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Are you going to start writing an argumentative essay? Well, you may have a fair idea of writing it, but learning some more could prove only helpful for you in writing a compelling argumentative essay. Understanding basic academic writing standards can help you avoid the many potential pitfalls. These are mostly hidden when you are constructing this kind of essay.
Thus, as an assignment help online provider, we will try to teach you the Do’s and Don’ts of argumentative essay writing. Well! this can also be stated as the “Meat and Potatoes” of the essay. So, read on!
Meaning of Argumentative Essay
Before we get started on the list of things to avoid when writing an argumentative essay. Let’s make sure you understand what one is. So let’s get started with understanding it from the base.
- An argumentative essay is a type of writing that aims to persuade the reader of a particular point of view.
- To accomplish this, the writer must present sufficient evidence-based arguments.
- And, reach a specific conclusion.
Types of Argumentative Essay
It’s also worth noting that there are several kinds of argumentative papers.
These are the following:
- Analysis Essays
- Personal Essays
- Persuasive Essays
- Research Papers
The latter category also covers many types of speeches. So if you have trouble producing academic papers, you’ll probably struggle with speeches as well. Fortunately, you can always turn to essay writing experts for assistance. When the deadline is approaching, it can be a lifesaver.
Do’s of Argumentative Essay Writing

Follow University Guidelines
- Students have been observed to compose good essays regularly.
- However, they detract from its quality by failing to follow the university’s recommendations.
- For example, instead of including five references. As required by the university, you just provide one or two in the work.
- As a result, when writing an essay, make sure to follow the requirements.
Give Importance to Referencing Style
- References are required for your argumentative essay.
- Because they assist you in showing the legitimacy of your work.
- As a result, you should include references in the assignment while maintaining the appropriate style.
Make Your Essay Well-Organized
- Another thing you should do when writing an essay is to structure it properly.
- You should compose the assignment in such a way that the content flows smoothly.
- And make sure you avoid the repetitions.
Acknowledge the Thrust of Your Essay
- Arguments aren’t all made equal.
- An argument, according to Andrea Lunsford, John Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters in their book “Everything’s an Argument”.
- It can be subtle or aggressively confrontational.
- What do you hope to achieve with your persuasive writing?
- If you’re attempting to persuade someone to donate to your holiday charity drive.
- Make sure the tone of your argument corresponds to the argument’s purpose.
Proof-Read Your Essay
- While spell-check is useful, it does not assist in the detection of word usage problems.
- These are one of the most common errors in academic papers.
- It’s also difficult to locate everything in a single read.
- Do a final edit for punctuation and grammar.
- Only after you’ve read your essay at least once to check for the fulfilment of the requirements.
- Even better, read it back to slow down your reading.
- And, make it simpler to spot mistakes.
Don’t Make False Facts in Argumentative Essay
- With educated readers, made-up facts and overblown comments will not score points.
- People want only genuine material that has been thoroughly researched.
- And, correctly referenced to give your writing a sense of trustworthiness.
- If some of your data is incorrect, do not attempt to correct it.
- Instead, you can use logical reasoning to save your essay.
- Also, qualifying terms like “too many” should be avoided in statements like this.
- Instead, support your statement with a numerical figure.
Refer To: Argumentative Essay Topics: The Current Drift!
Don’ts of Argumentative Essay Writing
Don’t Use Phrases to Preface a Statement
- If a person begins a sentence with terms like “I think” or “I believe”.
- You can quickly deduce that he or she is unsure about what they are saying.
- As a result, if you utilise such terms in your assignment., you are doing the same thing.
- And your thesis statement may fail to pique the readers’ interest.
Signposting is Not a Good Idea
- For speech classes, signposting could be a nice concept.
- Where you tell the audience what you just said and what you’re going to say next.
- However, it is not appropriate for producing an argumentative essay.
- As a result, you should avoid signposting.
- And, instead, express what you want to communicate in a section.
Avoid Abruptive Essay Conclusion
- The section of your essay conclusion, that the readers read the most, is your essay conclusion.
- It is the portion in which you summarise your task.
- Use a great Conclusion Starter to avoid clumsy ones.
- And, attempt to persuade the readers to agree with your viewpoint.
- As a result, instead of making it abrupt, you must make it compelling and obvious.
Never Skip the Outline
- Some students underestimate the value of outlining.
- And, as a result, neglect this critical stage of the writing process.
- This is a terrible mistake to make, especially when writing a difficult article like an argumentative essay.
- Although bypassing the outline may appear to save time.
- It has the opposite effect.
- The less structure you have, the more difficult it is to write a cohesive document.
- And the longer it takes if you manage to do it at all.
When writing an argumentative essay, stay away from these blunders. And any academic paper, for that matter. However, other typical blunders might be added to the list. Removing the don’t items described above will put you on the road to improved academic writing. And adding the do’s can make you get better marks!
The multiple writing assignments that a university student must complete are enough to drive anyone insane. A university-level essay’s tight criteria add extra levels of difficulty to academic writing. Professors with a strong discipline insist students strictly follow the conventions of academic writing. Your academic life would be too stressful. Using the services of a professional essay writer to deal with your writing challenges is your best choice for avoiding worries.
You can opt for our critical essay writing help if you have some problem in attempting an argumentative essay. Writing a well-written argumentative essay has the effect of elevating your status in the eyes of your lecturer. You can use specific strategies and techniques to help you become a skilled essay writer who understands how to make a lasting impression on the reader’s mind. Continue reading to learn the dos and don’ts of creating an excellent argumentative essay.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ques- How can I write a good conclusion for an argumentative essay? Ans- Use a great conclusion starter to avoid clumsy ones. And, attempt to persuade the readers to agree with your viewpoint. As a result, instead of making it abrupt, you must make it compelling and obvious. |
Ques- Can you list some Do’s of writing argumentative essays? Ans- Yes, they are following the university guidelines, making it well-organized, proofreading it, correct referencing styled, acknowledging the thrust and not making fake facts. |