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Do you have trouble writing essays in English? Do not worry because overcoming obstacles present a chance to learn something new. Just keep in mind that while it may seem like a tedious chore to write an essay in English, but you may enhance your writing skills with consistent practice and the right knowledge. Practicing is something you have to do on your own, by investing your time and effort. If we talk about the data, I’ve gathered all the key suggestions in this blog post to assist you in creating better English essays. Everything you need to know as a novice, from the definition of an essay through its writing process. And to make it simpler for you has listed each of those elements right here in this writing.
Let me first provide you with the most crucial information before getting into the specifics. Never subject yourself to pressure to do perfectly. Excellence is not something that will come in the initial time. It can only be accomplished after a lot of training and experience.
What Is an English Essay?
An essay can be a brief or lengthy piece of writing with the goal of presenting the author’s viewpoint on a topic. They might be either professional or informal. The formal essay is scholarly and usually addresses serious issues. On the other hand, informal writings are more intimate and deal with amusing aspects. It’s possible that you’ve previously come across an essay in school. In general, we are all given assignments to write in English, such as “my school essay.” These kinds of writings are given to students in elementary school. From the very beginning of schooling, teachers assign essay-writing assignments to improve students’ writing abilities. Essays at the university level are quite different; they follow a completely different approach. University academic essays are classified into several types.
Not every student excels at writing English essays due to challenges like weak language skills, time constraints, or other reasons. In such cases, many students make a smart choice by enrolling in online English courses to improve their skills. However, balancing regular studies with online English classes can become overwhelming for some. Thus, they often seek help from online experts, asking them to take my online English class for me, allowing the experts to handle everything smoothly and efficiently.
Now, let’s move on to some tips and tricks that can help you with writing an English essay quickly.
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Guidelines for Crafting a Flawless English Essay

Bringing perfection to any type of writing work is not easy at all. It becomes more difficult when it comes to essays. With good research and creative skills, you can definitely write a good English essay Below, I have mentioned a few points to look for while writing an essay.
1-Learn the essay topic first
The statement given to the writer in the form of a topic is known as the essay prompt, and it is usually followed by the question that the writer must respond to. Before you start your research, this is the first and most important thing you should know. This is due to the fact that your comprehension of the essay prompt will determine the type of writing you produce. Respond to the following questions after reading the essay prompt.
- What is the subject?
- What kind of research should I perform to fully grasp the subject?
- How long does the essay have?
- In writing this essay, how can I apply the material I’ve learned in class?
2-Write a thesis statement in draft form
Writing an essay on a certain topic is guided by a thesis statement. All the points that will be covered in the essay’s body are contained in it. As a result, make sure to cover all the necessary elements for your essay and make it as appealing as you can.
3- Make use of scholarly publications and credible sources
All the information and facts used in your essay writing must be from valid sources and scholarly articles. Various free websites may provide ample information on your topic, but the information doesn’t need to be correct. So, always double and triple-check them. You can go for premium websites so that you will only get genuine information and scholarly articles. While writing an essay, one may not need to use ornamented language. Use audience-specific language. Your essay should not compel the reader to use the Oxford dictionary on every line. If your vocabulary is too difficult to understand, then your essay will not get enough readers. Use simple language to make communication easy and understandable.
4- Maintain a close eye on the vocabulary and grammar norms
Students from all backgrounds, like English and non-English language speakers, can make grammatical and punctuation errors. But for new writers, the chance of making mistakes is even greater, and it can ruin the whole essay. For better and error-free writing, you can even take help from different websites like Grammarly and Quillbot. After completing your write-up, never forget to proofread to remove all the grammatical and typographical errors.
5- Do the paper’s referencing and structuring precisely
This is an essential part of the writing process as it gives the final touch and beautification to your English essay. Suppose you make an improper citation and do not put your English essay in the correct format according to the university guidelines, then slipping from an A grade to a C grade is almost certain. You can also pay someone to do your assignment at an affordable price. Taking help from professional experts is a wiser idea as they have complete knowledge of different formats. They will cite your work from the sources and arrange your essay perfectly as per your requirements.
Always be on the lookout for the aforementioned things before submitting your final essay. Because, at the university level, everything is strictly monitored, you need to be on the board like others. To get good grades, keep a margin of error as thin as possible. Read as much as possible related to your essay topic and in general as well to include suitable information in your writing. Reading is highly essential as it will help you understand how to frame an essay on different topics. Try to read as much as you can. Doing all these things would be really difficult in the initial stages. But be patient and work harder to achieve success.
