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Literature is a mirror that helps the modern generation to look into the past and understand the society of that time period. British literature is considered as the literature that has origin in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, and other channels of islands. There are various time-frames and sections in British literature along with those periods, Anglo-Saxon literature and Latin and Anglo-Norman literature are also included.
This blog will be of great importance for the students who are enrolled in the Literature discipline. The information provided in this blog is assimilated by the experts at all assignment help who are great at helping students with their lengthy assignments assigned by their colleges.
Various Periods That Come Under British Literature
British literature is broken down into many eras and periods of time. British literature depicts the social, cultural, and religious landscape of the country across all eras. Students who study British literature are required to complete an abundance of projects and papers. They might be struggling to remember all the facts and figures and put them together in a single assignment, therefore they might be juggling their workload. So if you are one of the students then get assistance in doing your literature paper from the pioneer assignment helper in the UK.

Now let’s take a deep dive into these ages:
Anglo Saxon Period
The concept of “Anglo-Saxon” is a very recent invention. It relates to immigrants to Britain who left the German states of Saxony and Angeln following the collapse of the Roman Empire in AD 410. This literature was literary period started in the 7Th century in Anglo-Saxon England and remained a few years after the end of the Norman Conquest of 1066. The oldest poem written in the 7th century is Caedmon’s hymn. The last poem written in the time period is The Grave. This poem is considered the last poem left in the old English style. Beowulf’s poem is considered one of the most popular works of old English literature.
Although the Anglo-Saxons carried their own religious beliefs with them, most of the nation became Christian once Saint Augustine arrived in 597. Throughout the 600-year Anglo-Saxon era, which ran from 410 to 1066, Britain’s political climate saw numerous shifts. Small tribal groups were common for the early colonists, who established kingdoms and sub-kingdoms. The nation was split into four kingdoms by the ninth century: Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, and Wessex.
In Old English literature, you will mostly find the descriptions of sermons and saints’ lives, translations of the Bible, narrative history works, Latin work translations, wills, legal works, etc. If you look out at all the works then you will find more than 400 manuscripts but only 189 are considered as of high importance.
Major literary works produced in Anglo Saxon age:
- The Exeter Book riddles
- The Wife’s Lament
- Beowulf
- The Seafarer
- The Wanderer
- Hymn
- Bede’s Death Song
- The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
- The Dream of the Rood
- The Battle of Maldon
Middle English Period
The middle English term is used to denote the literature of the 14th century to 1470. During this time period, there was a cultural and language transition in British literature. London-based English became the favourable English language and the printing press also started to print in this language.
The history of Middle English is often divided into three periods:
- Early Middle English
- The Central Middle English period
- Late English Period
Middle English British literature was divided into three categories:
- Religious
- Courtly love
- Arthurian
Middle English is characterized by two highly significant linguistic developments:
- Word order began to take priority over inflectional endings in English when communicating grammatical information. Although the changes were slow and had varying impacts on regional variants of Middle English, they had a significant overall impact.
- English became considerably more varied, exhibiting a large number of Scandinavian, Latin, and French borrowings. The meanings and stylistic register of words that survived from Old English were frequently severely impacted by the widespread borrowing of new terms. So, gradually vocabulary also started being affected by these borrowings.
This is the way the Middle English age has evolved and established itself in society. As an English literature student, you need to be well-versed in these historical periods. Because of its extensive vocabulary and literary works, you could find it challenging. If you’re following the current trend of taking your course online, you might choose to get professional online English class help. They’ll instruct you and support you on the tasks at hand.
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Famous Writers of the Middle English Period and Their Literature Creations
There were many notable writers who contributed to this period.
Some of them are:
Geoffrey Chaucer
Middle English age has produced one of the gems in English literature i.e. Geoffrey Chaucer. Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the father of English Poetry. He was the greatest narrative poet in England.
Famous literary works of Chaucer:
- The Romaunt of the Roses
- The Book of the Duchess
- Anelida and Arcite
- The Parliament of Fouls
- Troilus and Criseyde
- The House of Fame
- The Legend of a Good Woman
- The Canterbury Tales
John Gower
He was a person with shrewd business instincts. His poetry showcases courtly love. He had given some great tales based on courtly and Christian love.
