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What if we paused at every obstacle we encounter, and resource limit we cross, and asked ourselves, “What if?” What if we began to question the norms and adopt an unconventional perspective?
To think out of the box is, in essence, to promote creativity both in academics and business. Is there really no benefit to leaving things as they are? Throughout your academic career and/or at the company you work for, thinking creatively can surely pay off.
The story begins with a teacher writing “2+2=5” on the chalkboard to introduce the concept. He reminds students of his point of view while one of the objects to this premise. He claims that two plus two equals four rather than five. Therefore, the short film depicts how our society is built by society itself. And, from here two plus two equals five became a popular question.
Read on this blog, ideated and written by an expert at AllAssignmentHelp to learn what that looks like, why it’s important, and how to think outside the box yourself.
What does thinking outside the box mean?
Fast Company claims that the phrase first appeared in public in the 70s. Giving customers a nine-dot puzzle, management consultants would challenge them to connect the dots using just four lines.
The phrase “thinking outside the box” is frequently employed to characterize unique, non-traditional, inventive, or creative thought processes. It presents itself in small ways, such as making crafts out of paper rather than merely writing on it. Or in more sophisticated forms, including coming up with ideas for problem-solving techniques like agile methodology.
To put it simply, thinking outside the box meaning thoroughly comprehending the current quo before challenging it.
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Examples of thinking outside the box
From the house to the office, as well as creative concepts that propel human advancement.
Thinking out of the box examples may look like the following:
- An improved method for folding clothes at home: Marie Kondo came up with a method for folding clothing that allows you to see every item at a glance and conserves storage space.
- Doubled app downloads on a $35 device at work Spending limit: Anya Jackson, a Thursday intern, used a viral marketing prank to get downloads by handcuffing herself to a pole. She only paid cash for the board, marker, and handcuffs.
- Innovation: the axle and wheel After creating the wheel, humans went on to improve on a basic design to produce the axle, plow, and eventually the engine.
Are you also trying to think out of the box but with academic pressure, you are just not able to do so? It is quite a common issue. Be it for assignments, online classes, or even online exams – external help services are available to give you space to think creatively by assigning your academic chore to them and doing things creatively. You just need to type Do my class online in Google and it will fetch you multiple names that are working innovatively to help academics get exceptionally good marks in their academics and do creative things in life.
Why Do Some People Believe 2+2=5?
Have you heard or watched the short film “Two and Two”? This was a movie directed by Babak Anvary and was released in 2009. It was shot in England. Therefore, in 2012, it was nominated for a BAFTA award for best film.
The story of this film begins with a teacher writing “2+2=5” on the chalkboard to introduce the concept. He reminds students of his point of view while one of the objects to this premise. He claims that two plus two equals four rather than five. Therefore, the short film depicts how our society is built by society itself. And, from here two plus two equals five became a popular question.
The logical part
On paper, it’s one of the simplest math problems in the world: 2+2. As a kid, we have always solved this problem by telling the professor that the answer is 4. If you’re counting something, like candies at the general store, it’s pretty straightforward. But the lines blur in other contexts.
What if you get an incredible example? If you add 2 cups of vinegar to 2 cups of baking soda, and the reaction produces 5 cups of a fizzy mess, does that mean 2+2=5?
On Twitter, Kareem Carr, a Harvard University biostatistics PhD. student, sparked a dispute titled “Does 2+2 ever equal 5?” “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if someone argues 2+2=5, the correct reaction is, ‘What are your definitions and axioms?’ not a diatribe about Western civilization’s downfall”.
Carr pointed out on Twitter that counting numbers “are abstractions of genuine underlying objects in the universe,” and that we should be aware of how those abstractions affect truth in real-world settings. In a textbook, arithmetic works fine, but in practice, it frequently encounters contextual questions that ignore portions of a whole, approximations, or more relevant vectors.
Putting together 2+2=5
Sometimes, students are often expected to think outside the box. Especially, when you are giving competitive exams. At this point, you have to ace up your logical reasoning game. Don’t worry! You can get help from experts anytime to brush up on your reasoning skills.
