I completed my master of science in business management from Aston University, Birmingham, England. I teach HR management, risk management, and business management. I have been working with AllAssignmentHelp for the past one year, and I like to share my management knowledge with the students around the world and develop an interest for the subject in them.
Areas of Expertise
- Social Media Analyst
- Marketing specialist
- Marketing Automation
- Human resource management
Occupation/ Designation
- Working as an associate professor at a university for seven years
- Working as a freelancer with AllAssignmenthelp for three years
- Worked as an assistant professor at a university for five years
Professional Skills
- Employing creative and resourceful strategies to meet unique student needs
- Designing proactive interventions advancing learner engagement and positive approaches
- Coaching subordinate teaching staff in best practices for curriculum modification &lesson planning
- Being immensely committed to optimizing student success by using innovative and fun-learning processes
- Delivering lectures to undergraduate students on topics such as financial accounting & principles of marketing
- Administering examinations and assign a specific task to each student to test his/her abilities
- Grading the assignments, examination papers and projects and maintaining documentation of all such things
- Teaching
- Cooking
- Gardening