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Expressing your views and opinions requires the ability to construct a strong argument, but effectively describing your position can be challenging. Arguments aren’t won or lost by loudness or wordiness, unlike what many individuals who are always on the internet think. However, an argumentative essay is a fantastic tool for honing your argumentation skills, but how do you even begin? Don’t worry as this blog by All Assignment Help will help you know the right formula for producing a strong argumentative essay. Also, we will provide you with an outline of argumentative essay examples to help you in your understanding of the subject matter. In addition, we will walk you through several important approaches that will help you create a superb body of work. Now let’s get started!
What Is An Argumentative Essay?
An argumentative essay aims at presenting evidence to support a view. The crux of this type of essay is to support all the information by evidence and facts. To write an argumentative essay you will have to carry out extensive research to back your claims. For instance, you may write an essay that argues that smartphones help in achieving work-life balance. However, you will have to carry out research to show where people have gained work-life balance benefits by using smartphones. You will favor one side of the topic, but you are also expected to acknowledge the counterarguments.
Read Here: Argumentative Essay: Meat and Potatoes
Different Ways to Approach An Argumentative Essay
Given below are the ways you can approach an argumentative essay.
Classical Approach
The classical approach is one of the most commonly used ways. It includes the below-mentioned layout:
- An introduction with a thesis statement
- Background on the topic
- Main arguments of the essay
- Refutation
- Conclusion
Rogerian Approach
The second one is the Rogerian approach which is used for polemical topics. This method does not have any particular structure that compels it to go behind. The Rogerian approach recognizes and sympathizes with both sides of the raised argument but favors only one side of it.
Toulmin Approach
Under the Toulmin approach, the writer finds common measures to remove superfluous arguments. It is also used in highly polemical arguments.
A student who is asked to write an argumentative essay can follow these methods or approaches to write a well-constructed essay paper. Also, if they find themselves struggling in the writing process, then there are multiple argumentative essay help providers available online at your disposal to help you.
How to Write an Argumentative Essay?
If you think that writing an argumentative essay is going to be hectic, then you are taking it all wrong. Just focus on research and writing style and you will get the desired results. Here is how you can write an effective argumentative essay:

Choose your topic carefully
If your professor has not assigned then you will have to choose a topic on your own. Before choosing anything always check whether it can be argued strongly or not. It should have a strong counter-argument. To write a whole essay you must have some knowledge about it. Thus, go for a topic if you already know it and have a view about it. For a better understanding, you can go through argumentative essay examples. Also, you can find lists of argumentative essay topics on the internet as well.
Carry out in-depth research
Research acts as a base for every essay. Try and find informative materials such as blogs, books, articles, etc. from credible writers and sources. You can read some argumentative essay examples on your topic, and extract some common issues to build your argument. On one hand, it is vital to talk about the common issues in your argumentative essay, it is also important to bring uniqueness. To do so, you will have to read as much as you can. Once you will gather extensive data you can bring the spotlight to the points which have not been explored much.
Create an outline
By writing a good outline you can make your work easier to a great length. Invest your time in creating a well-organized outline and you will be sorted. It is done by making four sections:
- Introduction
- Supporting Paragraph/ paragraphs
- Counter argument
- Conclusion
Fill the outlines
If you have done the previous step correctly, your job is going to be hassle-free. Now, all you have to do in your argumentative essay is to fill the outlines with the relevant information you have gathered via research. For example, if you are writing an argumentative essay on employees, then you must adhere to the outline required for the topic so that you can cover all the vital information needed in the structured outline.
Proofread and edit
After writing the essay, don’t rush to submit it right away. Wait for a while and edit your errors. Students often skip this step and degrade the quality of their argumentative essays. If you will closely look at expert-written argumentative essay examples you will see that they are completely flawless. Therefore, you should also write an error-free essay. It is very natural to make mistakes but you should never forget to edit them.
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Argumentative Essay Examples
Now when you have read on how to write an argumentative essay, let us have a look at some examples. It will give you a clearer picture. Unfortunately, since we don’t know your opinions on the matter (what if you disagree that dogs should be able to vote?), you will have to compose your own essay. Luckily, we can assist you in getting started by providing you with a decent example of what an argumentative essay could consist of.
Example 1: Is it Appropriate to Label Social Media Responsible for Grammar Mistakes?
People are now relying on the internet to complete daily tasks due to the attraction of social media. Additionally, they are even developing their own language. It has been observed that younger generations are becoming less proficient in grammar since the advent of social media.
This specific problem is significant as it is causing a civilization as a whole to lose the ability to form logical words. Spending time on social media causes people to lose interest in their education and grammar. People are becoming worse at grammar and crafting logical essays and sentences when they discover that it is fashionable to write and speak informally on social media.
Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter are where the majority of the younger generation likes to spend their free time. Therefore, these platforms have become the hub for their practice and learning. In an attempt to convey their point as quickly as possible, they develop phrases with the fewest possible words and characters. For example, they simplify words by using “r” for “are” and “u” for “you.” Similarly, people make acronyms out of words like “LMSO,” “OMG!” and “WAU?” which stand for “laughing my socks off,” “Oh my God!” and “What about you?”
As a result of this innovative approach, the way people used to emotionally and intellectually communicate with each other has completely changed. Students in high school and college have begun to use the same slang vocabulary in their academic writings because they spend most of their time on social media sites. Therefore, it seems sense that the grammar of the younger generation is becoming substantially worse. A solution that can assist in learning grammar while utilizing social media platforms needs to be developed by parents, the government, and educational institutions.
Example 2: Should Businesses Put More Money into Hiring Humans Than Automated Systems?
The rise of autonomous machines has completely changed the manufacturing sector with robots being able to complete activities that were previously only done by human labor. It is still unclear if businesses should be forced to hire human labor over autonomous machines, even though this technology has clearly increased production and efficiency.
In the manufacturing sector, the deployment of autonomous machines has led to employment losses. A study conducted by the Brookings Institution claims that since 2000, the employment of robots in the US has resulted in the loss of nearly 1.7 million jobs. Although some industries, including software development and engineering, have seen an increase in employment due to automation.
Additionally, the economy benefits from hiring human labor. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research states that there is a net loss of 1.6 jobs for each robot that replaces a human employee. Therefore, this implies that 16 jobs are lost for every 10 robots that are employed. The economy can grow and more employment can be created by employing people rather than relying solely on automated machinery.
Apart from the financial gains, employing humans has several advantages over self-driving technology. It is not possible for machines to solve problems or adjust to changing circumstances as human workers can. This holds special significance in sectors of the economy where work is highly variable.
Even while the usage of autonomous machines has raised production and efficiency, their drawbacks cannot be overlooked. Compared to using autonomous machines, hiring human labor can increase employment, boost the economy, and have many other benefits. Furthermore, the necessity of giving human workers priority is underscored by the safety issues related to the employment of autonomous machines.
Example 3: Plagiarism – Breaking the rules
The students indulge in the different forms of plagiarism which may be intentional or unintentional. Nowadays universities are becoming stricter towards plagiarism issues. This leads to leaving the student far behind in the development of writing skills and thinking skills.
It is not good for the students in the long run. Education is finished not to get good grades in examinations but to get success in a career. Moreover, success cannot be achieved through plagiarism in the long run. It leads to the foregoing of own education and the learning process is destroyed.
The plagiarized paper can result in serious penalties and punishments. Also, it is a legal issue as it involves copyright laws. The author has an absolute right to sue against the plagiarist. Few forms of plagiarism are deemed as a criminal offense and lead to imprisonment.
The students should be made aware of the past cases of cheating and plagiarism. Also, the students should be made aware of different forms of plagiarism as sometimes, the plagiarism is unintentional. Proper referencing should be incorporated when referring to papers of different authors. In universities and schools, the academic career can come to an end if the student is involved in plagiarism.
Self-realization is important to the students ruining their thinking capabilities, and distorting the process of education is not worthy to get good grades in the papers. Universities and schools should make the proper arrangements that help their students to keep away from plagiarism.
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By going through these argumentative essay examples, you can better grasp the strategies for crafting strong argumentative essays. However, don’t forget to use these examples as inspiration and to incorporate their ideas into your own work. Also, you can visit our website for more argumentative essay samples that will give you more essence of writing thoughtful and strong argumentative essays.
Also, if you feel the need for someone to help you with your argumentative essay writing, you can hire our essay helpers online. Apart from providing your assistance with essays, we can help you with your online classes as well. So, whenever you are struggling with your online classes and feel the need for someone who can take my online class for me, you can hire our online class helpers. They will help you ace your online coursework with great scores.
How should an argumentative essay begin? Setting the scene and outlining the significance of the topic in question are ideal ways to begin an argumentative essay. Also, you must include your thesis statement to let readers know what to expect from beginning to end. |
Is it appropriate to pose a question at the beginning of an argumentative essay? There is no better approach to begin an argumentative essay paper than with a question. You can start your essay with style and originality by using a rhetorical question. Additionally, it makes it easier for the reader to follow along with your paper. |
How should an argument be structured? A thesis statement, or primary point, backed up by evidence is the building block of an argument. Furthermore, examples, figures, facts, and other data that either confirm or dispute the thesis statement might be included in this evidence. |