The Most Difficult Programming Languages and Why


Programming languages are similar to the tools in a coder’s toolbox. They range from simple hammers to complex instruments that require a high level of skill to operate. If you have tried your hand at coding before, you have probably noticed that it is not all the same.

Some computer languages appear almost natural, such as Python, and those appear to be actively battling with you, enforcing archaic syntax or bizarre, alien rules. In this blog by All Assignment Help, we will look at the most difficult programming languages to decode and learn why. If you are ready to delve deep into the jungle of complexity behind the code, let us get started!

Why are Some Programming Languages More Difficult than Others?

There are a few reasons why some programming languages are harder than others. One of them is that some languages force you to think more like a computer. For instance, low-level languages such as Assembly require you to manage memory and hardware to make the program work. Moreover, another reason is abstract concepts. For example, if you are used to common code styles, languages like Haskell may be hard to grasp since they never mutate variables. Furthermore, Syntax can also play a big role in a language’s complexity, as do a lot of rules or some error-prone features like pointers.

Overall, harder languages are simply more challenging to learn compared to more user-friendly languages like Python. Hence, we can say that learning a programming language can be tough. However, composing a programming assignment can still be easy. If you are a student and need programming assignment help, you can contact our experts to guide you with top-quality solutions to your academic query.

Assembly Language

Assembly Language is one of the most difficult programming languages, as it works at a very low level and is tremendously close to the machine’s hardware. This also makes assignments related to assembly language quite a complex deal. However, an online assignment helper will always guide you in overcoming the related complexities.

Furthermore, in contrast to high-level languages such as Python or Java, which hide a lot of the details away from the programmer, in Assembly, the programmer must manually deal with many of them. An Assembly programmer must worry about managing memory, something that would be done automatically in the other languages, and have intimate knowledge of how the computer’s processor works. Additionally,

Why it is difficult?

  • Complex syntax: It uses a very basic, hard-to-read syntax that represents machine code instructions.
  • Manual memory management: You must handle memory locations and registers on your own, and it is easy to make an error.
  • Lack of abstraction: There is very little to no abstraction, meaning that every task must be explained in terms of how you want the hardware to do it and hardware alone.

Application scenarios

Assembly and similar programming languages are still used in systems programming. Some languages like this are also used for embedded systems and other situations where getting as fine control over how the hardware performs as possible is important, such as operating systems and device drivers.


C++ as a language is widely regarded as a complex and rigid one for a variety of reasons. It is known to be a high-performance programming language, meaning that is quite complex in the process even though it is ideal for the operation of the computer. At the same time, it contains the features of low-level and high-level programming. Thus, this language can be complex because of the awareness of high-level controls and the relationship between order execution. Finally, it can be viewed as difficult because there is no automatic garbage collection, memory management should be done manually.

Why it is difficult?

  • Complex syntax: C++ has object-oriented, functional, and procedural programming that have syntax structures. Even for C++, you must use the correct syntax for the specific style.
  • Memory management: Languages like Java have automatic garbage collection whereas C++ requires a programmer to use pointers to manage memory usage. This can lead to errors like dangling pointers, memory leaks, and delayed deallocation.
  • Deep learning curve: C++ has a vast number of features. It takes longer to understand. For instance, it takes some practice to fully grasp advanced features like C++ templates, scopes, and multiple inheritance.

Many people would also include pointers that tend to affect the compiling process. Moreover, students may think that pointers make the compilation faster. However, this may not be the case. While it has some negative pointers, C++ is popular in C++ game development.

Application scenarios

C++ is commonly used for performance-critical applications like game development, systems programming, and software that needs direct control over the hardware – such as an operating system or a browser. Additionally, it is commonly used in other areas where speed and efficiency are necessary, like robotics, high-frequency trading, etc.

Also read: Master C-Sharp and Sequel Programming Languages



Haskell is considered as one of the most complicated programming languages for a few reasons. First, Haskell is a functional programming language, characterized by its abstract and mathematical nature. Unlike the practices falling onto procedural or object-oriented languages, Haskell substitutes every possible permutation for immutability, removing changes along processing time. In this way, functions are treated as objects of the first rank.

Why it is difficult?

  • Functional programming paradigm: Unlike other programming languages, the Haskell software makes use of a functional style primarily. This implies that there are no variables, let alone loops. Instead, recursion and functions are relied upon in the manipulation of data. Attempting to start any imperative program in Haskell may be a bit hard once a person gets used to writing Haskell software and running it without necessarily relying on other languages.
  • Lazy evaluation: Haskell only computes values if they are needed, which makes it hard for it to be used in the reasoning about the program flow or indeed it’s debugging.
  • Abstract concepts: Haskell consists of relatively powerful concepts like monads and higher-order functions. However, these concepts are impossible to understand easily without a great math/scripting background.

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Application scenarios

Haskell is a good fit for academic research, data analysis, and in general wherever being correct is important, like in financial systems or compilers. Its ability to model the problems elegantly and with fewer bugs is appreciated, which makes it a good fit. On the other hand, it is not a popular mainstream language due to its learning curve.


Rust is a systems programming language. There was a burst of popularity around this language because it provided memory safety as well as control over resources without a garbage collector. Moreover, this language is fast and reliable, but most importantly it is challenging, especially for someone who has never worked with the unique rules of Rust and low-level programming.

Why it is difficult?

  • Ownership and borrowing: Rust offers ownership, borrowing and lifetimes as a new way to manage the memory. It prevents memory errors like null pointers and data races. However, it might be difficult to understand at the beginning.
  • Borrow checker: In Rust, it is guaranteed that references to data are not going to outlive the data itself thanks to the borrow checker. However, until you figure out how to correctly manipulate memory, it is just a tool for safety and it may be frustrating.
  • Concurrency: Rust helps you write safe concurrent programs but learning about concurrency along with Rust’s strict rules among other issues is another complexity.