Major works of John Grower are:
- Speculum hominins
- Vox clamantis
- Confessio Amantis
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Renaissance in British Literature
Chaucer’s age ended with the beginning of the Renaissance period in British literature. The meaning of the term Renaissance is ‘Rebirth’. It was first begun in Italy during the 14th century and later came to Western Europe. This period has produced exemplary art, sculpture, paintings, architecture, and literature. Renaissance started in England in around 16 the century.
Critics and many historians recently started to refer to the Renaissance as the early modern period.
Renaissance Scholars
The following are a few of the most well-known and innovative Renaissance thinkers, artists, scientists, and writers:
- The artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was an Italian painter, architect, inventor, and “Renaissance man” who painted “The Last Supper” and “The Mona Lisa.”
- Desiderius Erasmus (1466–1536) was a Dutch scholar who helped to shape the humanist movement in the European Union. translator into Greek of the New Testament.
- Galileo (1564–1642) was an Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer who made significant strides in the use of telescopes to characterize Saturn’s rings and Jupiter’s moons. put under house arrest because of his beliefs in the heliocentric universe.
- The earliest contemporary scientific defence of the idea of a heliocentric solar system was provided by mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543).
- The most well-known playwright of all time and the “national poet” of England, William Shakespeare (1564–1616) is known for plays like “Romeo and Juliet” and sonnets.
Division of The Renaissance
Elizabethan Age
This time frame is considered the golden age for the development of English Drama. Noteworthy Authors and playwrights of the Elizabethan age were Christopher Marlowe, Francis Bacon, Edmund Spenser, Sir Walter Scott, and the most famous playwright of all time William Shakespeare.
Jacobean Age
The Jacobean Age arrived following the Elizabethan Age. James I came to the throne and the age named after him. The famous writers during the Jacobean age were Shakespeare, John Donne, and many more. Translation of the Bible was also done in the Jacobean Age by King James I.
Caroline Age
This age begins with the end of the Jacobean Age. This age reigned under the Monarchy of Charles I. Notable figures of Caroline’s age were: John Milton, Robert Burton, and George Herbert.
Commonwealth Age
During this time period, the English Civil War ended and the Stuart Monarchy came to restoration. Oliver Cromwell led the Parliament and ruled the nation. The Commonwealth Age was a dark age for theatres and Dramas. All the theatres were shut down by Puritans as they considered theatres morally degraded places also they wanted to stop public assembly.
During this time period, the political writings of John Milton and Thomas Hobbes got recognition. Drama suffered a lot during this time period, however, prose got great recognition. Abraham Cowley, Andrew Marvell, and Thomas Fuller were the greatest prose writers of that time period.
Also read: Modern Period in English Literature
The Neoclassical Period
The Neoclassical period began with the end of the Renaissance period. This era is acknowledged with a sense of constraint and societal order. The writers of this era are known as Neo classics because they referenced the art styles of the classical era. They began to read works by classical authors like Virgil, Homer, and others. Because writers were imitating the past, they took a conservative stance.
Major characteristics of the Neoclassical Period
The main characteristics are:
- Rationalism is the main characteristic of the literature written during the Neoclassical age. Writers created work that was based on a rational approach rather than imagination and fantasy. Poetry was more satirical and less imaginative.
- Neoclassical period poetry was very different from romantic poetry. Sentiments were replaced with satire, intelligence, and reasoning. Poets emphasise on scientific approach rather than emotions and imagination.
- Realism is also the hallmark of Neoclassical poets. They were completely different from the romantic writers who followed imagination more. The poetry of neoclassical poets showcases the harsh reality of society. That is why abstract ideas and imaginative thoughts were missing in their work.
Dryden and Pope’s poetry are the perfect examples that give readers a glimpse of realism.
The Further Classification of the Neoclassical Period
It’s divided into many eras:
The Restoration Age
Puritanism was at its peak during The Restoration period. Comedy of manners developed during this period. the talented playwrights of this age were, William Congreve and John Dryden. Satire also got popular during this time period. Popular writers of the Restoration were: John Bunyan, Aphra Behn, and John Locke.
The Augustan Age
Augustan age was followed by the Restoration age. Pope and Swift imitated the work of the First Augustan. Montaigne was a prolific writer who brought up the challenging roles of females.
