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Essay writing is a keystone of academic success, but sometimes it feels like an overwhelming chore. Whether brainstorming ideas or devising a strong argument, students seem to have trouble presenting them in a cohesive manner. Moreover, the only way to fail an essay is to mishandle mistakes found herein. Or mistakenly thinking that the issue is that the prompt and the theme are just too hard. The most common essay writing mistakes are as follows. This blog post by All Assignment Help, enables students to recognize them. It gives them an opportunity to avoid those, as well as provides tips on how to cope with them.
Neglecting the Essay Structure
One of the frequent mistakes students make is ignoring the structure of the essay. Without a clear blueprint, your thoughts might become scrambled, and it is difficult for your audience to follow your assertion. Each essay should contain a sturdy backbone. The beginning sets the pace for the whole content. Moreover, the body presents and develops the main ideas. Eventually, the conclusion should bind them together. Without clearly defined paragraphs, your essay will be a mess, and the audience will become bored.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Begin all essays with an outline.
- Divide your paper into clear sections.
- Note down all essential information, and see if it will hold together.
Moreover, when you order course work with online coursework writing services, you can always ensure that your essay’s structure is effective. Even if you are working on a complicated essay, writing, and editing professionals are skilled in creating clear and logical frameworks that enhance the overall quality of your work.
Poor Grammar and Spelling
Wrong punctuation, incorrect verbs, problems with the structure of sentences, etc., can confuse your readers and make them stumble upon the incorrect usage of the words. Misspelled words also make your text look rough and unfinished. No one will take you seriously or listen to your arguments if you fail to make your ideas in a way that would inspire confidence. Even if your text is very strong or extra interesting, it will be avoided just because you do not make an impression of a competent person. So, proofreading is what could help you. Make it a habit to proofread and edit every essay you write, and you will see positive results in no time.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Always remember to proofread your essay before submitting it.
- Use Grammarly, or any other grammar checker, but do not blindly follow its suggestions.
- Reading your essay also entails pronouncing the words. It is often easier to notice the flaws in the text this way.
- Mistakes in structure and awkward phrases are harder to notice if you read silently. So, read aloud.
- Another approach is to ask someone else to read your document.
Proper grammar and spelling not only create the right impression but can improve the reader’s perception of the text.
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Lack of Originality
Over-reliance on a source without incorporating the writer’s thinking is one of the greatest problems of writing essays. Although the writer is required to identify a source, read works that are linked to it, and find information relevant to the topic, they need to present their ideas to strengthen the topic. The simple inclusion of ideas of other authors is not enough to produce a quality essay because it is not sandwiched with the writer’s thinking.
The writer’s reflection is instrumental during the finalizing of the discussion and linking with a conclusion. In addition, the absence of the writer’s point of view makes an essay monotonous because it reads the portion summarized and paraphrased from other works. Such a work has no personal touch of the writer and therefore appears lacking.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- To offer your interpretation of the evidence you present, always include your thoughts after presenting information from sources.
- Ask yourself, what does this information mean regarding my argument? or how does this information present itself in agreement or disagreement with the thesis?
- As you incorporate your voice alongside evidence from various sources, you create a more detailed, more interesting, and meaningful essay that demonstrates your original thinking on the subject.
Weak Thesis Statement
When writing an essay, a properly written thesis statement is crucial. In fact, a thesis statement can be considered the most important part of any essay because it serves as its backbone and informs the reader about the purpose of writing. Unfortunately, a great number of essays are doomed to fail due to a missed thesis or a too-weak thesis. Therefore, vague, too general, and implicit theses result in essays that lack a clear orientation. A thesis statement should be concrete, debatable, and built-in parallel to the essay’s question. Any other type of thesis is doomed to be weak and must be avoided.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Take time to formulate your thesis statement. It should present the argument you will be discussing within your paper.
- You may have a strong desire to complete the writing process but try not to hurry, as your thesis statement directs your efforts and the research you will undertake.
In addition to this, many students pay for help with coursework to develop stronger thesis statements, which serve as the basis for a compelling and focused essay.
Ignoring the Audience
An essay critical mistake is failing to give due consideration to your audience. Writing without thinking about your audience can result in a discussion that misses the mark in terms of what you want to say versus how it is being perceived. For instance, if you write in a very colloquial tone in an academic essay or delve into jargon without explaining it to the general audience, they may disengage from your essay. Different audiences tend to have different presuppositions with respect to tone, formality, and depth of analysis. Refusing to take that into account will result in an essay that is less well written and harder for your audience to engage with. A well-written essay considers its audience and structures its language, form, and arguments accordingly.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Before you start writing an essay, it is important to make some decisions about what exactly you are trying to convey to the audience and how best to do this.
- One aspect that must be considered is who will be reading the essay: your professors, classmates, academic community, or general audience. As such, one must decide how serious or unserious of an approach is required.
- If writing for professors or peers, one can use formal language along with deep and thorough analysis of ideas.
- Or, if writing for a more general audience, it is appropriate to use general themes simplified explanations and basic writing patterns.
