyone and speak vocally. On the other hand, with the advancement of technology, people can now publicly speak virtually. However, public speaking is not an easy task for someone who is an introvert or insecure by nature. It is hard for them to effectively communicate, even for a few minutes. Often, it has been seen that students with sterling public speaking skills can perform superiorly to those with shaky confidence. From awe in the examiner’s viva voice to explaining to the boss and moving up the corporate ladder, you need excellent and equanimous public speaking ability.
Communicating confidently is one of the important soft skills that have played an important cultural role in human history. With this blog post from, we have examined some of the important techniques that will make you a better interactor. This skill will help you be a spotlight in your college and also interact with colleagues and supervisors in the workplace.
Is Public Speaking Nervousness Related to Anxiety Disorders?
Public speaking is one of the most common problems experienced by almost everyone, whether it is a school student, working employee, or political figure. Feeling a little bit of fear before your speech is okay. However, in most of the cases, people experience different symptoms, like wet palms and feet, blabbering, shaking, etc. Other than these, some people also experience other symptoms like increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and panic attacks. Public speaking is often termed an anxiety disorder that gets triggered by the fear of speaking in front of others.
If you want to know more about public speaking, which is also known as glossophobia, you may refer to the DSM. But make sure you refer to the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, text revision (DSM-5-TR), which was released on March 18, 2022, by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The DSM is a reference handbook that most U.S. mental health professionals use to reach an accurate diagnosis. You may also use this to learn more about your public speaking disorder; however, this book does not provide any treatment. Further, with a psychology degree, you may study not only this anxiety disorder but all the other psychological and human facts. You may also seek psychology assignment help from professional writers to deepen your understanding and knowledge.
The fear of public speaking often creates nervousness, paralyzing fear, and panic. This is the reason people who experience this issue often try their level best to avoid speaking freely in public. Moreover, while moving forward in this blog post, we will look at the symptoms of this disorder. the ways to treat it, and other related facts.
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Common Symptoms of Public Speaking Anxiety
Many people have public speaking anxiety; whenever they go on stage and speak in front of an audience, they get nervous. Public speaking anxiety is the same as social anxiety disorder. If you are also one of those who has this public speaking anxiety, then you may get worried about a speech or presentation for weeks or months. It is quite possible that you will not be able to speak confidently in front of your audience. Here are some symptoms of speaking anxiety you face while you deliver your speech:
- Shaking
- Rapid heartbeat
- Pounding heart
- Hot or cold flushes
- Dizziness
- Intense worry
- Increased blood pressure.
- Nausea
- Upset stomach
- Blushing
- Fast heartbeat
- Chest pain
- Vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Choking feeling
- Increased perspiration
- Shaking voice
- Dry mouth
- Butterflies in the stomach
- Squeaky voice
- Nervousness
These are some of the common symptoms of public speaking anxiety. However, no one with speech anxiety needs to experience all of these issues together. Every person is different from one another, and so they may experience symptoms. All these steps make it extremely difficult for people to do their work confidently and also affect their personal and professional growth. In many cases, some people choose not to go on stage or in front of the audience and miss important opportunities in their lives. But not to worry anymore. Below is a list of some tips that help you with your speaking anxiety in front of the public.
Top Reasons Why You Can’t Speak Publicly

Are you someone who often gets frightened by the fact of speaking in front of more than ten people at once? Are you searching for ways to overcome your stage fright? Well, before that, you need to know the cause of stage fright so that you can confidently speak in public. The journey towards greater confidence and enjoyment of public speaking will get your life back and help you live it to the fullest.
The following are the top five reasons why students fear public speaking:
1- Poor academic grades
With increased educational standards, it has become common for students to face learning difficulties and score lower grades in their academics. Poor academic grades often create feelings like worthlessness, less confidence, depression, and a lack of confidence among students, making them introverts. As an introvert, they often avoid large gatherings and never seek opportunities to speak in public and improve their communication skills.
2- Fear of being judged by others
This is one of the most common reasons why students have stage fright. These students usually think that other students may laugh at them, judge them, and avoid public speaking. Despite this, even if they dare to speak out of nervousness, judging them just spoils their work. If you are also going through this thing. Let us just spill the facts. The truth is that no one cares about what you do or how you do it. All that matters for them is that they don’t want to waste their quality time speaking to someone who is blabbering on the stage.
