Best Economics Dissertation Topics for Students


For students pursuing a degree in economics, it can be difficult to write a dissertation. Because it calls for a deep comprehension of economic theories and ideas on the part of the learner. Moreover, the student must collect data efficiently, assess and understand it, and then present it in a way that is accurate and convincing as part of the research process. However, the most significant part of writing a dissertation is finding one of the best economics dissertation topics. Hence, this blog by All Assignment Help offers a detailed list of economics dissertation topics. Let us read this blog carefully.

Things to Consider While Writing an Economics Dissertation

It is critical to follow a suitable dissertation structure to stay on topic and communicate your thoughts clearly. When writing, you must apply what you have learnt in various course modules to solve a specific topic or problem.  Moreover, the quality of your literacy, your research skills, and your originality of thought are some of the most important areas in which you should exhibit your expertise. Such ability is essential for performing a thorough literature evaluation, coming up with logical dissertation conclusions, and doing methodical research on the dissertation topic.

Furthermore, you should think about the following areas of concern to help you show off your intellectual qualities.

  1. Dissertation topic: In an economics dissertation, this is one of the most crucial points to address. You must identify one main topic or a group of ideas that are closely related to examine. Moreover, this is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of reading.
  2. Literature review: An equally important topic of interest is the literature review. You must demonstrate a thorough mastery of both the theoretical and empirical components of your specific study topic in this section. The included literature evaluation ought to demonstrate how your work and the relevant literature are related to one another. This necessitates that you concentrate on the important facets of the research that are relevant to your study; these facets typically include the procedures employed.
  3. Data: Another essential component of an economics dissertation is data. Before choosing a topic to research, make sure that pertinent data is available. Panel data, cross-section data, and time series data are common forms of data that could be used. Moreover, enough variables and observations must exist.

After this, let us read about different aspects of economics and related economics dissertation topics.

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Behavioral Economics Dissertation Topics

A relatively recent topic called behavioural economics provides a psychological perspective on the choices and actions people make in various socioeconomic circumstances. Given below is a list of behavioural economics dissertation topics.

  • Descriptive correlational analysis of feminist economics, gender economics, and behavioural economics.
  • Behavioural economics: fundamentally an interdisciplinary field of study?
  • Making connections between the past, present, and future through the historical study of behavioural economics.
  • A comparison between irrational and rational theories of the behavioural economics of death.
  • Understanding the evolving link between behavioural economics and regulatory policy.
  • Relationship analysis between sports, positive youth development, and behavioural economics: X country as a focus.
  • An investigation of poverty and behavioural economics using descriptive methods.
  • Potential possibilities and problems are the main topics of behavioural economics and education.
  • Behavioural economics approach to the creation of money management plans for drug users.
  • Examining empirical data for data analysis in behavioural economics.

Environmental and Resource Economics Dissertation Topics

The management of the unfavourable effects of human activity that result in environmental issues, such as air pollution, declining land and water quality, hazardous materials, solid waste, and climate change, is the focus of environmental economics. Moreover, natural resource economics is a more general discipline that includes the long-term, economically viable extraction of non-renewable natural resources as well as the sustainable and economically viable distribution of renewable resources. These include mineral stocks, agricultural and recreational land, water, energy resources, and marine and forestry resources. Given below is a list of environmental and resource economics dissertation topics.

  • Examining how ocean acidification affects the economy.
  • What factors influence the creation of climate policy in the United Kingdom? an analysis of the economy.
  • An analysis of strategies for sustainable urban planning and development.
  • A UK-based investigation of the correlation between financial incentives and the production of environmentally friendly items.
  • An analysis of the financial aspects of agroforestry methods.
  • Looking into how crop yields are affected by climate change.
  • An analysis of globalization from an economic and environmental perspective in comparison.
  • Review of present practices and historical context for the economics of ecology.
  • An analysis of the financial aspects of carbon farming.
  • A comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom shows how carbon price affects industrial emissions.

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Development Economics Dissertation Topics

The study of development economics focuses on the factors that influence economic growth, especially in less developed countries. Moreover, it looks at the decisions made by governments, businesses, and families as well as the results of development assistance programs and growing incomes in emerging markets. Furthermore, in case of complexity in writing a dissertation, you can seek guidance from experts at economics assignment help services to help you compose a reliable dissertation. Given below is a list of development economics dissertation topics.