If you’re still struggling to write an English essay assignment despite following all the guidelines, we recommend considering the best online assignment help from a reputable website to make your journey easier.
To better understand your essay type, we shall cover the various essay styles in this article. Therefore, don’t forget to peek at them.
Different Types of Essays
There are four different types of essays. They are as follows:
- Narrative essay
- Descriptive essay
- Persuasive essay
- Expository essay
1- Narrative essays
The author uses an essay to tell a tale or describe an event in a narrative essay. You can be creative and freely share your personal experiences when writing these essays. You have to actively draw the reader into the narrative. The story you narrate should make readers feel it feels like they are actively involved in it. You can consider yourself to have written a decent essay if this happens. If not, you need to change for the better.
Topics for narrative essay examples:
- Convey your first day in college.
- What have you done during your summer vacations?
- Describe a spooky incident in your life.
- Something funny happened to you.
- Narrate the story of your life.
- Something overwhelming happened to you.
- Describe the events of your last birthday.
- Narrate the story of when you first time failed your exams.
2- Descriptive essays
These pieces are based on descriptions, as the name indicate. A writer recounts a location, an occasion, a thing, or any memory of an event. However, the author uses words to paint a picture for you rather of only giving you a description. The primary goal of writers is to stimulate readers’ senses. They give an explanation of the sound, scent, etc. When the reader experiences the same emotion that the author did at the time, descriptive essays are successful.
Topics for descriptive essay examples:
- Which is your favorite place in your hometown?
- Express the comfort you get in your room.
- What could be your perfect vacation place?
- Who is the person whom you love the most?
- How did you feel when you got your salary?
- How did you feel when you were proposed to by your love?
- Who is your favorite singer and why do you like him/her the most?
- Why do you like Rome?
- Describe your experience when you topped in your classroom.
3- Expository essays
These essays are based on studies and research. Before writing this essay, you must have extensive knowledge and information about the topic. Expository essays are classified into many types: compare and contrast essays; cause and effect essays; classification essays; problem and solution essays; definition and process essays. All these types of essays are part of expository essay writing but have their own uniqueness. The main purpose of writing an expository essay is to provide useful knowledge to the readers.
Topics for expository essay examples:
- Explain your reasons to admire a specific person.
- Why someone experienced should become a leader?
- Is being strict the only way to control the children?
- What could be the reason for stress among the students?
- Explain how music can create a soothing effect.
- What could be the reason for not working in a team?
- Why do students prefer to skip school?
- Is the drug harmful or has any side effects?
- Is committing suicide the only solution for teens who are facing academic stress?
- Does smoking provide relief from stress?
- Give a detailed explanation of the effects of marijuana.
4- Persuasive essays
These kinds of essays are entirely argumentative. The main goal is to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s perspective. Here, the author uses statistics and facts to convince the reader to support their point of view. Whether your argument is favorable or negative, as a writer, you should try to convince the reader that it is more important. You have to persuade the readers to believe what you’re saying in both situations. To support a claim or an idea, your data may take the kind of facts, figures, or statistics.
Topics for persuasive essay examples:
- Is too much money a bad thing?
- Uniforms must be compulsory in schools.
- How long should be the break in school?
- Why bullying students should be banned?
- Is 12 years of age is suitable for babysitting?
- Euthanasia should be banned completely.
- Abortion should be legal.
- Sports should be given more importance than studies.
- Health is more valuable than gold.
- Why should we believe in sharing?
As you can see, there are a lot of different kinds of essays that require different writing techniques, and to write well requires knowledge of each technique. Before you start writing an essay in English, be sure to understand the criteria. You can begin writing your essay by determining the kind of essay you need to write by reading the material above. After establishing the essay format, let’s just discuss some tips for writing a good one yourself.
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What Is the Structure of an English Essay?
We have already covered the different types of essays and how to write them successfully. The format of the essay is the upcoming big thing. The majority of students seek online and offline resources for essay writing assistance since they are unsure of how to format their essays properly. Some students even enroll in online coursework to enhance their writing skills. Along the way, they may find themselves in need of assistance, leading them to seek help online. They often reach out to experts with a request, saying, please take my online class for me. But what if we told you that it’s really not that tough to understand the essay template? You did hear correctly. All essay types adhere to a comprehensible form. Let’s examine the pattern that one must use when writing an essay in English.