3- Past failures could be one possible reason
We all might have heard of the term ‘learn from your failures, but when it comes to applying it practically, it is not as easy as it might seem to be. Public speaking anxiety is often triggered by past failures. Yes, if you have failed sometime in the past, it does not mean that you will fail every time. Everything depends on how you think and plan. If you plan for success, you may achieve success; if not, vice versa.
4- Not have relevant public speaking skills
Public speaking is an art that you should learn first, and with regular practice, you may become successful at it. However, most students are not excellent at these skills, and this could also be one of the reasons why they have stage fright. They think that without proper skills, they cannot be good speakers. More or less, you are true to some extent. If you want to be good at stage speaking, you need to first work on your skills, which will help you gain confidence in speaking publicly.
5- Comparison
Whether it is in school or the workplace, people often try to compare themselves with others. It has become common for everyone to compare themselves with others. However, you should not do that. Don’t compare yourself with others, as there is no term called ‘perfectionist’. Learn public speaking, work on yourself, and one day you can be a good speaker and an inspiration to a lot of other people.
The above-given five are some of the reasons why you cannot participate in public speaking. In addition to this, there are also other reasons like poor breathing habits, self-consciousness in nature, difficulty speaking for a long time continuously, narcissism, insufficient preparation, and fear of appearing nervous. So far, we have discussed some of the causes of avoiding speaking publicly. Now let us look at ways to overcome this anxiety disorder that will help you be confident with your words and communicate strongly.
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Tips for Upgrading Your Public Speaking Ability
Do you have sluggish confidence in public speaking? If yes, then just follow these tips that can help your public speaking ability.
1- Improve your academic grades
Have you ever seen any average learning students speak in public on their school and college stages or host any functions? We are sure that you might not have seen it. Unfortunately, poor-learning students are never given chances as compared to the toppers, thinking that they won’t conquer it. If you are an average student who wants to participate in your intercollegiate functions, you should make sure to improve your academic grades so that your teacher won’t sideline you. You may pay for online class help and outshine your academic performance. Once you become confident with your grades, you will automatically gain confidence and conquer most of the public speaking in the best way.
2- Practice in front of the mirror
Start from your home, even from your bedroom. Practicing in your comfort zone is the smoothest and most efficient way to enhance your public speaking skills. Try to make clear eye contact with yourself and practice. You can judge your performance each day. Eventually, you will see development in your speaking. Practicing it every day needs limited effort and time. The best thing about it is that it does not require any expenses! Once you are done practicing alone, you may ask your other family members to see how you are doing.
3- Hire a tutor to assist you
Hiring a personal tutor can help boost your morale and efficiency and decrease the chances of stammering in public. But make sure that you are investing money in experienced tutors who are trustworthy enough. They can teach you how to compose your thoughts and train yourself before any of your speeches. They can tell you what you are doing wrong and help you correct it before going on stage.
4- Get the help of the Toastmasters club
Toastmasters is a non-profit organization that assists people in improving their leadership quality, verbal communication, and public speaking skills. It is in different countries and provides complete support and assistance to the people. The native English experts on this platform help students improve their communication or speaking skills. If you join the Toastmasters Club, they will help you practice your speech, polish your grammar, and improve your poise with regular public extempore.
5- Attend any performing classes
In the field of performing arts like singing, dancing, drama, and even modeling, you can select any of these classes that will help you express your thoughts based on your interests. These performing arts require a lot of confidence, which will improve your speaking skills. You have to perform these activities in front of many people. In the beginning, you may feel a little nervous, but slowly, it will help to address all your uneasiness. If you are worried about how you will manage these classes and your studies together, Seek assignment help online from professional writers and improve your academic grades. In the meantime, you may work on yourself, make yourself a better communicator, and confidently express your thoughts in front of others.