Also read: Broaden Your Knowledge of the Different Kinds of Writing
Not Addressing the Essay Prompt
One of the biggest mistakes in essay writing is not following the prompt. Even if the student’s paper is well-written and thought-through, it will not get a high grade if it is written not in response to the prompt. This usually results in essays that are out of topic or include many irrelevant-to-the-question alternative notions, which tie the overall argument. Moreover, it is essential to fully understand what you are required to do and what the question is before starting the essay. A question can call for the analysis, the comparison, or a certain number of argumentations. However, if you dismiss a side of a question by discussing it too much or neglecting it, it will make your essay unbalanced.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- When planning to write an essay, take time to read the prompt several times.
- Read the prompt at least for the second time after you set some potential way of work on your piece.
- Divide the prompt into smaller parts and then mark key words which is to insure you notice all central words of the question.
- You also can jot down a diagram to follow that way when writing an essay in order not to change the topic much.
- Do not forget to recheck if every part of your essay is related to the prompt given.
In such a way, you will be able to provide a more precise and relevant response to an essay question which should make your readers see you are familiar with the assignment task.

Overloading with Information
When you try to carry too much information into your essay trying to demonstrate that it covers a broad area, you can overwhelm your readers. With an additional weight of irrelevant facts, the core argument may from latent get too diluted, and the reader will not understand the implication of the essay. It may seem that added information can make your essay even stronger, however, it will most likely confuse the reader. Besides, such an essay may be regarded as disorganized making no sense.
Undoubtedly, irrelevant facts and useless details can add some weight to your essay, but it is not what you would like to achieve. However, online assignment help can assist you in decisions about which information to include in your essay. As a result, you will be encouraged to be focused on key points that enhance and define your position.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Make sure you have a good vocabulary and avoid repeating words when you write.
- The main idea of vocabulary is that you should not divide the text into blocks with the same word.
- Try to read more books to overcome this problem.
In conclusion, a good vocabulary will make your writing brighter and better.
Overcomplicating Sentences
Many writers attempting to make sentences more knowledgeable often deceive themselves by complicating these sentences too much. Therefore, long constructions and the use of many unnecessary words confuse the reader. A complex sentence contains the core of the problem, but it is difficult to understand the basic idea. As a result, your efforts to improve your assignment could potentially result in the opposite effect. A long and complicated sentence would distract from the assignment by making it less accessible than simple and clear sentences.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Aim for a mix of varying sentence lengths to keep the reader engaged.
- Since clearer expression can be achieved by constructing shorter and more straightforward sentences, it might be better to rephrase complex ideas and separate them into two shorter segments.
Thus, simplifying the sentence with a clearer expression and spelling your idea out in simpler language can result in a more readily engaging essay.
Poor Time Management
The most devastating mistake students can make is poor time management. In other words, they may plan to write, but keep postponing the task. This results in the necessity to write an essay in a hurry. Under the pressure of deadlines, students fail to search for enough information, think carefully about the paper organization, and revise work attentively. In most cases, without proper revisions, a paper does not have a style, as well. Thus, proper time management is required to write an essay carefully.
Moreover, a rushed essay may include grammar mistakes or illogical structure. Overall, it is less polished and more negatively assessed. That is why it is better to devote some time to brainstorming or choosing performance essay topics and to review a paper two or three times.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Start writing your assignment ahead of time.
- Divide the whole process of writing into several smaller tasks: make time to research, think of a topic, create an outline, write, and make revisions.
- You can set alerts on your calendar or any special application that will help you allocate time for each of these tasks.
- This way, you will not only reduce your stress levels as the deadline approaches but will also be able to produce a more well-thought-out and argumentation-rich paper.
- Time management will help you yield the best work.
Furthermore, being overwhelmed means that you may have to pay someone to take my online class to have more opportunities to learn the material and not be afraid of missed deadlines.
Failing to Properly Cite Sources
In academic writing, citations should be viewed as an essential part of each well-researched assignment. They indicate that a writer has used the work of others to inform their ideas and allow others to revisit the sources and verify their opinions and statements. Sometimes, people may serve some ideas as their own, which is known as plagiarism. Also, inaccurate references may lead to failures as well, as proof of work done by others shall support the main argument of any paper.
Still, all modern styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago, and many others, have different citing systems and this may create additional stress. It is not only about creating a bibliography at the end but properly integrating references that would not hinder the reader’s attention and will benefit the writer.
Tips to overcome the mistake
- Know the style of citation required in your paper.
- Prepare a list of the sources of information used. This list must be formatted in the proper citation format.
- Use the citation management tool to work this out with ease.
- Furthermore, make sure that you cite every time you depend on a source, even if you are paraphrasing.
Giving credit to whom it should be is not only a matter of academic integrity or respect for others’ work. It improves the reliability of your essay and complements your argument.
To produce clear and relatable essays, you should avoid frequent writing mistakes. By outlining and following the structure, making your thesis powerful, refraining from copying publications, composing for your target readers, following the topic, shortening your sentence, properly citing, and referencing, and managing essays timely, you can refine your essays. Furthermore, if you take the danger off your writing, then you will get better as a writer. Enjoy writing!
Frequently Asked Questions
Question. What should I keep in mind while writing an essay? Answer. The most important thing that should be kept in mind is avoiding the errors which are mentioned in the blog. |
Question. Do you provide essay writing help with all the subjects? Answer. Yes, we comprise a team of experts who are specialized in every subject. |