Mastering the Art of Article Review Writing

Mastering the Art of Article Review Writing

Have you ever thought that article review writing in today’s information boom is not simply a useful academic exercise but also an important skill? Analyzing and critically evaluating articles can help you sort the wheat from the chaff in a world where content is abundant. Learning how to write article reviews is an essential ability for everyone, whether you’re a professional trying to keep informed or a student trying to do well on your assignments.

This blog, ideated and written by an expert at AllAssignmentHelp demonstrates by dissecting the idea of article reviews and going over each type of it. Students having a tough time managing writing one will also get knowledge about the skill of properly formatting their review after giving it a thorough reading. Giving 15 minutes to reading this piece will eventually confirm your effort shines with precision and perfectionism and even give the exact answer to the most common question raised by students – how to write a persuasive book review?

Read through this guide for mastering the art of article review writing!

The Concept Behind Article Review Writing

An article review writing is a sort of academic and professional paper writing that requires a high standard of in-depth investigation and a coherent argument presentation. It is a critical and helpful assessment of the literature in a certain topic that involves summarization, categorization, analysis, and comparison.

Writing an article review is primarily about providing a thorough comprehension of the issue you have been working on and summarizing everything.

Writing an article review entails the following:

  • Synopsis, grouping, evaluation, criticism, and juxtaposition
  • The application of theories, concepts, and research on the article’s subject matter is necessary for the analysis, assessment, and comparison
  • Introduction of fresh data, but instead offers an analysis of the writing of another author

Finding the entire idea of writing an article review too daunting? Be worry free – this is something many students face at first. But with patience and practice, they master writing a critical review of a research paper. Still, if you think you are not confident about doing your upcoming article review on your own, hiring a research paper writing help service can sort your issues quickly! The expert writers’ team at such a professional company are available 24*7 to assist you.

Read more: How to Write a Literature Review | Contents & Its Types!!

Types of Article Review Writing

There are several methods to tackle the problem of writing article reviews. Knowing the different kinds of reviews is like having a multipurpose toolbox at your fingertips. In the following, you will learn about the many kinds of article reviews and how to successfully traverse them.

Check out these brief a couple of writing article review types below:

Review of a Journal Article

A journal article review evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of a published work, much like other reviews do. For example, take into consideration a review of a scholarly piece on climate change, in which the author carefully examines and explains the value of the work concerning environmental research.

No worries if you are unable to progress with writing an academic article review for a journal; there are times when students face writer’s block and their writing skills seems to take a full stop. This can happen due to many reasons like too much academic pressure, imbalance in personal and study work or study-work life (for professionals) and even physical or psychological conditions. Being human, we do have ups and downs in life but academic work cannot wait for any of these. So, if you are into any such issues, without thinking much take help from the best professional assignment writers to get yours done with 100% accuracy.

Review of a Research Article

A research article review, which stands out for concentrating on research procedures, examines the methods employed in a study and assesses them in the context of the analysis and criticism that follows. For example, when evaluating a study paper about a novel drug’s effects, the reviewer digs into the techniques used to collect the data and evaluates how reliable they are.

Review of a Scientific Article

An extensive range of topics are covered in a science article review when it comes to scientific publications. Extensive background material is frequently provided in scientific articles, which helps perform a thorough study. For instance, the reviewer may use the background information given to enable a more thorough assessment of the publication while assessing an article about the most recent developments in genetics.

What if you have no time to work on your article review as there is an online exam round the corner – finding the situation relevant? It is common among students pursuing an online course. As they are enrolled in a distance course, all the academics take place through virtual medium and the number of classes can also go high as much as 24 to 26 hours a week. At this juncture, they barely get time to work on assignments and when there is an exam, it’s like the cherry on the top! If you are in a similar position and thinking I wish I can hire someone to take my online exam for me, without wasting any time further, connect with professionals online exam takers right away.

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Best Practices Associated with Article Review Writing Format

The article writing format should always follow your professor’s specified citation style. If you’re not sure, ask for clarification on the recommended format as well as several additional tips on how to properly format an article review.

In the event of confusion, inquire about the following to acquire the best practices for writing a literature review:

  • The Number of Publications You Should Review?
  • Which format (MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago, etc.) should you use when citing your articles?
  • How long ought your review to be?
  • Should your assignment contain a summary, analysis, or personal statement?
  • Is there a subject or main point that needs to be emphasized in the articles?
  • Does your teacher need any background knowledge?

Once you have the answers to these queries, you are ready and can start working on your task.