6- Know your audience and surroundings
Before preparing any public speech, you should understand who your targeted audience is. You should have precise knowledge of what they wish to hear and what their expectations are from you. In short, put your effort into making a positive notion with a related example or a sketch. Here are some great tips that can help you engage your audience:
- Grab your audience’s attention: There is no use speaking in front of your audience if you fail to grab their attention. When you speak, it is crucial to attract your audience towards you before they turn out. To catch your audience’s attention, ask them some related questions, tell a captivating story, share an exciting thing, or share shocking statistics. Try to connect with them as much as possible.
- Eye contact is vital: It doesn’t matter if your audience is big or small; you have to make eye contact with them. The more you know your audience and make eye contact with them, the more beneficial it will be for you. And it also helps you boost your confidence in the best way.
7- Control your voice
Your voice is the supreme tool that you can use as a public speaker. To improve your public speaking ability, try to breathe fully and deeply. Breathing helps you access your most powerful voice. Many singers use this technique to make their voices sound melodious and fabulous.
Before any speech, try to place one hand on your abdomen and breathe into your hand. You just need to count to 10 as you inhale and fill your stomach, and then count to 10 as you exhale. This is a great way to make your voice louder, sharper, and smoother.
8- Check your body language
When you speak in public, your body language matters a lot. Body language includes all the gestures, expressions, and movements that convey your way of talking, as well as what’s going on in your mind. Make sure you practice your body language. Here are some tips that can help you:
- Stand up straight: The first thing you have to do is stand straight. Standing straight shows your confidence and your preparation for the topic.
- Assume the position: If you feel stressed or nervous before taking your position for presentation, then you can take a moment to stand in a powerful position. Doing this for just a few minutes will raise your confidence and also reduce your anxiety, nervousness, and stress.
- Raise your facial expression: Your facial expressions say a lot about your message and what you are going to deliver. So make sure you make good facial expressions on your face. In short, you have to be confident when you deliver a speech.
9- Watch your Delivery tone
When it comes to public speaking, what you deliver and how you deliver it matter. Even if you have a great voice and great speaking abilities, your audience will not catch you if you do not have a great way of delivering your topic. Here are some tips that can help you develop your overall delivery skills:
- Don’t speak so fast: If you speak so fast, then your audience will not be able to understand your message. Also, if you speak too slowly, they will get bored and will not show any interest. So, in this case, it would be better if you spoke not so fast and not so slowly.
- Take a pause: When you deliver and speak about any topic, just make sure you pause for 2-3 seconds. It helps your audience understand what you are saying. It is also a sign of confidence and control.
- Carefully pronounce your words: It is vital to carefully pronounce your words. A mumbling public speaker is tough to understand, and it also makes the audience lose interest.
10- It is okay to feel nervousness
If you are backing out of public speaking because of nervousness, then you are wrong. Per psychology, it is normal to feel some sense of pressure and nervousness before speaking publicly. No one could change this fact, so try not to relate this thing to your weakness. Some nerves are good and can make you alert and help you deliver the best speech that you could not have ever imagined. The major reason why you may be feeling stressed before public speaking is that you have not prepared yourself thoroughly. If you have prepared enough, you will feel a sense of confidence in yourself and overcome all of your fears. If not, you may experience panic and anxiety and mess up your speeches. Therefore, it is advised to prepare enough to be comfortable with what you are going to say.
So these are the tips that you need to follow to overcome your public speaking fear. We hope this write-up will help you and make you deliver a good speech while enjoying the process. When it comes to public speaking, there is nothing called perfection, and no one expects you to be perfect. A good public speaker grabs the listeners’ attention and teaches them some valuable lessons. To overcome the stage fear, you need to put in the requisite time to prepare, which will help you deliver a better speech.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: What are the best public speaking skills? Answer 1: Knowing about your audacity, preparing well, being confident, and not being stressed are some of the things you should know before every speech. |
Question 2: What are the popular public speaking books to refer to? Answer 2: The public speaking bible, The Storyteller’s Secret, Public Speaking for Success, Talk Like Ted, and The Art of Public Speaking are some of the popular books that you may refer to to develop your knowledge. |
Question 3: What are the three things you should not do while speaking publicly? Answer 3: Neglecting to prepare effectively, talking too fast or too slowly, or failing to avoid contact with your audience are the three things that you should not do. |
Question 4: How many people are going through the fear of glossophobia in the world? Answer 4: Around 75% of people face glossophobia, which is the fear of public speaking. |