Table of Contents
Communication is a method of providing information or conveying ideas via speech, writing, visuals, or body actions. In Communication, one is sending the message, and the other person receives it. When communication takes place, it should be simple and easy to grab so that the receiver can understand without putting in any extra effort. To make communication easy and more understanding one should use communication techniques in order to enhance communication skills.
This blog, assimilated by the experts at allassignmenthelp will discuss various communication techniques which will help the students doing journalism and mass communication. This blog will also help those who want to learn effective communication techniques to enhance their personality.
Read more: Everything You Should Know About the Types of Communication
Types of Communication and Communication Techniques
Being humans, it’s a must-have trait for us to communicate and let each other know what we are up to!
Let us delve deep into the four types of communication observed between human beings:
Verbal communication
Verbal communication is an oral form of communication. In simple language, this type of communication takes place with the transferring of words with the help of sound. This is the best form of communication as it transfers information in an easy way and people understand it more conveniently.
Non-verbal / Interpersonal communication
Non-verbal communication is the second most important form of communication that comes after verbal communication. Before you speak, people notice your body language, your gestures, and how well are you appearing in front of them. These things convey a lot of things. Your body language is very important. Your body language shows how much you are interested in a person. Leaning back on a chair at the interview shows disregard towards the interviewer. Yawning shows you are disinterested. Walking in a dull manner indicates a lack of confidence. You must watch your non-verbal form of communication to make a good impact on others.
Written communications
Writing to communicate your ideas is an age-old tradition. People since ages write so that thoughts can be preserved and messages can be sent to others. Earlier people used to write letters and post them now emails and WhatsApp replacing everything. With the advent of social media and WhatsApp, people are losing the art of writing. They are using an informal style so much that the formal way of writing has now been forgotten. So, you must know when to use a formal writing style and when you should go for an informal writing style.
Visual communication
The visual form of communication is getting more popular day by day. Every company sells its product with the help of a visual form of communication. For example, every new medicine in the market has an advertisement through a doctor. Car companies are promoting new car models through TV advertisements. There are lots of benefits of the visual form of communication. It gets easy to spread information to a large part of the audience.
Above mentioned are the general ways of communication that we use all the time. It may seem too easy but when a child is in the learning phase, it takes quite a lot of time for them to understand each of these communication styles and apply those in the needed situations.
You can learn more about various ways of communicating by reading different books and going through various websites. However, with the existing academic pressure, many students’ interest in knowing other things gets hindered. To make it happen, they can rely on college assignment help services and get one of their most important academic parts sorted out by expert assignment writers.
What Are Communication Skills and How Do They Play an Important Role in Our Lives?
Good communication skills are the only way to crack any interview. Interviewers don’t look for the right answer; rather, they focus on how effective your communication skills are. You have to make an impact on them to get a job and the best way to do it is by great communication.
Good communication is more than just talking. You need to focus on various aspects of speech as well as on your body language to articulate your ideas to the person sitting in front of you.
Importance of communication:
- Communication is one of the most important skills that you must learn in your life to take it to new heights.
- Developing communication skills can bring positive changes in your life.
- Good communication attracts people around you, in social gatherings or professional scenarios how you communicate will take you further in your life.
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Benefits of Communication in Daily Life
There are many benefits of proper communication in our day-to-day life.
Let’s take a quick look at how proper way of communication impacts us:

Highly skilled communicators make more money
When you are good at communication, then you can articulate your knowledge in a fluent manner. When you are going for a job interview, it will increase your chances of getting the right kind of job with the right kind of package.
Developed communication skills help you in your personal and social life
When you know how to speak, when to speak, and what to speak then you can handle your problems more easily in your personal life. Good communication includes verbal and non-verbal communication. If you gain good command over these two types, then you reduce the chances of engaging in conflicts with your family and friends.
Good communicators are more confident
When you have command of your communication, you will eventually have more confidence in yourself. Whether you want to give a speech in class or to present slides in meetings, you won’t face any difficulty.
There are many benefits of good communication skills and to attain superiority in communicating your ideas, you must learn the communication techniques first and then work on your skills.
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Read more: Delve into the World of Digital Communication
Different Types of Communication Techniques
There are various ways to communicate as well. To express our feelings, we use specific ways to communicate the same.
Let’s see these ways below:
The silent treatment
Keeping yourself in a silent mode is the best strategy to improve communication skills. This technique is more effective when you are trying to tempt someone to provide you with more information. How to achieve silence? This is what you want to know. Just keep yourself in silent mode after your friend completes his/her statement but keep yourself attentive. Practice this technique, and eventually, you will gain expertise in it.
No matter how much information a person in front of you is providing you, you will never get complete knowledge unless you won’t put up questions. Ask questions at regular intervals.
While asking questions, you need to put up two types of questions:
- Closed-ended questions: These questions are designed to get a reply in ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ These types of questions allow you to get basic information quickly. Moreover, you will get the answers without waiting for long explanations.