(I) Title
Providing an apt heading or title to your essay is really important to attract the general readers. Your title should be appealing and eye-catching to pull the mass audience. It is advisable to select your title after completing your writing.
(II) Introduction part
The opening part of your English essay must be a broad and informative introduction. This is the area of the essay where the writer provides a description of his/her essay and introduces the reader to the topic. You must provide a brief synopsis of your work in this section. Your essay introduction should contain a thesis statement. As a writer, you must work judiciously on your introduction. It should be catchy and engaging. One can use a quote that will act as a hook statement. You can also start the introduction with a question. Such techniques surely make your essay appealing to readers. To provide a loop in your essay, whatever you write in your introduction must be directly related to your main body.
(III) Main body of the essay
You might think you can write anything in the body of your essay. But that’s not true at all. The body of the essay is as important as the introduction of the same piece of writing. Bring the arguments along with supportive evidence. To make your point of view more convincing, back it up with facts and figures. Nobody wants to believe the assumptions. Therefore, always prepare strong evidence to support your argument. One needs to do a lot of research work before starting the essay. One thing to remember while writing the body of the essay is that you shouldn’t go haphazardly. Often, students make this mistake while writing an essay. You may have an abundance of information, but unorganised information is of no use. Therefore, always organise your data first and then write it in the essay.
Your main body can be composed of one or three paragraphs. Each of them depends upon the length of the essay. If it is a single paragraph, write everything in it. If not, you must evenly distribute your information.
(IV) Conclusion part
The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. You can make it just like the introductory paragraph, a bit shorter and more informative. But remember, it is your last chance to make an impression on your readers. Therefore, here too, use some statements that leave a lasting impression on readers’ minds. End it with a question that leaves the reader to think about the essay after completing the reading.
General English Essay Topics for Students
Writing an essay is difficult, but coming up with a topic is much harder. Here are some excellent ideas for college and high school students who need help with their essays. These are the typical topics that you might thoroughly explore to write an impeccable and well-structured essay. Just give each of these a short glance:
- Should the fashion industry change its ads concept?
- Do romantic films help or hurt the idea of true love?
- Are only women required to compete in beauty pageants?
- Why do young males develop body image problems?
- How do ads for beauty products affect the minds of men and women?
- Is satire and comedy news a better way of information?
- What is “fake news?”
- Is there any concept of “unbiased reporting?”
- What is the best role for news reporters in a digital era?
- Does reporting by ordinary citizens actually give us better news?
- Will news go out of paper business and become only digital?
- Can brain damage from drugs be reversed?
- What are the effects of marijuana on the brain?
- Can learning to do lucid dreaming help you?
- What is the best treatment for PSTD?
- Is virtual reality more than just for fun?
- Are video games bad for kids?
- How is the Internet affecting our intelligence?
- How will 3-D printing change our future?
- What research offers the most promising help for disabled people?
- Are self-driving trucks a good idea?
- Is face-detecting software a good way to solve the problem of identity theft?
- How and why are practical quantum computers changing our lives?
- How will 360-degree selfie cameras change the way we share and see our lives?
These are just a few topics for your reference. You can find a tonnes of essay writing topics in the English language over the internet. For more knowledge, you can take assistance from the do my assignment website services. These experts from these sites will help you with essay writing as well as provide you with some free essay samples.
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Undoubtedly, essays are one of the trickiest pieces of academic writing one can have. They seem easy, but you will understand the associated complications when you start writing them. One may not be a born essayist, but spontaneous practice will surely make you able to write a good essay one day. Therefore, to write your essay expertly, all you need to do is just follow the instructions mentioned above in this blog. First of all, identify what type of essay you need to write. I have clearly explained the different types of essays above. Please refer to them and start writing your essay. If you have too many things to do at a time, then you can also pay someone to do your homework.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: What are the different types of essays in general? Answer 1: There are four types of essay in which you can write. They are persuasive essay, narrative essay, expository essay and descriptive essay. |
Question 2: How many words should be in an essay? Answer 2: Your typical essay should be between 300 and 1000 words long if you are in high school. While as an undergraduate student, you must submit an English essay of between 1500 and 5000 words. Sometimes it can be between 5000 and 6000. |