Since MLA and APA are the two most popular citation styles, examples of both formats can be found below:

The American Psychological Association (APA) Format

  • Newspapers, online, and scholarly publications are where articles are most frequently published. You must include bibliographical entries for the sources you utilize in an article review written in APA format.
  • Web: A.A. [first and middle initial], Author [last name]. (Month, Year, Publication Date). Headline. taken from {link}.
  • Journal: A.A. [first and middle initial], Author [last name]. (Publication Year]. Title of Publication. Title of Periodical, Volume (Issue), pages-pp.
  • Newspaper: A.A. [first and middle initial], Author [last name]. (Month, Year, Publication Date). Title of Publication. Title of magazine, pages xx-xx.

Using MLA Format

  • Web: Last, First Middle Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
  • Newspaper: Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Newspaper Title [City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
  • Journal: Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.

Getting confused with different formatting is an issue that most of the student’s face. This may sound silly but it is one of the main reasons behind getting poor grades even after investing much effort and time. In case you also find it difficult to differentiate between different referencing styes, without thinking much connect with a professional college assignment help service to get your review writing done with proper and updated citations and referencing. Getting help with assignment in critical subject to topics is very easy nowadays!

Read more: Emotive Language in Essay Writing: Do’s and Don’ts

The Processes to Follow Before You Start Article Review Writing

When you tackle the chore of writing an article review for the first time, it can get very difficult and you might not know where to start.

Take a few preparatory measures in order to produce an excellent article review:

Step 1: Choose the appropriate review organization

  • Understanding the structure of your work in the future: It will assist you in determining how to read the piece.
  • Write a summary of the article by identifying its key ideas, points, assertions, and general information.
  • Describe the positives: list the author’s thoughts, strong points, and perceptive insights.
  • Look for the gaps: assess whether the author employed enough arguments and data to back his or her positions, and consider whether the piece contains any contradictions, gaps, or inconsistencies.
  • Determine unsolved questions: At the end of reading the article, determine if any questions remain unanswered.

Step 2: Proceed and read the article again

  • Examine and evaluate the article’s title, abstract, introduction, headers, subheadings, opening phrases of its paragraphs, and conclusion first.
  • Just read the introduction and conclusion (the piece’s beginning and ending). Authors put all of their main ideas and arguments in these sections. As a result, reading these sections first can help you understand the author’s major ideas.
  • Read the article through to the end.

The majority of the prewriting procedure consists of these three processes. Once you have completed reading them, you may write your own review, and we will help you every step of the way.

What are you thinking – too many pointers to remember? True, there is no other way to master this writing. If understanding and acquiring this procedure is taking too long, no need to let your article review writing pieces suffer; instead get expert assignment writers online to do it for you. With much experience in dealing with such assignments, they will make sure your review writing work is done in a way that the professor/instructor will have no option other than giving it an A!

How the Outline of Your Article Review Writing Must Look Like

Create an outline and divide your ideas into logical sections as you read your article. Make notes on significant details, insights, or inconsistencies as you read. Determine the publication’s advantages and disadvantages. As a result, start mapping your outline appropriately.

The following components must be included in your article review writing to make it stand out:

  • Pre-Title Page: Include the following information before beginning your review: the type of article, the title of the publication, and the names of the authors along with their affiliations (position, department, institution, location, and email). If necessary, include the relevant author information
  • Running Head: To guarantee uniform formatting in APA style, utilize a title that is short (less than 40 characters)
  • The summary page: It is helpful but optional. Write an 800-word summary of the article that covers the background, the purpose, the results, and the technique without using any quotes or exact language
  • Title Page: For maximum discoverability, provide the complete title, a 250-word abstract, and four to six keywords
  • Introduction: Give a compelling synopsis of the piece to set the scene
  • Body: Use headers and subheadings to arrange your analysis
  • Citation and referencing: Cite all references and work cited correctly in your evaluation
  • Optional Suggested Reading Page: If allowed, recommend other books for in-depth analysis
  • Tables and Figure Descriptions (if your professor requests them): When your professor asks for clarification, include images

When all these components are present for the assignment, you can consider it ready to move forward and write one that can attain your professor’s notice immediately. 

Instead asking your friends about the tips for writing a comprehensive article critique, hire experts to do the entire paper for you and give yourself a break. This will help you comeback with higher energy to invest in studies. Sounds smart – isn’t it?

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Steps for Writing an Article Review

There are multiple steps linked with writing a good article review.

Steps of Article Review Writing

Here is a guide with for you to take a look at:

Step 1: Compose the Headline

  • Come up with a title that sums up the major idea of your essay.
  • Accordingly, the title may be declarative, descriptive, or interrogative.

Step 2: Reference the Source

  • Next, make sure the reviewed article has a valid citation, and enter it after the title.
  • The most crucial thing to remember at this point is the citation style that your instructor has mentioned in the paper requirements.