Here’s how you can make 2+2=5:
- You get five squares if you put two squares next to each other and then two more squares on top of them. This way you get two plus two equals five.
- An anthropologist inquired about arithmetic with a primitive tribesman. “What does two and two make?” the anthropologist inquired, and the tribesman replied, “Five.” How? “If I have a rope with two knots and another rope with two knots, and I link the ropes together, I have five knots,” the tribesman explained.
- 2.49 + 2.49 = 4.98. Therefore, 2.49 rounds down to 2 and 4.98 rounds up to 5.
- We have a fairly high sales tax in Denmark, at 25%. As a result, before the buyer pays, all prices must be added to this. So, if a buyer orders two things, each costing 2 kr, for a total of 4 kr, the total becomes 4 * 1,25 = 5 kr after adding sales tax. So, yes, in Denmark: 2+2=5.
- Start with: -20 = -20
It is the same as 16-36 = 25-45
Also, expressed as: (2+2)^2 – [9*(2+2)] = (5^2) – (9*5)
Now, Add 81/4 to both sides: (2+2)^2 – [9*(2+2)] +81/4 = (5^2) – (9*5) + 81/4
By Rearranging the terms using the algebraic formula: a^2 + b^2 + 2*ab = (a+b)^2
You may get: [(2+2) – (9/2)]^2 = [(5 – (9/2)]^2
Take square root on both sides, 2+2 – 9/2 = 5 – 9/2
Hence: 2 + 2 = 5
Did all this make you amazed? I can go on and on with more of the equations like these. Now, you can go and make others blow their minds.
Assignments can become your barrier in doing so but hiring an expert assignment writer online can be of great help as they will assist you get time to do things creatively and impact others in your life. Similarly, online exams can also pose trouble to many students who wish to do things creatively. In this situation, many things, I wish I could pay someone to take my online exam so that I can nurture my creative thinking skills and have an impact in mine as well as others associated with my life. For them, the help is readily available. Online exam help services are there to assist such individuals at any time and at a very pocket-friendly price so that they do not even have to think twice before availing of the service and work on their creativity thinking out of the box.
2+2=5 Explained as a Cultural Comparison
Do you know that for many years, writers and musicians have used art as a means of expressing their political beliefs and perspectives on the world around them? George Orwell, one of the world’s most famous political writers, had a profound influence on culture, including music, with his dystopian novel 1984. The book’s criticism inspired the English alternative rock band Radiohead in the 1980s. Therefore, Radiohead made 2+2=5. Radiohead was inspired by the book’s remark on what the world would look like in the future. He wrote a song on the ideology, “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows”.
Radiohead’s warning of society’s imminent catastrophe would infiltrate and have a huge impact on the public if music like “2 + 2 = 5” was widely distributed. To begin with, the title of the album alludes to the concept of unquestioned orthodoxy when it comes to the views and claims of a higher class.
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Reasons for 1984 Been Written by Orwell
- 1984 is compelling in part because its dystopian aspects are nearly exclusively things that have already happened, as Orwell drew on personal experience when developing the Oceania state.
- “2 + 2 = 5”, for example, was a true Soviet Union political slogan, promising to complete the industrializing Five-Year Plan in four years.
- To highlight the authoritarian inclination to suspend reality, Orwell satirizes the slogan.
- Orwell had witnessed the Russian communist revolution before writing the novel or narrative writing.
- In the Spanish Civil War, he also enlisted to fight against the Fascist government.
- Orwell was disenchanted with parts of the resistance who he believed intended to replace the Fascist government with their own totalitarian rule.
- Much of the political comedy in 1984 is based on these experiences.
Cool ways to think outside the box
Using an unconventional approach can assist you in resolving difficult issues. It lets you search beyond a predetermined range of relevance to uncover solutions that would not be possible otherwise.

Let’s explore ways that can help us think out of the box and make 2+2=5 a reality in academics as well as at our workplace:
Proceeding in reverse order from your goal
You can concentrate more on the result and less on the process by working backward from your goal. As a result, you allow yourself to be imaginative during the procedure.