  • Microfinance’s effect on reducing poverty.
  • Evaluating the success of help for development.
  • Education’s contribution to economic growth.
  • The effect of better health on economic expansion.
  • Investigating the factors that influence wealth disparity in developing nations.
  • The contribution of institutions to the advancement of economic growth.
  • The effect of rural development on agricultural productivity.
  • Evaluating the performance of initiatives to reduce poverty.
  • The contribution of infrastructure development to economic expansion.
  • The relationship between economic progress and political stability.

Health Economics Dissertation Topics

The applied study of health economics looks at systemic issues and develops inexpensive, accessible, and equitable healthcare solutions for everybody. The goal of health economics is to comprehend how various parties involved in healthcare spending, including patients, corporations, government agencies, private insurance providers, and public organizations, affect the system. Given below is a list of health economics dissertation topics.

  • An economic analysis of the effects of lifestyle intervention programs on the UK health care system.
  • Accessibility and sustainability in pharmaceutical price policies: a balanced approach.
  • Economic reasoning and justification for UK health care policies.
  • Reviewing the global health economics of food security and nutrition.
  • Taking on health disparities: An economic analysis of marginalized groups.
  • The economics of adopting telemedicine during humanitarian emergencies.
  • Telemedicine: Assessing the financial implications and enhancing healthcare accessibility.
  • Assessing the palliative care services’ financial worth.
  • Analyzing the financial impact of expanding health insurance in developing nations.
  • The economics of health in ageing populations with limited resources.

International Economics Dissertation Topics

The study of international economics focuses on cross-national economic relations. Moreover, the two subfields of the field are International Trade and International Finance. International Trade uses microeconomics to analyze open economies, while International Finance uses macroeconomic analysis. Furthermore, in case of complexities in your international economics assignment or dissertation, do not forget to seek expert assistance. Given below is a list of international economics dissertation topics.

  • In what ways might governments employ trade quotas to stimulate economic output and increase demand for domestic goods?
  • Explain how, in contrast to closed economies, international trade may assist a variety of countries.
  • Talk about government involvement in emerging businesses.
  • Describe and talk about how free-trade agreements are employed by nations and trade blocs, and how they can aid in boosting the economies of those nations.
  • Describe and talk about how the foreign exchange market operates, as well as the reasons and mechanisms behind national currency fixing.
  • What effect has technology had on migration rates, and what effect has this had on global economies?
  • Explain the comparative advantage and its meaning in the context of international economics with reference to some specific cases.
  • How are monetary policies decided upon by international financial institutions?
  • Give an overview of international finance, talk about how capital moves across these markets, and explain what happens when that capital is restricted.
  • In what ways does econometrics help with data analysis and research related to international economics?

Urban and Regional Economics Dissertation Topics

The field of urban economics centres on the city as a hub of economic activity, where a high concentration of businesses near each other and public sector decision-makers boost productivity. Moreover, the notion of regional economics refers to the area as a separate segment of the national economy with unique features and a distinct development trajectory from the rest of the economy due to its spatial separation. Conversely, the economic performance of the nation’s regions affects the course of the national economy.

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Now, given below is a list of urban and regional economics dissertation topics.

  • Evaluating how localized trade obstacles affect global competitiveness.
  • Investigating how regional differences in income affect comparative psychology.
  • Examining how regional economic shocks affect the prevalence of poverty.
  • Evaluating the contribution that small enterprises and entrepreneurship provide to regional economies.
  • Analyzing the effects on agriculture of regional water resource management.
  • Evaluating the effects of local transit systems on business and trade.
  • Examining the impact of local water scarcity on agricultural output.
  • Evaluating the effects on the local economy of resource extraction.
  • Investigating the relationship between economic growth and local green energy projects.
  • Examining how trade agreements and international collaborations have shaped the regional economic environment in the UK.

Financial Economics Dissertation Topics

One area of economics that examines the allocation and use of financial resources is financial economics. Its main areas of research include specific stocks or securities or the financial markets overall. Moreover, it focuses especially on financial decisions related to the distribution of resources within the financial market. Given below is a list of financial economics dissertation topics.

  • Does advancement in IT affect R&D spending by businesses?
  • The role of behavioural finance in influencing investment choices.
  • Is it possible to fully explain investment decisions using behavioural finance?
  • How does an investor’s personality influence their choice of investments?
  • Spending patterns in single- and couple-person households.
  • The mediators function in the mortgage market.
  • Investment and cash flow in the United Kingdom: The type and intensity of the connection.
  • What effect do interest rates have on the FTSE?
  • Are stocks listed on the FTSE 100 subject to CAPM?
  • How does the FSTE 100’s conduct impact economic expansion?