The Age of Sensibility
The Age of Sensibility is also named the Age of Johnson. Many intellectuals shared their ideas of neoclassicism, a critical approach toward literary work. Famous writers during this time period were: Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, and Laurence Sterne.
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The Romantic Period
The Romantic era’s beginning is highly disputed and ambiguous. Some people think it began shortly after the Age of Sensibility, in 1785. Some people, on the other hand, assert that it began with the French Revolution in 1789. There is another set of people who think that the publication of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s writings in 1798 marked the beginning of the Romantic era.
The age came to an end with the passage of the reform bill. The period saw a transition from reason to senses, feelings, and imagination. Unlike the writers of the previous age, romantic writers’ approach was more towards senses, imagination, and nature. Moreover, they shifted from urban society to the rural and natural world. Mundane and rationalism in poetry were replaced by mystery and fantasy.
Characteristics of the Romantic Period
- Imagination and feelings have more importance than rational thinking and logic.
- Love towards nature, animals, and landscapes. Realism is no longer in literature.
- Nature for romantic poets is like a divine revelation.
- Writers are more into medieval past, gothic, and supernatural themes.
- Great emphasis on melancholy, psychology, and sadness. Death and mankind’s feelings were the main subjects for the poets.
Famous Writers of the Romantic Period:
- William Wordsworth
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- John Keats
- Lord Byron
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
- William Blake
- Mary Shelley
- Sir Walter Scott
- Rober Burns
- Emily Dickinson
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The Victorian Period
The period got its name from the reign of Queen Victoria. In 1837 Queen Victoria came to the throne and thus the Victorian period began. The end of this period was with the death of the queen in 1901. There were many social, religious, intellectual, and economic problems in London.
This period is divided into three parts:
- Early Victorian (1832 to 1848)
- Mid-Victorian (1848 to 1870)
- Late Victorian (1870 to 1890)
Characteristics of Victorian Literature
The main characteristics are:
Victorian Realism
Writers again came back to society from solitude. A shift from nature to industrial England, Spiritualism changes into pragmatism, and optimism changes into agnosticism.
Society was full of a utilitarian mindset. Novels like Hard Times by Charles Dickens were the perfect example of portraying society. People were like machines and there was no pace for emotions and feelings. Facts and logical thinking were prevalent everywhere. There was a mechanical approach to everything.
The whole society was under the influence of agnosticism. Things that cannot be observed, visible, or provable have no existence. People lacked belief in god and society was completely in a state of uncertainty.
Characterisation of the Victorian Literature
A shift one can observe in English novels, writers started to put more emphasis on characters rather than action. plots were loose. Literary work is more for entertainment purposes and less for artistic values.
Famous literary figures of the Victorian Age:
- Jane Austen
- Elizabeth Barret Browning
- William Blake
- Charlotte Bronte
- Emily Bronte
- Robert Burns
- Lord Byron
- Lewis Carol
- Charles Dickens
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The Edwardian Period
Edwardian period got its name from King Edward VII. The period ranges from the death of Queen Victoria to World War I. The period was not very stretched but produced many popular writers like Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, Madox Ford, Henry James, etc.
The socio-political climate was a major theme in Edwardian writing, which was quite strong. It is possible to see unrest in society. A novel literary style was introduced by George Bernard Shaw. In addition to politics, he challenges society. Writing from the Edwardian era is often daring. Plays were utilized to spark discussions.
In order to eradicate the horrors that were pervasive in society, writers emphasized change. Kipling and Thomas Hardy attempted to bring back into vogue classics like ballads, narrative poems, and satire. Some authors began penning stories about travels and colonial incursions, such as Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
The Modern Period
The modern Period finds its beginning with the start of World War 1. Writers started to experiment with the subject matter and brought different styles of writing. They included verse writing, narrative style, and Drama. Novels like Things Fall Apart indicate modernist concerns.
Notable literary figures of the Modern Age:
- James Joyce
- Aldous Huxley
- D.H. Lawrence
- Dorothy Richardson
- E.M. Forster
- Doris Lessing
- W.B. Yeats
- W.H. Auden
- Seamus Heaney
- Wilfred Owens
- George Bernard Shaw
British literature is divided into many sections, and it takes some time to fully understand them. You will be able to score very well in this subject and have very good insight into the scenarios that transformed the literary plots at that period once you can identify all the key parts of the literature.
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