I am a lecturer and writer with a keen interest in neuroscience. I did my Masters in science, specializing in medical and neurosciences from University of London. I am passionate about motivating students to pursue medical as a profession and help them at every step of their career with my best possible efforts.
Area of Expertise
- Live cell imaging
- Epifluorescence microscopy
- Gene cloning and expression
Occupation/ Designation
- Working as an assistant research professor at a university for four years
- Working as a freelancer at AllAssignmentHelp for last three years
- Worked as a post-doctorate research associate at a university for three years
- Worked as a research associate at a university for two years
Professional Skills
- Delivering lectures on different topics to the university students
- Ensuring active participation of students in the practical and research work
- Training students in general management of the lab and necessary techniques
- Writing grants for the development of an independent research project
- Developed innovative techniques for the development of activated ion channels
- Publishing papers that are considered as a pinnacle in their respective research areas
- Technology
- Teaching
- Researching