Labour Economics Dissertation Topics

Studying labour economics entails examining the relationships between different production processes and the labour force, which is made up of all employed and jobless individuals seeking work. Moreover, examining these relationships and the factors that influence them requires thinking about the implications of technological advancement, examining the compensation practices of employers, and appreciating the full impact of government regulations and economic policies on labour markets. Furthermore, if the subject overwhelms you, consider hiring an expert for a dissertation or labour economics assignment help.

Here is a list of labour economics dissertation topics you might want to consider.

  • Examining the impact of trade agreements on the UK labour market outcomes.
  • Assessing the contribution of government stimulus plans to the reduction of unemployment during the pandemic.
  • Assessing the financial effects on LGBTQ+ people of job discrimination.
  • Investigating the impact of Brexit on the skill mix of foreign workers in the United Kingdom.
  • Looking at how income inequality is affected by globalisation in emerging economies.
  • Evaluating how occupational licensing affects income inequality and the results of the labour market.
  • Policies related to labour markets and income inequality in political economy.
  • Evaluating how well labour market interventions work to lower youth unemployment.
  • Investigating how occupational licensing affects entry into and movement within the labour market.
  • Examining how European Union labour market policies have affected youth unemployment.

Agricultural Economics Dissertation Topics

The study of trading and using products produced via farming is known as agricultural economics. Moreover, agriculture is still essential to a nation’s development even though it may not make up most of its economy these days. Because it is how the country sustains itself. Growing, marketing, and trading agricultural products is a company since farming produces more than just food for one’s own use. Some agricultural economics dissertation topics are as follows.

  • Digital agricultural technologies’ contribution to increased farm productivity and profitability.
  • Examining the financial effects of land tenure reform on the productivity and investment in agriculture.
  • Urban agricultural policies: Economic study and implications for urban growth and food security.
  • The views of policymakers and farmers on polder land agriculture.
  • Evaluating the socioeconomic elements influencing the adoption of sustainable farming practices by farmers.
  • Research into the influence of agricultural policy on rural farmers’ decision-making in the United Kingdom.
  • Examining how climate-resilient cattle production techniques affect the economy.
  • A study on agriculture and abandoned land in the United Kingdom.
  • Evaluating the effects of food security and rural livelihoods on agricultural trade liberalization.
  • A comparison between trade liberalization and protectionism, with an emphasis on their effects on world agriculture markets.

Public Economics Dissertation Topics

Public economics is the study of public policy from the perspective of equality and efficiency in the economy. Moreover, it offers a framework for considering whether and to what extent the government should be involved in the economy. Microeconomic theory is applied to determine whether the private market is likely to produce efficient results in the absence of intervention from the government. Furthermore, this study entails the investigation of government spending and taxes by kind.

A wide range of subjects are covered in this course, including externalities, market failures, and the formulation and application of public policy. In the end, public economics is a tool for enhancing social well-being since it expands upon the welfare economics hypothesis. Also, seek dissertation help or public economics assignment help in case of difficulty. Find some of the best public economics dissertation topics below.

  • How is education a public good? proportionate significance in both developed and developing nations.
  • Assessing regional devolution’s economic impacts in the United Kingdom.
  • Evaluating the effect of public debt on the viability of the budget.
  • Groundwater management in the EU through laws and regulations.
  • Examining how immigration laws affect the economy.
  • The financial aspects of governmental assistance for the arts and culture.
  • Assessing the ability of carbon pricing schemes to cut emissions.
  • Examining the financial aspects of international tax competition.
  • The function of public spending in encourage the development of infrastructure.
  • Examining how tax breaks work to draw in foreign capital.


In conclusion, there are many topics to discuss in the large field of economics. It is necessary to find unexplored economics subjects and ideas. From any of these ideas, you can develop a captivating dissertation topic. After drafting, if you find it difficult to decide on a topic, you can always get assistance from a dissertation or assignment writing service. When you have qualified dissertation specialists at your service whenever you need their assistance, you do not have to worry about your grades or coming up with some compelling economics dissertation topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I get some ideas for writing an economics dissertation?
Answer: Yes, you can use the following guidelines to draft a strong dissertation plan in economics.
• Identify important themes and come up with ideas.
• Identify the most pertinent data by conducting research on the selected topic.
• Provide the plan with a structure.
• To find issues in the plan and make it better, use data analysis techniques.
Question: In a dissertation, how do you get at least 75?
Answer: It is necessary for you to fulfil the following requirements to receive a score of 75% or above:
• Send in a dissertation with supporting data demonstrating original, thorough study.
• You must have original insight that challenges readers’ preconceived notions.
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