Application scenarios

This language is used in systems programming. For example, in web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, operating systems, and embedded systems. It is also used in blockchain development and game engines. In all cases, people use it to design fast safe and highly efficient code. Thus, despite the difficulties present in Rust, this language is highly valued because it allows developers to produce safe and high-performance software.


Prolog is not a common programming type and sometimes we may even wonder if it is a programming language. We can certainly understand it as a paradigm because it does not consist of indicating what we want a computer to do through programming. Moreover, the Prolog aspect we must understand first has to operate and search. We command a device to interpret programming languages, but we will explain to Prolog what we are looking for. The translator will handle Prolog and hunt down a request based on what we told him. It creates some opportunities but only if we know precisely what we are doing, which is very complicated.

Why it is difficult?

  • Declarative paradigm: In Prolog, you do not tell the computer how to solve a problem, but rather you define facts and rules, and the Prolog engine figures out the solution by backtracking. It takes a fundamentally different way of thinking in contrast with procedural or object-oriented programming.
  • Recursion and logic: Prolog often requires the use of recursion and logical inference. Even though recursion is a simple concept, it might be difficult for beginners to use it in solving more advanced problems.
  • Backtracking: Prolog automatically tries all possible solutions through backtracking. When a given solution is proven to be incorrect, Prolog shifts to a previous solution and methodically tries all possible variations. This might be confusing for many students, particularly while dealing with more sophisticated problems.

As far as difficulties are concerned, do you find it difficult to take your online exams, quizzes, etc? The reason can be anything from time constraints to technical glitches. However, our experts can guide you through all these issues without any hassle. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!

Application scenarios

Prolog is one of the oldest programming languages still in regular use today, having initially appeared in 1972. Moreover, Prolog is most suited to artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and expert systems, where reasoning, pattern matching, and rule-based logic are required. It is limited outside of specialist usage or the narrow areas in which it exists, and it is not used for general purposes.

Also read: How to Stand Out in Your Online Programming Classes


Malbolge is a mysterious programming language that was created in 1998 with the intention of being hard to read, hard to write, and hard to even understand. Moreover, Malbolge is used in software development in many ways like how a logic puzzle is used instead of an actual programming language. In general, a lot of people think it is the hardest programming language ever created.

Why it is difficult?

  • Obscure syntax: Malbolge’s syntax is intentionally confusing and does not follow any patterns that would be familiar to anyone who has programmed in a mainstream language. In fact, even the simple “Hello, World!” program took years to write after the language was invented.
  • Self-modifying code: Malbolge is based on self-modifying code, which means that the instructions change while the program is running. As such, it is impossible to predict and incredibly difficult to debug.
  • Mathematical obfuscation: Malbolge uses incredibly obscure and complicated mathematical operations, which simply serve to make it more difficult to interpret.

Application scenarios

Malbolge is used nowhere in the real programming process. This language is unfortunately mainly the experimental type of “joke” language for those who want to practice and show their programming experience. The main interest is in the difficulty it presents to the developers, rather than in the practical application. This feature of the language made it relatively popular among Esolang fans.

Additionally, remember that you can always look forward to seeking academic guidance from us whenever you feel the need to hire a programming language assignment help.


LISP, standing for LISt Processing, is one of the oldest programming languages. Most people know it for its weird syntax and an almost excessive use of parenthesis. Moreover, LISP is a functional language with powerful abstractions about code and is also one of the most flexible languages. Furthermore, LISP had a great influence on artificial intelligence and symbolic computation.

Why it is difficult?

  • Parentheses-heavy syntax: LISP is a (parentheses-heavy) functional programming language. Parentheses are heavily used in LISP to show the structure of the code, which can often make it hard to read for people who are used to more traditional syntaxes.
  • Functional programming focus: LISP usually relies heavily on recursion and on treating functions as first-class objects, which can also make it a difficult language to get used to if you are used to imperative programming. However, it can also be a useful addition to your language repertoire.
  • Minimal syntax: LISP is a minimal language with very few built-in structures, which means that you often must build simple code to do complex things. This requires a certain mental discipline which can be hard to train without experience.

Application scenarios

Most people who are not very familiar with this programming language generally think of LISP mainly due to symbolic computation and AI. Usually, this language is the best choice when it comes to such tasks as data processing, writing algorithms and developing expert systems. Due to the great ability to easily organizing and changing code, this language is frequently used in academic research and AI. At the same time, due to its weird syntax, it is not widely used in standard software development.


In conclusion, the programming languages are different in the benefits they offer, despite their potential difficulty. Considering this, C++ has a lot of performance power. Rust provides distinct and apparently valuable safety assurances, while Haskell’s abstract nature lends it a special elegance and immutability. These languages lead to radically diverse approaches to problem-solving and thought processes.

While learning them may be an unpleasant process, conquering them may be enriching and significantly broaden one’s skill set, especially in the face of certain more narrow applications needed to work with systems programming, AI, and the bleeding edge of technology. Thus, if you are not afraid of a challenge, one of these languages may become your next favourite coding hobby!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What makes some programming languages more difficult to learn than others?
Answer: There are some programming languages that have more difficult learning curves due to complexities of syntax, low-level operations or having abstract concepts. Moreover, there are languages like C++ and Assembly which were designed to provide low-level control that required direct memory management. Whilst high-level programming languages such as Python were developed with the intention of intuitive usage.
Question: What is the most difficult programming language for a beginner?
Answer: Assembly language is one of the toughest for beginners to learn, given that it has a low-level nature and you are required to know how computers work on hardware level. Similarly, C++ and Haskell can also prove to be a challenge for beginners since they expose its users right away with pointers, memory management, and functional programming.
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