You’ll be able to create important benchmarks that you can concentrate on independently. This enables you to divide the issue into manageable chunks. Record the result in a notepad or on paper. Next, list the benchmarks—academic or professional—that you must meet in order to reach your objective. Until there is just one task available for each milestone, keep breaking the milestones down.
Expanding the range of your impact
It can be tempting to limit your attention to facts that are specifically related to the problem at hand when trying to solve it. But that is insufficient. Restricting your definition of relevance makes it difficult to recognize possibilities that might be there in front of you.
Open-mindedness is the better attitude to have when it comes to new concepts and viewpoints. Getting used to thinking about topics that are outside of your comfort zone is the first step.
Brain dumping
Brain dumping is a technique for generating clarity and initiating the process of thought by transferring ideas from your mind onto paper.
As soon as an idea strikes, you put it in writing without bothering about language or coherence. This compels you to concentrate on the task at hand, which is transferring your ideas from your mind to paper. It allows you to write down concepts that, if you stopped to consider them, you may dismiss as absurd. All of these concepts can be arranged and assessed later on to produce a solid outcome.
Restricting yourself by using a timer
Do you find that when deadlines are coming, your mind goes into creative overload? This may be the ideal method for you.
When presented with a difficult task, give oneself an arbitrary deadline. Next, find a means of accountability, someone or something. For tasks that will take days or months, you can bet some money or ask a friend or co-worker. For simpler issues, you might use your phone’s timer feature.
Consulting with someone who does not have expertise in your area
Being too familiar with the rules to see beyond them is one of the main causes of thinking in boxes. Find out what someone who is unfamiliar with the regulations in your sector might do to resolve the issue. You’ll see some fresh angles that you would not have discovered otherwise.
Ask your partner, parents, friends, or even a stranger you meet on the street. Asking the final consumers of your good or service is another option.
Resolving an issue for another person
You can get ideas for solving your own difficulties by trying to solve (or solving) the problems of others. Solving problems gives you a rush and is a pressure-free way to challenge your mind. That rush should keep your mind focused on fixing problems.
Should the issue be enough similar to your own, you may discover patterns that apply to you personally.
While you try to solve another’s problem, what about your (say) mathematics class that is scheduled in the next 2 hours? There is an innovative and smart way to handle it as well! Go to your search engine and write Take my math class online and you will find multiple services offering online math class services. Hiring one from the list can solve your issue and give you time to indulge in solving your friend or colleague’s issue to polish your creative skills.
Discussing ideas with friends and/or co-workers
Brainstorming sessions with a friend and/or a colleague are often an excellent approach to inspiring creativity. You can come together for a Zoom call, in your discussion board, or at the office discussion app to brainstorm.
After summarizing the issue and giving everyone ten to fifteen minutes to reflect, enable each person to speak in turn on their ideas. The goal is to generate as many potential answers as you can, even if they don’t seem plausible. Unusual approaches to problems frequently result in creative solutions. Learn the accepted guidelines for your study area and/or profession. Use them, and if you find that they’re not working, give yourself consent to start thinking creatively.
Consulting with youngsters
Youngsters have an unbiased perspective on the world and how things operate. Everything is conceivable to them. When you discuss your issue with a child, they’ll probably provide solutions you wouldn’t have thought of on your own.
Perhaps a few of those suggestions will be excessive or contain a lot of sugar. Talking to kids, however, might be among the most imaginative forms of brainstorming.
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Future leaders will possess creativity, which can be attained through unorthodox thinking. People’s values and characteristics have a way of becoming embedded in the culture of the team. Being that said, you will feel motivated and inspired to think creatively when you exhibit a readiness to do so. Although adopting outside-the-box thinking might be challenging because it frequently defies convention and may seem absurd, doing so is always encouraged by college instructors and business leaders in order to produce positive and successful outcomes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Can you give me one example of 2+2=5 and not 2+2=4? Answer: Yes, one of the examples is that you get five squares if you put two squares next to each other and then two more squares on top of them. This way you get two plus two equals five. |
Question 2: Why mathematics is an important subject? Answer: Mathematics is an intriguing and diverse degree that can provide students with numerous opportunities. The study of mathematics improves your problem-solving abilities. It provides you with abilities that you can use in a variety of disciplines and employment areas. |