The manner in which it was brought up in the Best Practices Associated with Article Review Writing Formatting section of this blog.

Step 3: Identification of the Article

You must add the name of the reviewed article following your citation.  

  • Article title
  • Title of the Journal Author
  • The publication year
  • Your paper’s introduction should contain all of this information

Step 4: Overview

This kind of task requires you to be really organized. To ensure that your writing is coherent, you should utilize an article review template or create an outline for your writing before you start doing it.

  • If you’re unsure of how to begin an article review, start by mentioning the article and your review’s thesis in the introduction
  • Provide a synopsis of the article’s key ideas after that
  • Draw attention to the publication’s strengths and supporting information
  • Examine the publication critically by pointing out any holes, inconsistencies, discrepancies, and unsolved issues in the text

Step 5: Write an Article Synopsis

  • Reread the author’s writings to create a synopsis of the piece.
  • Make a note of any pertinent data and conclusions from the article.
  • In this part, include the author’s conclusions.

Step 6: Evaluate the article

  • Describe the article’s advantages and disadvantages that you have discovered.
  • Emphasize the expertise the writer has brought to the field.
  • Write down any inconsistencies or gaps you discovered in the content as well.
  • Decide if you agree with the author’s claims or not, but make sure your points are supported by relevant ideas and facts from that field of study.
  • The author of the piece can also be assessed and graded using rubrics and templates.

Step 7: Write a Remarkable End

Go over the article’s important arguments, your conclusions, and your critique in this section. Write on the article review’s legitimacy, accuracy, and relevancy as well. Describe a future direction for the study’s research.

Remember the following additional guidelines before submitting your article:

  • Utilize evidence from your sources to support your points when you compose your review. Direct quotations work best for this.
  • Use direct quotations sparingly and carefully choose the quotes and evidence to support them.
    Give the article a thorough analysis over time.
  • Employ a parenthetical citation each time you employ a direct quote or publication reference to prevent unintentionally plagiarizing your work.
  • A day after you’ve finished writing it, go back and read it again. This will assist you in identifying grammatical errors and other shortcomings inside your company.
  • Check your writing with a spell checker and have a second perspective.

Following all these steps systematically help you to create an article review writing assignment that will surely stand out and practising it will eventually make you a flawless writer. However, if you face issues at any point, without taking much time and thinking just get assistance from genuine homework writer available your location. You can expect quick response from a proper homework doer within a few minutes of forwarding your concern to them or just by signing up in their website.

The Must-Have Post-Article Review Writing Work

After assembling all the components of your review writing, proofreading is the final task to be completed. Proofreading is an essential phase in the writing process that many students overlook, but it will help you polish your work and make sure that there are no errors or inconsistencies.

To effectively proofread your work, begin by reading it through and making sure the following points are met:

  • Grammar rules for punctuation
  • Additional errors
  • Following that, look over your paper for any extraneous information. If you find any, think about cutting it to make your text flow more naturally.
  • Lastly, confirm that you have addressed at least three to four important topics in your conversation.

Proofreading and editing is a vital step that should never be avoided rater must be assigned a good share of time. If you are not sure of finding your mistake by self-proofreading your paper, seeking help from proofreading editing service is the wisest option to avail. The team of expert proofreaders can make sure your assignment has no errors than may cause getting poor grades.

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It is expected that after reading this blog you have a quite clear idea about how to deal with article review writing. However, it is quite understandable that writing an error-free article review will not be possible just like that; it will take much time to hone the skill. There are many dots that must be connected before one creates a worthy article review that can attract the readers’ attention and help the writer stand out from the rest.

AllAssignmentHelp – The Most Preferred Destination for Article Review Writing is Here to Sort Your Paper

We at allassignmenthelp are one of the top article review writing as well as miscellaneous assignment writing help providers in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Students from reputed universities based in the mentioned countries visit our website and seek assistance with various academic papers along with online class and exam help services. For the last 8 years, we have been providing these services and have become a Go-To address for them.

Take a quick look at the traits that made us rise on the top within the industry:

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Get your article review writing done by our experts without thinking much!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How to start a review?
You need to start by introducing the topic. Always start with an overview of the topic and give some context, explaining why a review of the topic is necessary.
Question 2: How do I title a review?
Your headline should show readers how your review can help them solve a problem or make a decision, create a sense of urgency or scarcity, offer something different or unexpected, and be clear and specific about what your review is about.
Question 3: How do you write a first paragraph for a review?
It is always a good idea to open an introduction with a hook, or an interesting first sentence. This could be a statistic or fact about the topic that you find relevant, a rhetorical question that will be answered in the rest of the introduction, or even an appropriate anecdote.