- Open-ended questions: These questions will help you to get the details in a broader manner. You will get more from the speaker who apparently can help you in clearing your doubts.
Communication fails when you don’t have the ability to listen to what another person is trying to say. Communication requires the transfer of a message as well as the receiving of a message. So in order to communicate effectively, you must listen to what people are saying and react or reply accordingly. When we say listening, it does not mean just to collect the sounds. You also need to understand what others are trying to say. After listening carefully, you have to provide an apt reply.
Giving feedback
Feedback is one of the crucial parts of effective communication techniques. Your message should be conveyed in such a way that the targeted audience can willingly provide you feedback. Feedback could be positive or negative. You must be ready to take the criticism. Accepting criticism helps you grow in a positive direction.
When you listen to someone, then you should also provide feedback to that person. In general, it provides scope for questions. Questions help in clearing the doubts. So, one must communicate in a way to get feedback. Moreover, feedback allows you to learn how to accept criticism in a positive manner.
This is another good technique out of all types of communication techniques for those who don’t have good communication skills and still want to be in the crowd. In observation techniques, all you need to do is surround yourself with skilled communicators and observe them. Listen to what they are trying to say. After getting an apt amount of information, strategically keep your points in front of them. This technique can be of great help in debates and group discussions. If you don’t have enough information about the topic, then you must first listen and then speak.
Nowadays people do not read much they waste their time on laptops and mobiles. The young generation is at risk. You must be familiar with a trend of messaging through text speech or audio recording. This type of trend is a threat to the written form of communication. So to correct your written form of communication read a book, novel, magazine, or anything of your choice. This practice will help in your writing skills as well as your verbal communication will also be enhanced. You eventually find yourself with a lot of knowledgeable stuff.
Look enthusiastic when someone is speaking to you and others will also love to listen to what you will say to them. Nobody likes sighs, rolling eyes, or yawning face when he/she is speaking. So if you want to communicate well, show interest in others also.
To look enthusiastic, all you need to do is maintain eye contact when someone is speaking, change your body language, and show alertness while someone is saying something to you, do not lean back sit straight, and keep a smile on your face.
A sense of humor is important even when situations are not in your favor. Everyone likes to laugh as it can relieve stress and thus the mood of the audience can be lifted. But be sure that your humor is apt for the audience. No one likes to laugh at a funeral, and a dirty joke is enjoyed by all in the bar. So, making a joke along with some common sense will make a great pair.
A smile could be the greatest medicine to ease someone who is sad. Also, everyone loves to listen to someone who has a smile on his/her face rather than anger. But make sure your smile is genuine or else a fake smile or sarcastic smile is enough to upset the people. So wear your smile and communicate well with others.
Building the trust of your audience is necessary for effective communication. Speakers often fail to win hearts due to a lack of honesty in their speeches. Also, when others are speaking something with you show your trust in them. Honesty should be paramount in every single thing you do. In this case, it really is the best policy.
It is one of the biggest mistakes that people make not only when they are enhancing their communication skills but also in every stage of personal, academic, or professional life. Often when people become perfect in communication, they tend to stop learning new things, and after a point of time skills stagnate. So, it is very important to learn new things at all points in your life.
Good hold over your language
If you want to be a good speaker, you just need to be familiar with your audience. Your language should be easy to understand for your target audience. Speaking French is of no use when people don’t understand it. While giving a speech support your points with facts. This will build confidence in your audience over you. If you are referring to a group always use ‘We’ and ‘Us’ rather than ‘I’ and ‘You.’
It is expected that you have an idea of how crucial it is to know the proper way of communication. It is quite understandable that none can learn the techniques quickly rather, they need to read a lot and sometimes practice before confronting the interviewers.
Always remember that to learn something new and achieve perfection in it requires time. Invest your time in learning communication skills to make a positive impact on your personality.
Read more: Online Courses to Improve Your Interpersonal Communication Skills
About Us
You can invest much more time in learning professional communication skills without worrying, “Is there anyone to take my online exam?” as our subject-specific experts are there to take care of your online exam. They have a clear understanding of the apps used by most universities for conducting such exams online. They also have the idea of VPN ghosting so that you do not get in trouble with your college for not attending the exam on your own, and most importantly, the service is quite cheap, and one can avail of it at any time without thinking twice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: If I Am Confident Enough Won’t I Be Able to Crack an Interview? Answer: You can but to have such confidence, you need to know the proper way of communication, and a professional way of communication is something that takes time to learn. So, do not be overconfident rather invest more time in learning communication skills for an interview. This will help you big time in the long run. |
Question 2: Can I Get Someone to Help Me in Better Communication? Answer: You can upscale your communication skills in many ways. You can watch tutorial videos, read authoritative blogs from influencers, and read books to do the same. |